Chapter 141: The battle for parliament

I say to myself repeatedly that I need to think of a way of getting through their defences and quickly, so that we can get to parliament, as we're near the end of the building at the side closest to parliament, but though I do so I'm still concerned. While I'm relieved to be with allies, in fact the biggest number ever in this nightmare, the annoying problem is that I cannot advance further with us being pinned down by enemy machine guns. I'm ever so frustrated especially since at the rate this is going, the purple haired witch will win and the conseqences for us, our nation I cannot bear it. There has to be a way through this, so we can clear this area and eventually get to parliament, and then, get to her. There has to be, but what is it?

It is then that I have an idea in mind, while it may not work it is definitely worth a try, especially considering I have nothing else I can think of. Upon the realisation that at least we control the area behind us, and we have a car at the entrance on the other side, we could use it to smash through the machine guns, and with a squad take out the enemy there. Meanwhile the rest of us can take care of the enemies in the room opposite, and when all the enemies are dealt with there, we can put lots of pressure at where the car will be, and thus take the entrance and with them have a secure position overlooking parliament, where it'll hopefully be the last ground to take before we can head into parliament itself. Hopefully it being the final battle.

I tell Noire and Uni quietly of my plan, which they agree with and support, and share the same optimism that I do in it's success, while telling my allies to provide covering fire and smoke on my signal. This is to distract them while reversing the car so that it can be steered in position and with ourselves hiding and a weight on the accelerator, the car can rush in and take out the machine gun while they're distracted by us.

After which myself, Miss Lastation, the Lastation CPU Candidate and a few allied soldiers head out through the window at the back, while being careful not to get spotted by enemies on the other side. This is proving to be difficult, though I'm reminded of how I'm so glad that I have this plan, since it's so frustrating that we're not even able to take out the enemies on the other side, in which there's a large number of them there.

Still after we do this, my mind wanders as to whether it will work and what alternatives I can do if it doesn't, but I cannot think about that right now. We just have to do all we can to make sure that it does work, for this will make the difference between victory and death.

Despite having to crawl past the doors, our looks sharing confidence in our plan, it doesn't take too long to get to the windows. From there, we cautiously head out back to the entrance where it's secure by allied soldiers who guard it to ensure that the enemy cannot flank our troops in the room overlooking the street via upstairs. Upon reaching the very entrance Noire informs them via radio to throw a few smoke grenades into the entrance with the enemy machine gun, and to provide covering fire, while we hope that it will be enough to distract them, and that we can be quick enough to reverse, steer the car into the corridor, and have the car ram into the machine gun. Then we can clear the other side, without the machine gun mowing us down, and then take out that entrance.

After agreeing to do this for us, my CPU quickly gets into the driving seat and then reverses the car as quickly as she can until the car's gone past the corridor. Next, carefully and as quickly as she can with a calm determined look full of concentration, knowing all that's at stake, she drives to the right, and then reversing to the left, tries to get the car into the corridor. All the while she's doing her best, avoiding the stairs to the left of the car, which is taking time. I am not mad at her of course, for she's doing her best. It's just that I'm increasingly concerned about the length of time we have left from our distraction, as our allies do their best to spray and pray both in the opposite side, and in the entrance to keep them distracted, as they try and find the smoke grenades so they can be thrown away, and they can then see clearly again.

While I have no idea for sure if they've got rid of the smoke grenades, I feel as though it won't be much longer before they manage in this regard, and it's too close to call as to whether we can get the car in the corridor before it can be stopped. It's slowly but surely getting closer and closer to fitting in the corridor, but it's still ever so tense. I cannot hear the machine gun, but I fear that I will soon enough.

I find it hard, difficult to watch Noire trying to get the car into the corridor, but I cannot look away, I have to know for sure whether this works, though it is awkard that while I can see how my ally is getting on, I don't know about the enemy. My gut tells me that they have found them and one by one, they are throwing the gas grenades out, and in fact it's just as well that I have that perspective, as it is then that they start firing their machine gun, just as Noire was about to turn into the corridor.

I fear it's too late now since if she gets out, she'll get shot down. Nuts and my allies share the same expressions of concern and dread as I do. I suppose it's bound to happen though, a strategy of mine failing like that, but then as a change of plan, Noire just drives while leaning inside, hiding as best as she could, with her foot down, no doubt hoping that she can ram the machine gun.

While I am pleased that she's done this, due to having no other choice, and I would have done the same thing, it still concerns me greatly that my ally, my girlfriend, can die in this nightmare as a result of this. Along with this the effects that it can have, if it's a requirement for myself, Noire and Uni to survive, can be quite devastating. What would happen to us if we lose the nightmare? But even if we can survive the nightmare without her, then it can be really bad for morale, and such a shame when we are all fighting for our nation here, and I wish to see us all survive in our confrontation and defeat of Neptune.

We cannot afford to find out what happens, but there's little we can do but to defend her as well as possible. Furthermore, we can only hope that the plan can still succeed, as the car rushes towards the machine gun, and the machine gunner shoots at the car a lot, in which with enough bullets the car will slow down to a stop, and then they can take out the driver, and the machine gun will still be intact. Come on, the car will get there quickly, Noire will defeat the gunner by ramming. In the meantime me, Uni and the allied soldiers head towards the first door on our left in the corridor, and I also order about half of our troops to reinforce our position, while the other half provides cover fire both against the entrance, and the other side.

Note: Readers please listen to Hot Fuzz Here come the fuzz while reading this:

As if on cue when we are all in position, Miss Lastation manages to ram the machine gun position and kills the operator, only for her to reverse back into the corridor, and to provide cover from leaning. This forces the enemy away from the entrance and away from the machine gun so that no longer can it be used against us. Excellent now we can clear out these areas one by one. I praise my ally and rally the men, as we then begin our attack on the room opposite. It will definitely be a challenge since our troops are about the same in size as theirs, and we need all the troops we have to win this battle. This is especially since all the other troops will be busy engaging the enemy, fighting towards the junction where the parliament is.

My allies lean and fire their sub machine guns from around the door covering as big of an area as possible since no doubt there are enemies hiding there. After which they then return fire, and try and shoot through the wall, forcing us to run back away a fair amount as quickly as we can before they stop. But then afterwards, several spearmen come charging out from the door, yelling loudly, in which we mow them down.

The thing is that while they die beforeeven getting close, this has meant that we spent a significant portion of our magazines, and I worry that they could be sacrificing a few of their own troops, before sending in others to try and take us all out while we're reloading. In fact instead of several spearmen being sent out, they send out waves of archers, in which we take out the first batch without any issues, and then we take out the second, but then we have to reload. Worse still is that it's at this point, that the next wave of archers come out, and manage to fire their arrows, wounding a few of us and killing a couple of us, but that is all they manage to do before we kill that wave.

After that, what appears to be the remainder of the spearmen then come out and they are more numerous than before, but they too get mowed down before even being able to get anywhere near us. This pleases me that we're doing well inflicting many casualties on them. After this unfortunately though, an enemy soldier leans his gun and blindly fires, taking out a good few of our troops, before one of our allies manages to take him out. Annoyingly, this is the first engagement since Noire drove that car just, where it was a loss, and I grow concerned that the tide of the fire fight will turn into their favour, unless I do something quickly.

We need to enter the room or at least have complete control of the doors, because that way we can take out the enemies nearby more quickly, and with luck deal with the enemies further away and thus secure this room, and then we can put all our strength against the entrance.

I have an idea in mind to do this, and it is to get the enemy to give their positions away on the other side, so that therefore we can take them out, and we can then lean and get a better idea of the enemy troops and deal with them there.

I get one of our allied troops to spray and pray around the door, before moving out of the way, in which he does with determination and confidence, and just as I predicted, the enemy returns fire, thinking that we've got troops hiding close by only they're not there. After they fire, I then peek through the bullet holes quickly to see how many there are, but I can't see anything through that hole. Hmmmm, but then could it be that the enemies are standing in the way?

I therefore quietly get a few troops to aim their guns through the bullet holes and to open fire, hoping that we can take out significant numbers of them, or even better, the entire enemy garrison guarding the door. On my signal they open fire as best as they could, until their magazines run out, not being exactly sure how many of the enemy we have killed. This time the enemy doesn't shoot back, indicating to us that we got them all there, but it does not mean that this is the case. In fact my gut tells me that the enemy are going to reinforce that position, and with determination keep hold of this room for as long as they can.

We need to take this room, for while we can easily just go for the entrance now the machine gun is gone, we're still having to use lots of our forces to keep the enemies inside the room, and away from our troops who are engaging the entrance, in which I have no doubt the enemy are trying to reinforce it, or at least are near it. They are determined to fight to the death to buy all the time possible to ensure that Neptune wins the nightmare, something we must stop at all costs.

I calmly, get an order out to the allied troops at the 2nd door to approach the door opposite them, and from there to engage the enemy troops in the room, hoping that this can put more pressure on them. Next, I get a a soldier to spray and pray his guns from the right side of our door, hoping that we can take out a significant amount of them, and perhaps be confident that we can peek out and learn of the exact numbers of them, and how they're armed in there. The thing is he got mowed down as well, and suddenly the enemy then leans their gun on the other side of the wall we're close to, attempting to spray and pray, and it's fortunate that a shot gun blast from my gun manages to stop him before he can kill a single one of us. How close that was. How close that was to tradegy, especially how I'm sad with how he died.

I cannot feel guilty for that was not my intention for him to die, and I didn't think he would, and then there's the fact that Neptune wants guilt. I should just keep going and try and keep my troops alive for as long as possible, especially now as I sense a stand off.

I sense a stand off as for a while no one is willing to make a move, and yet time is on their side, there's no choice but for us to spray and pray that same side again, hoping that we can at least take that portion of enemies out. In fact I do this twice and order them to be even more careful, but they both die upsetting me even more, and making it harder to compose myself. In fact worse, I have no idea of how many more of them there are. But I then have an idea, I realise that if we are to find out the number of enemies in there, then we need to be able to have a peek, and if we're able to do that without getting shot, then we need to be able to spray and pray around the other side of the door completely.

To do this, we need to have troops on the other side of the door, and so I get a squad of troops to crawl through while spraying and praying in the room to keep the enemies at bay. Meanwhile, I get them to keep a safe distance so we don't get shot by them, so we can keep them away from the door, and hopefully they won't see my allies crawling through. I hope this can work, and then we can assist our allies, and then we can ultimately take the entrance, in which I hope our troops can keep the enemy from arriving there despite no doubt what odds they are facing.

It doesn't take too long for my team to get to the other side, and it is then that they spray and pray around the door, and this time after firing a magazine at the enemy, none of our allied soldiers died pleasing me very much. Despite what it suggests, that we've cleared all the enemies around the door, we cant be sure and so as careful as possible, one of my allies volunteers to peek out of the door looking at both sides, to see if there's any enemies there. He finds that there isn't though there is gunfire in the room where the enemy there are engaging with our allies outside.

He then motions to us that it's all clear, and so we all enter quietly inside the room which looks similar to the room that we've secured earlier. I then quietly motion for us all to get in position, and that on my go we will take out the enemy by the door. There's lots of them but we can take them all out in one go, just need to stay quiet and hope we don't get spotted by them, it's really tense, since they can easily wipe us all out.

But just as I hoped, that's just what happens when we wipe out all of them, and even the troops down by the door furthest away from us fall without difficulty. Amazing, just amazing. Now we can reinforce our allies at the end of the corridor and hopefully take that entrance. Even though, the stairs and outside will be full of troops, and no doubt they'll be even more difficult to defeat. But at least with us all together, we should have a chance against them. Especially when outside, they are having to deal with allied troops there on the other side of the street.

While it's likely that the enemy by now, though away from the entrance have got troops guarding it ready to pounce on us, I do have some tactics in mind to get through this. Since it worked well last time, I intend to have smoke cover the entire entrance once the enemies are defeated like before, so that we can emerge through the smoke, and take the enemy down. After which, half of us go up the stairs and the other half deals with the enemies outside, until that position can be reinforced and they can join us and clear out upstairs, so that hopefully we can have a vantage point over the junction where the parliament building is.

As I approach the entrance that's nearest to parliament, we exchange smiles of relief and praises for doing well in our fire fights, and quietly rally ourselves to carry on the struggle against the troops of the now deceased Cody Gears.

We're getting close now, but they still won't give up and so neither will we. I peek outside the door nearest to the entrance to see if there are any enemies, only to see that they're all dead, no doubt the rest have retreated and are intending to ambush us. I tell everyone of our plan, and we put it into action as we throw several gas grenades into the entrance covering it with smoke, before with much enthusiasm rush towards the entrance clearly split into two groups with myself, Uni and Miss Lastation taking the group heading for the stairs, and half of the troops joining us.

It pleases me how all the smoke bombs that were thrown really cover the area with smoke giving us excellent cover, we just need to spray and pray once we're in, and then we can fight our way up to the top. Unfortunately though, they begin to spray and pray at the entrance area repeatedly and apparently ceaselessly, forcing us to stop in our tracks. No, not this again, we could do without this. But then I realise that while there's no doubt lots of them, there's no way they can shoot every part of the entrance at once, and so if we can get past their bullets and get under the stairs or under the upper floor, then that will be a start.

I then get everyone to move slowly and try to look for muzzle flashes from their guns to see where it's travelling, and I'm pleased that though they may not be easy to see, I can see them, and so can our allies. With great care, we manage to navigate our way around the bullets, hoping that we don't get shot despite this method. I thought that they would have run out of bullets for now, but still they keep firing, which does concern me especially as I wonder how many spare magazines do they have, not to mention the number of them, all this concerning me no end and causing great stress to say the least.

It's definitely taking a while and it's ever so tense as it is struggle while thinking that if the smoke was to go away, we would be dead for sure. Worse still, it's hard to know how far we are, but after realising that we've been walking slowly for a while and the bullets seem to be behind us now, we decide to make a break for it to underneath the stairs, running with our hands out so we can stop when we reach the wall.

We reach underneath the stairs without incident full of smiles all round, pleased that we're at the entrance to the building closest to the parliament. I then get Noire to inform our allies in the street by radio, to go for the next barricade as our troops are going to take out the enemy line guarding it, so that then that line can be reinforced and much pressure can be put on the junction. Along with this as agreed, some of our troops engage the enemy line, wiping out loads of the enemy in a surprise attack. I'm so pleased that they were busy fighting our fellow Britannians, and not noticed the smoke filled entrance.

With this in mind, I wonder how the allies in the other streets are getting on, if the junction can be surrounded then massive amounts of pressure can be put on them. With this said though, the upstairs of this building need to be taken and soon, and while I'm pleased that the enemy line guarding the cars has been broken, and Britannians are rushing in significant numbers as fast as they can towards the line, there's still the matter of the stairs. My gut tells me that this will be heavily guarded, especially as even now, the enemies from upstairs are shooting the entrance and produce massive amounts of gunfire. At least this time numbers should be on our side for once, and I have a plan to get through this, which I discuss with Noire and Uni.

Simultaneously, there are to be four groups, one to supress fire on the upper part of the stairs, and the other on the lower part, and then the third group to take out the enemies at that part before going up to the upper ones. Meanwhile, the fourth tries to suppress enemies from the upper floor that are at the banister and once that's cleared, to then take out the enemies in the area near the stairs, and to have most of us clearing out beyond. This way, the corner which hopefully will overlook the junction, will be secure and pressure can be put on the enemies guarding that, and furthermore they'll be the last ones standing between us and parliament.

We are getting closer, but while it sounds easy, it's certainly going to be easier said than done, knowing that this a nightmare and what we've already seen before. Yet all we can do, just as we've always done, is to do our best and to get on with our plan, in which myself, Noire and Uni will go to the stairs and with our group fight our way up with determination, hopefully being able to take out the enemy while they're distracted.

I can only hope that us firing in their direction close by will force them to take cover, as it will be hard to find the staircase and the banisters amongst the immense smoke that even now is still there. I also hope that we don't get pinned down because we need to secure the position, and put pressure on the junction and quickly if we are to win.

With a quiet subtle signal, we commence the attack and I'm pleased that it's working, though I'm concerned that it could be for now, since with our rate of fire and magazine sizes, the window of opportunity won't be long. The thing is though, by the time the attack has commenced, we're already in position and with ease, we have taken out the enemies guarding the lower section of the staircase.

However what also concerns me, is that with us having to reload, they'll be able to fight back and worse, with the banister being designed such that there's gaps in it, they'll be able to shoot through the gaps and take us out and perhaps shoot through the banister itself as well. At least there's a way out and that is for us all to take cover if possible, for there is still smoke in the entrance. Tragically though there is no cover for us on the stairs, and so all we can do is to just crawl up the stairs ensuring our height doesn't exceed the bannistar, and hope that the enemy doesn't see us amongst them, and they're just focused on the entrance and at the bottom.

While it's a relief that they do so, I worry that we've lost many troops who are underneath the lower section of the stairs, and what's more is that a couple of enemies have tried to to get on the lower section of the staircase and mow us down. Yet while I've stopped them before they had the chance, the enemy will know that we're on the stairs, and so they'll shoot there when they have the chance.

"All those soldiers on the stairs go for those on the upper section, shoot throught the banister, all those below repeat the same tactic!" I order as quickly as I can due to the limited window of opportunity that we have.

I meanwhile as quickly as I could while crouched, reloading my shotgun so it contains the largest amount of shells it possibly can, head to the upper section, along with Noire and Uni ready to fire against them, hoping that our allies can take out sufficient numbers of the enemy at the upper part of the stairs at the same time. In fact when we get to the section where we have to turn right for a further flight of stairs, they're all dead, excellent most excellent.

Tragically though, the enemy from the upper floor returns fire and they take out all of our troops on those stairs excluding the three of us, saddening us no end, as we do our best to get away from their line of sight. While we still have troops, that was a significant chunk and it is tragic that the battle is not going as favourably as I would have liked, and this can make winning this vital ground even more difficult.

Even more tragically, while reinforcements can be called, they are needed in different places so that ultimately pressure can be put on the junction, so that parliament can be taken. While we should be safe here, and can wait for reinforcements, this will take too much time, and yet if we fight them now, we could end up dying.

One thing that is clear, is that we need to take out all those enemies in one go, so that they are unable to retaliate. It is then that I whisper Noire my plan, while the enemy are distracted with our forces at the entrance on the ground floor.

My plan is for us to be split into two groups, one will distract the enemy from below while the other will take the stairs and get a good position, and at the appropriate moment, take them all down and hopefully we can regroup and press on to the upper floor, and clear out the rest of that floor. With the plan whispered to her, Miss Lastation in enthusiastic approval, calmly and quietly speaks on the radio while the enemy is firing their guns, while we hope that the Britannians can hear her clearly but not the enemy.

She smiles to me after speaking to confirm that they heard, as a group of our soldiers quietly go up the stairs while ensuring that the enemy does not spot them.

Despite my confidence, that as far as the enemy is concerned, the only Britannians remaining are at the ground floor, it still concerns me as to whether they may notice more troops on the stairs, but then again what choice do I have? Meanwhile the three of us move quietly crawling up the stairs, so that we can see exactly what is up there.

Eventually, our troops are in position, and then through the gaps in the banister, we open fire killing the enemy, and amazingly all the enemies there are gone, been shot dead. What a relief that is to still have sufficient troop numbers, and yet to have cleared out upstairs completely bringing big grins to our faces.

"They're down guys well done let's keep going!" I rally the troops for them all to go up the stairs, in which they do.

The tragic thing is, just as we're about to move up, enemy archers appear everywhere from upstairs, and they're large in number, forcing us to take cover and for Noire to call for reinforcements, as they shoot their arrows at us.

Nuts, nuts, nuts I should have known there'd be more to the enemy than the ones we have just taken down, and while these enemies shouldn't be too difficult, I just know that there'll be more of them and more challenging to kill. And what's more is that while we have reinforcements coming, I have no idea when they'll come, or worse whether they'll be able to make a difference.

One thing for sure is that we cannot give into them, not after how far we've come in this nightmare. We need to keep fighting and use our weapons and wits to the best of our advantage, even if several of our troops have been shot by arrows, and worse a few of them have died, upsetting us a fair amount.

We manage to return fire and take out the archers whom despite outnumbering us do not outnumber us enough to overcome our firepower, but then just as I suspected and feared, they are replaced by ninjas armed with claws and throwing stars, in which they're more deadly and harder to shoot. In fact while the group I'm with are able to hold off the ninjas, they're not as numerous as the ones engaging the other group, in fact just as we've managed to dispatch the second wave of a group of ninjas, I look to see my fellow Britannians killed by throwing stars and there's lots of them.

This grieves me no end and depresses me immensely, and I feel responsible for their deaths as do we all. But we cannot be upset, not now our lives are stake. Therefore with this in mind I give the order to retreat, fully aware that the enemy can reinforce the place and bring us back to square one again or worse, as we rush down the stairs as quickly as we can, while shooting to our left at any throwing stars that they throw at us.

As we run down in which it's hard due to increasing exhaustion and fatigue, the ninjas get a few of our troops, and a couple then try and hold them off, hoping that while they won't be able to kill any of them, they can buy us some time. The situation is looking increasingly grim and depressing as we've lost so many troops to these ninjas who are so challenging to kill, and yet I have no idea when reinforcements will come. Despite it not being ideal at all, all we can do is to use the car and reverse and use our guns to hold them off for as long as we can, and hope that the machine gun that the enemies once used to guard the entrance can help, in at least bleeding a few down in which I pick up before rushing to the car.

It was inevitable for those two who tried to hold them off to die, I just hope that their sacrifces was not in vain, as I try not to let it get to me, despite the increased difficult and grab the gun and we head for the car. The plan is for the Lastation goddess to drive, while I ride shot gun, and Uni and a Britannian stand on the roof while the others hide in the rooms. I hope my allies survive this, but it's unfortunate that it's just us four now, and yet I have no idea where the reinforcements are. All we have is the car that can buy us a bit of time, so we can kill a small proportion of the enemy ninja.

As the car reverses as fast as possible, we open fire against the pursuing ninja taking a few of them out, but then the car has reversed as far as it will go, without crashing with us not being able to open the doors there. Worse still, the car is no longer able to move as the ninja have used their throwing stars at the wheels to destroy them.

Great now we're trapped by the lot of them, and all we can do right now is to hold the position, hold the position and hope that we can survive long enough for reinforcements to come, and then hope that we can defeat them and not get killed. It's tragic that I have no idea when they'll come but we can only do our best as we take out of them as many as we can.

The trouble is they are running fast down the corridor as we aim fire at them taking out individual ninjas as they go, but while we manage to take out a fair number of them, and some more are taken out by our allied troops who must be on the stairs, there are still several of them left. This forces Uni and her ally on the car to get off the car, and find some cover while still being able to hold them off as best as possible, while me and Noire are taking cover behind the dashboard as I switch to the shotgun.

Worse still I also noticed that behind the ninjas are spearmen and samurai, approaching in large numbers, come on where are those reinforcements? Don't worry Black, they're coming, they'll be coming soon enough. It's hard not to worry though as the ninjas begin to climb onto the bonnet, in which while I manage to take out two enemies who were climbing onto the bonnet, I need to reload now which will take time.

In fact as me and Noire continue to hide and spray and pray and reload when appropriate, we hear the ninjas climbing onto the bonnet so they can strike us, and while we hear many bullets being shot at them, it only lasts for a short while. Worse yet, Noire is getting low on ammunition as am I. It's ever so unnerving, and with all those other soldiers behind them, I keep thinking how much longer can we hold out, and what would happen if we were to die by them? That's not something I can bear thinking about. No I cannot be thinking these thoughts, it does no good, that's what Neptune wants. For our nation and our friends, and allies we cannot give up.

We take a peek and fire at the ninjas on our car, and interestingly enough it's at this point where all the ninjas have finally been killed. The problem is just as I predicted, the samurai are the next ones to attack us, who will be much sturdier and with their numbers, they can climb onto the bonnet after their comrades have fallen, while we have to reload. Knowing this I intend to pick up a samurai sword if I can, and use that to hold them off, while Noire uses my shotgun and they fire what bullets they have when they can.

The first few samurai as predicted climb onto the bonnet and I shoot them all, and manage to get one of them to drop their samurai sword near me, so I can pick it up carefully without damaging myself or Noire in the process, and then pass to my ally the shotgun and the remaining bullets that I have.

It is not ideal for I am having to fight with a weapon I'm not the best at, and even against these enemies, I'm having to block their blows and remain on the defensive, all the while expending energy in which I've already spent lots of it. Though while it's not been as noticeably relatively recently, that's down to hiding and taking cover, and furthermore while I'm sat down, I will be using my arms a lot. I can only keep going for as long as possible.

Another wave of enemies come and as I do my best to fight the enemies with my newly acquired sword, Noire does her best in taking out the samurai, and manages to carefully get a sword of her own in the process, ready to use when she's out of ammunition. It is then though that the Lastation CPU only has 8 slugs which she reloads, the maximum amount the shot gun can carry, in which I calmly acknowledge. The next trio tries to climb but they too get shot down. The next trio comes on and this time I dread it, when I hear her having to use 6 of the 8 slugs against the samurai. Worse still, Uni then informs us that she only has one magazine of bullets left in her Sterling sub machine gun. While she'll still have her sniper rifle, it'll take too long to take them out, and she'll need that weapon for the junction.

Soon the next trio comes and I dread the sound of the sub machine gun for the first time, as this tells me that she's out of ammunition after firing it. At least it's got rid of that group but then another one climbs on and yet this time there are no bullets killing them, we've all must have ran out. Annoyingly my newly acquired light machine gun is out of bullets. There's nothing that can be done since we're all out of weapons with ammunition, but to hold on while reinforcements come, or our allies can get weapons from dead enemies and use them, as I hear them run for some.

This doesn't look good, but we will keep going. Reinforcements will eventually come, and we will defeat them all here, and ultimately defeat Neptune, so we can succeed in this nightmare and carry on with our mission of liberating Lowee. Hail Britannia we think, as we carry on fighting against the enemy samurai with our swords, knowing that we can merely defend and block their blows, and not be able to kill them. It feels like there's so many of them, like a few soldiers holding back a zombie horde, who are relentless in catching their prey.