Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Warnings: Unedited. Typos and grammar errors everywhere. Beware B|


Her love was like the rain.

No, it was not because she was the rain lady... no, it was far from that.

Her love was like the rain. It washed his sadness away, his loneliness... the coldness (no pun intended) that surrounded his ice-covered heart (again, no pun intended).

He often got annoyed at it when he first met her. Because wherever she went, the rain followed her like a plague. It was always dark and gloomy when she was around him, and it was always raining.

Drip, drip, drop.

One day, when the sun shone down on them, she suddenly smiled at him.

"This is the first time Juvia saw the sun," she said as she looked at the bright sky.

He tried to hide his smile. Yes, this was the first time he saw the sun, shining down on him, as it melted down the ice covering his heart.

Now, it rarely rained whenever she was near him and even though he didn't like to admit it openly, he kind of missed it. Because every time it rained, he could remember what it was like whenever he was covered up with a blanket when he was still little and was cuddled into his mother's arms as he sat on her lap.

Her mother's warmth... her sweet smile... her loving hands... her voice.

Her rain could simply make him remember things he didn't want to forget.

Drip, drip, drop.

Yes, even though he didn't want to (because who knew what kind of comments he would probably receive from Natsu if the idiot found out), he'd admit it anyway.

He was in love. With who, you ask?

With Juvia Lockser, whose love was like the rain.

But like any other man who has ever encountered the said feeling that has forced him into not eating for almost a week, (Cana forced fed him when he told her for the fifth time that day that he didn't want to eat), he fought the feeling first, (he even thought that he was going crazy when all he ever thought about was her), and tried to avoid the poor woman as much as possible.

But then, as days passed, he came into his senses and accepted the overwhelming feeling.

Others might find it hard to believe, but it's just the way things are supposed to be. Like a cure to an illness, like an answer to a riddle... like pieces of a puzzle, things finally fell into their right places.

Like raindrops, they finally fell into their right places.

Beside one another.

Drip, drip, drop.

A/N: I couldn't get this idea of my head so I wrote it down -.- I was actually planning to write a NaLu version of this. With the tag line, His love was like fire or something. But obviously, I got lazy XDD