Hello again! My friend kinda got me going on this again. Bless his soul. He was so supportive and very helpful. I love him to death!

With Love,



I walked back into the room at about quater to 11. When I walked in, James was sitting in the chair again, with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey Jim." I said. His face shot up, and his eyes got as big as saucers.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" He walked over, and to my surprise, swept me into his arms.

"I just went to explore. Calm down. Did you get it straightened out with the captain?"



"I got it straightened out all right, but not in the way I would have expected."

"Ok James, your scaring me."

"You'll be going as me fiancée."


"Well that was the only way."

"Alright, if I have to play the part I have to fit the part too. I need clothes. Bad" I looked down at my attire. Still the same worn-out blue jeans, and tigers t-shirt.

"That I have an idea for."


"Follow me." He led me out of the little cabin, to what looked like a storage closet. He turned the door handle and pushed the door open to find lots of uniforms. He walked over to the stewardess dresses. Fingering each one, he plucked one from the rack.

"Here, try this on for size." He tossed me a dress that looked just right.

"Don't worry, I'll be just around the corner." he walked out shutting the door behind him.

The dress fits like a glove! It was very simple looking, just a black dress with a white apron, but if I was supposed to fit in, it'll have to do.

"You can come in now James!" the door swung open and Jim stepped in.

"You look like your from this time!"

"I feel like it too." I did a light twirl.

"Well looks like it's close to lunch! Why don't we go get ourselves something to eat?"
