Title: My Best Friend's Sister

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter characters are not mine, they all belong to J.K Rowling!

Summary: Lily/James fic! (Not Love/Hate) Lily is a year younger than James. When Sirius meets his friends the Marauders (James, Peter, and Remus). They meet Sirius's little sister... who just happens to be Lily. They all think of her as just a little kid, but things change as the years progress. AU (Some things are changed to fit the story) - Rating: PG

Part 1: The First Meeting

In front of the Hogwarts Express, Sirius, Lily, and their Mother stood, talking.

"Try not to get into trouble" said Sirius's mother.

"Don't waste your time Mum, that will never happen!" Lily muttered to herself.

"What?" said Sirius.

"Oh.. Nothing" replied Lily

"I don't want to be late! I have to go! Bye Mom" said Sirius as he placed a kiss on his mother's


"Don't forget to say bye to your sister... Sirius!" she reminded him.

"B-y-e" he said reluctantly.

Sirius ran over to the Train and entered it. Most of the students were already seated in the compartments, so Sirius just entered the nearest one that was not fully occupied.

When he walked in, he saw three students, who looked like first years, already seated in the compartment. Since their was still room he asked:

"Can I sit with you guys?"

A boy with messy, black hair and glasses, who was placed nearest to him said "Sure" without any hesitation.

"So, what's your name?" said the same boy, looking at the extremely tall and muscular guy in front of him.

"Sirius Black" he replied.

"Nice to meet! I'm James Potter, this is Peter Pettigrew" Pointing to a short, red headed boy. "And this is Remus Lupin, who I just met."

Remus and Peter both said "Hi." who said excitedly, looking forward to their first year at Hogwarts.

The conversation was continued until, they were interrupted by Lily. A short girl with messy, red hair and sparkling green eyes.

"Sirius I finally found you!" she said exhaustedly.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Oh I came to give you your wand. It fell out of your pocket while you were running" she said.

"Okay.. Bye" he said taking the wand from her hand, trying to get rid of her as quickly as possible.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" she said, looking at the other boys in the compartment.

"Ok, umm this is James, Peter, and Remus. Guys, this is my little sister Lily" he said quickly.

"Nice to meet you" they all replied at the same time.

After she was introduced she left, politely.

Shortly after the train took off, Remus said, "Can you wait until we get there?, I'm so glad I'm going to be gone from my step mom for a whole year".

"Ya, and a year away from my sister, she's such a tag along" Said Sirius.

"Why she seemed pretty cool" Remus said truthfully.

"Well do you have a sister?"

"No, but I have to put up with a evil step mom" said Remus.

They all laughed, because they could all relate to that.

"So are you guy into Quidditch?" said James.

"Ya, Who isn't?" said Sirius enjoying the topic.

"Quidditch? What's that?" said Peter with a clueless look on his face.

"It's only the best game in the world!" said James and Sirius at the same in amazement.

"I can't wait until next year, so I can try out for the team" Said James with a dreamy look on his face.

"Me either" replied Sirius.

At that point they arrived at Hogwarts, all looking forward to their upcoming year!


A/N: Hope you guys liked the beginning of the fic! I'm really excited to see how you liked it! So please R&R! The next part will hopefully be longer, depending on how you guys enjoyed the fic, so review and tell me any of your ideas and comments. The next parts the Lily and the Marauders will be older! This was just to show how it all began. If I get some reviews I'll continue!