Thru The Darkness Fan Fiction by Psihopatul and Dark Wolf From Hell.
[Day 2]
[Close to Helvetti (Hell) rivers national park]
"So are we ready to move out?" Jura asked from Lucian who had just finished packing.
"Da, let's go, what time is it now?"
"23:51, 9 minutes time to get to the drop zone." The small army started to move out towards the north border of the Hells River national park.
There had been a long day behind them as they had come across part of a Finnish Defense Forces Armoured Brigade, they had spend all their explosives to take out some transport trucks and tanks but for some reason there was nowhere to be seen their MBTs which struck everyone strange, this light vehicles never go anywhere without heavier support, so everyone were on their toes as they kept moving toward Kallio rivers south side. It should take just around 5 minutes to arrive to the north border.
"Hush, enemy MBTs in front 500 meters." Scout came to warn others.
"What do you guys say we take up on tracks?"
"Beats walking" Oleg said to others
"You better drive carefully then Oleg, these Fin tanks aren't all terrain vehicles like the Russian ones are"
"I know Jura, now let's go."
[Day 9]
Vic's POV:
We had been friends with Jura ever since he returned from Japan, he had been living here for most of his life back then, and now we were trying to get revenge. Revenge? On who? His family of course, they had been terrorizing world's people who they disliked, and among them, there were our family members and friends. Jura's part in all of this was to get even with the murder attempt and disowning by his family. Back then there was no reason for these to happen, after those events took place he befriended lots of Romanian and Russian people also he has behind him a whole army of men and women following him anywhere he goes. The Legacy is his family now and we are his brothers and sisters.
"How long have we been hunting them now Vic?"
"8 years Jura, 8 long painful years. After we get them we can return this country to normal and you can move ba-"
"No, I won't be moving back here, I'll live in 'The Zone' for the rest of my life after this is over. It is the last place on earth I can call home. At least some of us can move back here if they want to and that is enough for me. I just hope we could have done this earlier."
"Don't worry its better now than never, right?" I went through the maps we caught day ago from one of our prisoner who is hanging from a tree now. Jura told us that he was one of his old school mates, a bully, a fucked up bastard. Even we had these Finnish tanks we still had long ride ahead of us.
"We should be taking this route to them; it is going to take us another 3 days or so to get to them. There are lot of prisoner camps and enemy fortifications there" our Intel officer said as she got off the radio with Moscow.
"Alright so what about this city then? Any word there?" Lumen pointed at a village that supposes to have 900 people or so living in there.
"Tactical nuke, no survivors probably, we better check it after we're done"
A tall guy with jet black hair was running as fast as he could toward a barrel. He quickly hid behind that barrel and panted.
"Gosh! What kind of mess did I involve this time?" That guy thought as he tightened his grip on his handgun with another hand gently pushed his glasses.
"Where is he?!" He heard a loud and husky voice from the other side of the barrel. He began to curl into a ball and made it as small as he could so that the owner of the voice couldn't find him.
"Young master." A small voice whispered as the guy lifted his head. The lost and panic in his eyes were lost when he saw the owner of the voice.
"Kouta, you finally arrive." The guy hissed as he was angry that his subordinate was late to save him.
"Sorry, young master. It's kinda hard to deal with the other side." Kouta, a guy with a chestnut brown hair said as he shrugged his shoulder.
"Bullshit! You could have call for help from the base!" The jet black hair guy said as he gritted his teeth.
"But master will never allow them to help us." Kouta protested as the guy sighed.
"Great! Father won't send help to us." That guy thought as he tightened his grip on his handgun.
"Look, we gotta run away from here and tell father that there's no way for us to kill the leader of Tsuda family that easily. That is no fucking way it could work with just two of us." The jet black hair guy said as Kouta nodded his head.
"They were gone. Let's go. Follow me, young master." Kouta said and began to run. The jet black hair guy only could follow Kouta. Both of them were running as fast as they could, not caring what happened to their surroundings.
"Bang!" A loud gunshot could be heard as Kouta slumped down on the ground, clutching his right thigh.
"Boss, here they are! The young master of Takahashi and his follower are here!" A guy shouted as he waved his hand to his companion.
"Kouta!" The jet hair guy kneeled down.
"Y-young master, you need to go!" Kouta shouted.
"No! I won't leave you here!"
"Just go, Zen!" Kouta shouted. The jet black hair guy, Takahashi Zen shook his head.
"No! I will cover for you and you can just run!" Zen shouted as he stood up, facing a bunch of people with guns and knives on their hand, protecting a middle age man in the middle, who apparently was Tsuda Takumi, the leader of Tsuda family, a famous yakuza family who ruled Kyoto and was a threat to Takahashi family, another famous yakuza family.
"Well, well, what do we have here? The young master of Takahashi family is acting all heroic." Takumi smirked as Zen glared at him.
"Didn't your father teach you that you need to sacrifice someone in order to save yourself?" Takumi said as Zen clenched his fist.
"Y-young m-master, d-don't." Kouta said as he was trying to hold in the pain that was coming from his leg. Zen ignored Kouta as he pointed his gun toward Takumi.
"Father did teach me such thing. That's why, in order to save myself, I need to sacrifice you!" Zen shouted.
"Little boy, let me tell you one thing, you will die, kill by my underlings. You have two person, while me, I have at least twenty here with me right now." Takumi laughed at the end.
"Let me tell you one thing, old man. Never underestimate the power of Takahashi." Zen said in an extreme cold tone as he took off his glasses and threw it toward Kouta.
"Young master." Kouta said as he stared at the back of Zen.
"Take care of my glasses." Zen said and began to shoot toward Takumi. It was too sudden for Takumi and his underlings which resulted in a few of his underlings were being killed. Zen then threw away the handgun and pulled out a katana from his back, charging toward Takumi and his underlings. He was moving quite fast, giving each of his enemies a stabbed in their stomach within seconds.
"Shit! He was too fast!" One of Takumi's underlings shouted before being stabbed by Zen.
"W-what t-the h-hell!" Takumi shouted as Zen appeared in front of him, stabbing into his body, piercing his heart.
"Never underestimate Takahashi. Now, face your hell, you mother fucker!" Zen shouted as he pulled out his katana, leaving Takumi slumped down on the ground, slowly losing his breathe as he suffered from major blood loss.
"Young master." Kouta said as Zen kneeled down and wore his glassed, keeping his katana and handgun.
"Let's go, Kouta. We need to get you treated." Zen said as he began to bring Kouta back. When they were back at the huge mansion, Zen was being called by the leader of Takahashi, Takahashi Ryuuji, who apparently was his adopted father.
"Father, I heard that you want to see me." Zen said as he bowed toward a guy who was sitting in a huge chair with tiger's skin on it and a huge tiger's skin along with its head at the back of the guy, acting as a display.
"Yes, my son. I heard that you did a great job in killing Tsuda Takumi. As expected from my son." Ryuuji said.
"I'm just doing my job, father. There's no need such compliment." Zen said as Ryuuji nodded his head.
"Since you did a good job, I am going to give you another job." Ryuuji said as Zen stared into his eyes, black met with brown, each had their own mind in it.
"What kind of job is it?" Zen asked.
"Actually there are two jobs but the first job is more important, which is assassinates Izumi Aoki." Ryuuji said.
"Izumi Aoki, the heir of Izumi Corp?" Zen asked as Ryuuji nodded his head.
"Yes, and recently, his father was being a bit naughty. You know what I mean, right?" Ryuuji asked as Zen nodded his head. He knew perfectly what his father meant. That Izumi guy was planning to destroy Takahashi Corp which apparently was the second biggest company in whole Japan, next to Kotobuki Corp although Takahashi family was a yakuza family but they still did something legal to earn money and covered their deeds from the cops.
"I understand." Zen said.
"Good. I want to teach Izumi a lesson, a lesson of never mess with Takahashi. That's why I need you to kill their only son, Izumi Aoki. They will be at the dinner tomorrow night, held by Kotobuki." Ryuuji grinned evilly.
"Do Kotobuki know about this?" Zen asked as Ryuuji nodded his head.
"They know about this. Just do your job. They will cover for us." Ryuuji said.
"Yes, father." Zen bowed. He hated his job for killing other people or being all bad and evil but that's what he did to survive.
"Good, and after you finish your job, I need you to transfer to Sakuragaoka." Ryuuji said.
"Why?" Zen asked as he remembered that Sakuragaoka only turned into co-ed school last year.
"I want you to pay attention to this girl, Kotobuki Tsumugi." Ryuuji said.
"May I know why?"
"She is the only daughter of Kotobuki and Kotobuki and us are comrade since few hundred years ago. Although we went our separate ways as they decided to retire from yakuza while we decided to stay, we still have a strong bond between our families, with we support each other financially and we provide them protection. There's a rumor that the heir of Cullen, a mafia in Italy, Cruzen Cullen was planning to kidnap Kotobuki only daughter and they seek help from us. So I need you to protect her." Ryuuji explained as Zen nodded his head.
"I understand, father." Zen said as Ryuuji smiled.
"Good, I am expecting a lot from you. Kill anyone that you think it's a threat to her, don't show any mercy toward our enemy." Ryuuji said.
"I understand, father." Zen said.
"I had arranged your own apartment but that doesn't mean you are free from me. You still need to report back to me once a week." Ryuuji said as he smiled, with his left hand caressing the jade ring on his right thumb.
"Yes, father." Zen said and headed out from the room. He sighed as he entered his room, but only being pounced by a figure.
"Hey! What's with the long face? Being scolded by master?" A cheerful voice said as Zen struggled himself.
"Go away, Touma. You are heavy." Zen said toward the figure on his back.
"Sorry. Just excited seeing you here." Touma smiled as Zen shook his head.
"Well, I need to go to Kotobuki's mansion tomorrow night." Zen sighed as Touma patted his shoulder.
"Good luck then." Touma said as Zen only stared at the younger boy. Touma then left the room leaving Zen. Zen ruffled his hair and he threw himself on the bed, staring at his right hand as he lifted his right hand in the midair.
"I wonder how many people had died in my hand. I lost count after three." Zen thought and sighed. He was trained to kill people and negotiate with other yakuza representing his father, and of course, killed the other yakuza if the negotiation didn't end up well. He had learned to keep all his emotions deep inside him and be cold, not showing any kindness toward his targets.
"I should sleep now." Zen mumbled and drifted to his dreamland, not even caring to change his shirt.
[1 km from the mansion]
"Are everyone here ready? Plans clear?"
"Da, everything is ready"
"Let's burn it to the ground then and make end of this all"
Tanks and trucks stopped and everyone started to get off and head to the villa where my family was hiding like cowards thinking they were safe there. The front men cut the alarm wires and trap wires they founded as we marched forward and soon we were next to the large villa that was brand new.
"Blood money. Blah, alright play it!" I cursed to myself.
"3..2...1.. Now!"
I've got the reach and the teeth of a killing machine with the need to bleed you when the light goes green, best believe, I'm in a zone to be,
"Shit! Who the hell is out there!" One of Jura's family members was outside, one of his father's brothers to be exact.
"Long time no see! You thought I was dead huh? Well then I must be a ghost that has come to haunt you" There was psychotic laughter as I closed the distance between him and me
from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze. Put a grin on my chin, come to me, 'cuz I'll win, I'm a one-of-a-kind and I'll bring death to the place you're about to be: another river of blood runnin' under my feet.
"N-now now, l-let's talk about this like reasonable men"
"Not interested of talking, just bloodshed just like you, hmm must be disease going through the family?" He didn't wait any longer but broke the guys neck
Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you'll never stand alone. I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me dead before you make me old. I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights: aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice
"Go inside and have your fun with them, I am going after my parents"
I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song.
I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of the enemy shore, wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I'll kill some more. Bullet in the breech and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, if death don't bring you fear I swear, you'll fear these marching feet. Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be, in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast.
I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song.
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, I am a warrior and this is my song.
Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, and the least of me's still out of your reach. The killing machine's gonna do the deed, until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. Chin in the air with a head held high, I'll stand in the path of the enemy line. Feel no fear, know my pride: for God and Country I'll end your life.
I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song.
My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, I am a warrior and this is my song.
It was over in matter of seconds only dead bodies left but no sign of Jura's parents, we just simply had bad timing or so we thought until they heard the helicopter taking off in a distance.
"Shit they got away, come on let's get out of here. This place ain't safe anymore; we got exactly 10 minutes time to get away from here." I knew all too well that there would be artillery bombardment on their position.
Jura's POV:
[Back in Moscow few days later]
"Two enemy survivors, got away."
"I see, well we'll keep looking for them and let you know when we find them, Now you better get out of here to only place you don't want to go but you do know that-"
"Yeah yeah I know, "Only place you are safe", when the next plane leaves?"
"Five hours, that should give you enough time to put your gear together. We'll be giving you the local currency and get you through the customs without any problems if you want to take anything special with you"
"Alright, I'll be at the barracks, come get me when it is time, well guys, I think this is farewell for now, take care and stay alive. I still need you."
"We'll be fine, go look for a good city to live in. We'll see you in 'The Zone' then when ever you come visit us there. Good hunting bro!"
"Good hunting!" I waved to them as I walked out of the main building in the military base.
During the night of the dinner, Zen was wearing black tuxedo with a black tie, wearing a mask, covering his face since it's because it's a masquerade party. He touched the left side of his chest, where he kept his handgun, 45 ACP Chief's Special – Model CS45, made from Smith & Wesson Holding Corp, with a silencer on it. He politely bowed toward each of the guests as he scanned through the crowd, trying to act as normal as he could although deep inside him, he was starting to become impatience.
"Where is that brat?" He thought. Suddenly he bumped into a person. He rubbed his back as he stared into a girl with long blonde hair but he couldn't see her face since she was wearing a mask too.
"I'm sorry." The girl said as Zen shook his head.
"No, I'm the one at fault. I'm sorry." Zen stood up and reached out for the girl. The girl stared at him with the light blue eyes. He was being pulled into the blue eyes.
"Are you okay?" He shook his head when he heard her angelic voice.
"Huh?" He said as he stared at the girls.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. How about you?" He asked, out of politeness. He didn't want to be seemed as a rude man in front of the girl.
"I'm fine. I'm sorry for my rudeness." The girl bowed but Zen quickly held her shoulder and shook his head.
"I'm the one at fault. I just didn't look at where I go. I'm truly sorry." Zen said but he suddenly saw a familiar figure.
"There he is." Zen thought as he quickly turned around but his hand was being grabbed by the blonde hair girl.
"May I know your name?" The girl asked as Zen smiled and shook his head.
"I will tell you the next time we meet." Zen said and walked away. He needed to end his mission fast and he didn't want to be here for a second more. He adjusted his mask and stared at the crowd again, looking for his target.
"There you are, Izumi Aoki." Zen mumbled as he stepped closer to the crowd, taking a glass of wine, gently sipping on it while his eyes never left the blue hair guy. He moving closer toward the blue hair guy but in a slow speed as he made sure his escape route was clear.
"Now its time." Zen thought as he pulled out his gun and pointed at the blue hair guy's chest.
"Kyaa!" Woman's scream could be heard when the blue hair guy suddenly collapsed while clutching to his chest. Zen slowly put the gun back to his chest and walked away, slowly and calmly, not wanting any attention. After he got out from the scene, he hopped onto a bike, riding away from the scene, while silently telling himself that he did a great job.
"Next stop, Sakuragaoka." He mumbled while staring at the sky, wondering how his life would turn out when he was transferred into that school.
Authors Official Note:
Hey guys, its me, Dark wolf from hell. As you can see, me and my partner are telling you more about our OC background in this chapter. Hope you guys understand about them more..See you guys in next chap…
Darkworlffromhell OUT!
Yup, was bit hard to come up with my part of the story as it is first time for me to write this type of thing. I do know somethings about military tactics and strategies, also know alot about Finnish military as I live here and was there for total of 2 months, 2 weeks and 3 days until they kicked me out. Not a very good army if I say. Well all this experience here has given me ideas for the stories that I write, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Psihopatul out! Good hunting!