I finally got a part in, sorry it took so long! Thanks for all the reviews and I'm really sorry it took me so long. Anyways let's get along with the story...heaven knows its been long enough!


Lily couldn't believe what she just heard, how could Justin make her pick between him and her own brother (plus she had really gotten close to James and Remus). Lily hesitated, she couldn't pick either side, Justin was her first boy friend, but she couldn't never talk to her brother again (she loved him). At that moment she bust into tears. (A/N: she's not a crybaby or anything just imagine if you were in her place).

At that moment Sirius took Lily in his arms and told her that everything was going to be okay.

"Shh... Lily don't cry, it's going to be okay" Sirius said trying to make her feel better. "You don't have to answer him I don't expect you to." Sirius continued.

Lily stepped back and said "No Sirius I want to tell him what I think of him." She then looked at Justin and continued, "Who the hell do you think you are, making me choose over my own brother. I can't believe you, it's over and I never was to see you face again...I've had enough."

Lily started to run to her room as fast as she could, she didn't want to talk to anyone right now.


Back at the Great Hall, Sirius and James immediately walked away from Justin. They were both looking really down.

"I'm so mad at myself, I never would have thought it would have ended like this. I swear James I didn't mean to hurt Lily." Said Sirius sounding really depressed.

"I know. I just hope Lily is going to be okay; she doesn't deserve this." Said James; sounding like it should have been him instead of her. "Hey Sirius I'll catch you in a bite, I got to go get ready for practice."

With that James ran to the Gyfindor Common Room. He hesitated in going to his room; he turned the other way and went up the stairs to the girls' dormitories.

He stopped at Lily's room and knocked before be could retain himself. He was surprised to hear footsteps coming toward the door.

Lily opened the door and looked surprised to see James.

Before she could say anything James opened his mouth and said "Sorry to disturb you Lily, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"It's okay; I'm doing okay." Said Lily sounding very tired, but some how just hearing his voice was soothing.

"I wanted to tell you that Sirius is really sorry, he didn't know it would end up like this." Said James.

Lily walked into her room (implying for James to come in), "He never thinks about the consequences of his actions, but I actually have to thank him, he made me see what Justin was really like. Tell me James, was I totally blinked by his act?"

"You wanted to see the best in him; he wasn't all to bad" James replied trying to make her feel better.

"I feel so stupid though, everyone warned me about him. I didn't want to believe them, god how could I be so gullible?" Said Lily sounding disappointed in herself.

"Don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault" replied James.

"But it was, if I wasn't so blind, Sirius wouldn't have had gotten in to a fight with Justin. He was just trying to protect me" replied Lily.

James placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to stop her from blaming herself.

"James thanks for being here for me, your presence is soothing." At that moment Lily leaned in to kiss him. And although it was the greatest feeling Lily had felt, she pulled back immediately, "I'm sorry James, I was over come by emotions." She felt so awkward.

James was speechless; he didn't know what to say. He felt awkward and had to get out of there.

"I should be going, classes are staring soon." James said in a rush.

With that he walked out of the room with many thoughts flowing in his mind.


I hope you guys liked it! It was a decent length, and I pretty satisfied. You guys probably forgot the story ...lol it's been so long. But anyways please review! I got a review for part four today asking if I was going to continues, I felt really bad to keep you guys hanging, So I decided to write part 5. So I want you guys to know that reviews really help motivate me! My goal is a hundred but I doubt I could do that! But Help me please!