Their journeys complete, the others began to return to Finland's and Sweden's place.

As Norway came into the living room, he noticed that Iceland and Liechtenstein seemed to have both fallen asleep sitting on the sofa. Hanatamago had made herself comfortable curling up in Liechtenstein's lap for a nap of her own.

"Were you busy here?" Norway asked Switzerland quietly, smirking faintly at the scene.

"Not as busy as you might think, Finland's been sleeping most of time… Sweden seems to think he's depressed." Switzerland replied.

"Not so surprising." Denmark said as he stepped into the room.

The others began to slowly trickle in.

Hong Kong entered the living room with a sleeping Sealand in his arms and promptly set him down in between Iceland and Liechtenstein. While the two younger nations didn't stir, the slight jostling caused Hanatamago to perk up.

"Hey cool! A white dog! Was it here earlier?" America said a bit loudly.

"America, tone it down, will you?" Britain hissed.

"That's Hanatamago, she's Finland's dog. Sweden helps take care of her." Norway said calmly.

"And she really seems to have warmed up to my little sister." Switzerland added.

"Hana- to- mango? What a weird name!" America blabbered.

"Not 'Hana-to-mango,' it's Hanatamago. Even I know that!" Denmark said proudly.

"Whatever dude, it sounds Japanese!" the American replied.

"Actually it is Japanese. Hana means 'flower' and Tamago means 'egg.'" Japan said.

Before the topic of her name could be discussed further, Hanatamago stood up, stretched, and hopped down from Liechtenstein's lap. She didn't mind all these people, but she was growing worried for her master. She hadn't seen Finland since this morning.

Meanwhile, inside the confines of his room, Finland began to stir once more. This time, he licked at his lips and then spoke, "Mr. Sweden?" he asked, voice hoarse.

The Swede, whom had been silently reading a book in the corner of the room, hastened to his friend's bed side. "How y' f'lin' ?"

"I- I had a weird dream…where all the other countries were trying to take over our house… especially Mr. America." Finland said weakly.

Sweden snuffed in amusement, "R'lly?"

"Y-yeah… Crazy r-right-ahhhhh-choo!" Finland sneezed, shooting up in bed.

"L'st'n F'nl'nd, about t'n'ght…" Sweden began, instantly Finland's gaze dropped.

"Th-those poor kids..." Finland sniffled.

"No! Actu'lly…" Sweden began, but he was interrupted once more.

This time, the sound of pawing at the door and pleading whines were the source.

"It's Hanatamago." Finland realized.

"W'nt me t' l't her in?" Sweden asked.

The Finnish nation offered a short nod and a cough in reply.

The Swede in turn walked over and gently turned the doorknob, letting the fleecy white puppy inside.

Hanatamago bolted over to the side of the bed and began pawing at the covers "Ruff! Ruff!" she barked for good measure.

Sweden smirked slightly as he walked over, scooped her up, and plopped her in Finland's lap.

Finland started stroking her head gently, "Hey there, girl." He murmured.

"Ruff!" she replied happily, tail wagging back and forth.

"I'm not feeling v-very well." He coughed into the crook of his arm, before continuing to pet her.

He didn't have to tell her, she could sense it. Hanatamago stood on her hind legs and began planting warm, wet kisses on his chin.

Finland smirked and patted her head "H-hey that tickles, Hana."

Hanatamago continued to display her affection for her master; she wanted so much for him to feel better.

"C-cut it out-AHHHHH-AHHHhhhh-CHOOOOooo!" Finland sneezed loudly, startling the small dog back down into his lap.

"S-sorry girl." Finland said weakly, stroking the pure white fluff.

"Ruff!" she replied brightly, as if to say all was forgiven. She licked at his fingers gently.

Noticing the door was ajar, Denmark stuck his head inside, "So is Finland doing better in h-gak!" he made a choking noise as Norway pulled him away from the door.

"Don't you know it's rude to enter a bedroom without knocking?" Norway said coolly.

"B-but the door was open!" Denmark complained.

"It's common courtesy." Norway countered.

Puzzled, Finland glanced to Sweden, "W-what are they doing here?" he croaked.

"M'ght as w'll c'me in ev'ryone!" Sweden called calmly.

There was a brief pause followed by soft mutters as the other nations began to shuffle into the bedroom, crowding around Finland's bed.

Finland's amber eyes grew as large as saucers.

"Surprise, Finland! We saved Christmas!" Denmark said brightly.

Norway placed a hand on the Dane's shoulder as a reminder to remain calm, "We split up your route and delivered all the gifts." He explained to Finland calmly.

"H-How? W-When?" Finland wasn't sure what to ask first.

"Señor Norway brought us all together under his plan." Spain said lightly.

"Yeah and Britain and Norway totally used some freaking amazing magic to split your sleigh and reindeer into 7 sets!" America burst out.

"Not to worry though, the spell should wear off within a few hours." Britain was quick to add.

"This was a very unique experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated, Finland-san." Japan said with a bow.

"Oui! This has been so much fun, flying around the world with such flair!" France exclaimed.

"Everyone should quiet down. The kids are still sleeping in the other room." Switzerland said.

"Y-you all did this f-for me?" Finland asked shakily, eyes filling with tears of joy.

"You have to remember, Christmas is not just Finnish holiday, it is worldwide." China said brightly.

"Though we might not all celebrate it the same." Hong Kong added thoughtfully.

"There are those less fortunate than us. We couldn't turn our backs on them like a bunch of jerks." Romano said; arms crossed.

"And it makes us all pleasure-smile to know we helped a friend in need, da?" Russia said, smiling eerily. Perhaps there was a dual meaning to his words. He probably wanted a bit of his land or some other reward, but for the moment, Finland didn't notice.

"G-gee guys, I don't know w-what t-to s-s-say- AHHHH-chooo!" Finland sneezed loudly.

"Just say thank you, obviously." Denmark said with a smirk.

"You owe your thanks to Norway in particular, for his wonderful plan that made this all possible." Britain said.

Finland nodded slowly, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Alright then… Thank you Mr. Norway." He said, voice nasally, but appreciative.

"You don't need to be thanking me. I didn't do anything all that important." Norway said coolly.

"Are you crazy? Wasn't it your plan to split up the sleighs and routes?" Denmark asked.

"Sure, that was my plan. However, there's someone Finland is more indebted to than me." Norway said.

"Who?" Denmark asked.

All eyes were on the Norwegian, waiting for his answer.

Norway smirked slightly and shook his head, "Isn't it obvious? It's Sweden. He was the one who decided Finland was too sick to go out. And it was he who contacted Denmark, Iceland, and I at the first sign of trouble. And it is Sweden that, these past few hours, has faithfully remained at his best friend's bed side."

Finland turned to face his best friend, "I- I was really sad when you didn't let me do my duties as 'Santa.' I-I was worried th-that all those good little children would end up f-forgotten. I should h-h-have known better… Th-thank y-y-y-you-ahhhh-choo!"

"Yah… It w's n'thin'… I t'ld ya I'd th'nk 'f s'meth'n." Sweden said, cheeks turning faintly pink in embarrassment.

"I hate to ruin the mood… since everyone is sharing their feelings… but do you have any use for an extra door knob or two? I kind of busted down a few doors on mine and Canada's route…" America said sheepishly.

Canada slapped a hand to his forehead, "America, we weren't going to tell anyone about that, don't you remember?" he thought to himself.

"Bloody hell! What on earth is the matter with you, America? Don't you have any sense of decency?!" Britain scolded.

"Aw, lighten up, Britain! It's almost Christmas!" America protested.

The Englishman glanced at his wristwatch, "Well, technically it is Christmas." He sighed, "Alright then, I suppose I can let you off the hook just this once."

"You are much more likeable when you are not yelling like some bitter old hag!" France said brightly.

"Tread lightly, Frog." Britain warned.

"Alright everyone, let's get out of here. Finland still has a bad cold to get over." Norway said, clearly loud enough to get everyone attention.

As the group of countries began to file out, Finland turned to Norway and mouthed the words 'Thanks again.'

Norway smirked, "We're Nordics, which means we're family. So why wouldn't I help a brother in need?" With that, he disappeared out the door with the other countries.

Finland coughed harshly into the crook of his arm, and then turned back to Sweden, "I- I think my fever's down."

"Mm." Sweden replied, "W'll I d'd g've y' s'me m'dic'ne f'r it."

"I kn-know you've already done so much for me, but can I ask one more thing?" Finland inquired as he absently stroked Hanatamago's head.

"Wh't is it?" Sweden asked.

"If I'm feeling better by tomorrow night d-do y-you th-th-think- ahhhh-chooo!" Finland sneezed, "-We could go to the World Christmas party?"

"We w'll see. Y' h've t' g't s'me g'd r'st f'rst." Sweden said calmly.

"That sounds fair to me." Finland murmured, lying back down, "Kiitos, että paras ystävä kukaan voisi koskaan kysy." He murmured as he closed his eyes.

Sweden felt his cheeks grow hot once more, "Ingen orsak."


By Christmas evening, Finland's fever was all but gone. His nose was still stuffed, his throat still sore, but the Finn couldn't have been happier. As per agreement, he and Sweden were attending the World Christmas party.

Italy and the others had really done a great job decorating. Though there was something that felt out of place.

"Ah, Finland, glad you could make it!" Denmark said brightly, patting his fellow Nordic on the back as he walked by.

"Just don't wear yourself out, hm?" Norway added calmly as he too walked by on his way to the buffet table.

Japan was snapping photographs of America's Christmas cake whilst wearing a horrified expression.

"Hmm. That happens every year… I wonder what's off…" Finland thought to himself.

Sweden glanced at his best friend, but said nothing.

Spain had asked Belgium for a dance, but Romano had promptly cut in.

No. That happened every year as well…

Finally, a gathering around the far wall got Finland's attention, and he decided to go over and see what the matter was.

"Hey, everyone, aren't we supposed to be celebrating?" he asked hoarsely.

"Yes, well, apparently someone thinks we should be celebrating a long bath." Britain said lightly.

"Ve~ I think Germany put up the garland!" Italy said brightly.

"Nein! I would never put up something as ridiculous as that!" Germany objected.

"On Hon Hon! Looks like Italy's cuteness has finally rubbed off on Germany!" France chortled.

"Nein!" Germany growled.

"Hey! Who is picking on my awesome brother who is almost as awesome as I am?!" a voice cut through the crowd.

The cluttered group divided, revealing bright yellow rubber ducks strung up as garland on the wall.

Prussia stomped over, "Don't tell me you are making fun of my decorating! I am the awesome Prussia!" The albino declared.

"Yes, well, then how do you explain the rubber ducks strung up all over this wall?" Britain inquired.

"Those are not rubber ducks, you fool! It is obviously a Gilbird garland, made by the awesome me for your silly holiday celebration!" Prussia said haughtily.

"Ve~ So does Gilbird like bath time too?" Italy asked.

Prussia looked rather annoyed as the others burst into laughter.

Finland himself couldn't stop a chuckle or two.

World Christmas parties were always crazy, but perhaps that's what made them so enjoyable. There were so many personalities that made for so many memories. As Finland watched the others argue and laugh, he couldn't help but think about the citizens in each of their countries. Just like them, fighting, laughing, forming memories. Christmas memories. Just like each snowflake in a winter storm, each memory was unique and special. They pave the connections between hearts. And for one holiday to bring all those heart together, that in itself was magical. Christmas wasn't just about the giving and receiving of gifts… but the giving and receiving of love. A love so strong that it could put a raging battlefield at peace, if even for one day. That, Finland was sure, was perhaps the most beautiful thing in the entire universe.

Author's Note:

And so ends my Hetalia Christmas Fic. I hope you all enjoyed it. This is my Christmas present to all my lovely readers and reviewers. You guys really make my day. And just to cover copyrights: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya, Digimon to Toei. On a final note, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a very merry Christmas. May God bless.


Kiitos, että paras ystävä kukaan voisi koskaan kysy (Finnish) - Thank you, for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

Ingen orsak (Swedish) - No problem/ It's my pleasure/ don't mention it.