Ferb is a lot of things, a bother, a friend, an inventor, a listener, a man of action, and the silent type, creative, mysterious and many more. Ferb isn't a sidekick, an assistant, or a do what they tell you tip of person. He also doesn't need to waste words; people get what he's trying to say without him saying it.

Ferb sees the things that go on in their backyard and is there for the people who need him. He doesn't have to take, to his friends, he's a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help you up, a partner in 'crime', but most of all he's there to listen to the problems of his friends and help whatever way he can.

Because he doesn't need the spotlight, to be noticed, to be the person everyone wants to talk to. He wants to be him, the way he can let his brother say the invention; let his brother take the spotlight. He can see Isabella likes Phineas and he is there for her if she needs him. He knows why she says "Hey Phineas, what'ca doing?" because she wants Phineas to notice her, and Ferb would help.

He's mysterious, and sometimes people don't always understand what happens in his mind. He doesn't always want people to understand what happens in his head. His ideas are amazing and you sometimes can't understand how he can thing of things but in all that's not a bad thing.

So all in all, Ferb knows where he's needed and why, and he's there for his friends and family through and through. He knows Phineas, and the gang because he's not just a brother, he's a friend to lean on.