
Please let this hell be over.

Miku pleaded to the heavens above as she was practically stripped naked, down to her bra and underwear, and was stuffed into a forest green sweetheart dress with dark green embroidery, sliver embellishments and angel sleeves. She was suddenly thrown onto a chair, held down like some prisoner as they undid her twintails to comb and curl them.

The last time this happened to her, it was her Aunt's wedding. She and Len were running extremely late so they practically threw their clothes around and helped each other on preparing their respective outfits. Len tied her hair, she did her tie, he did her make-up, and she styled his hair. They practically ignored their pain as they harshly and quickly fixed each other up. They didn't care if they saw each other half-naked since they were in a panic to even notice.

If they did, they didn't even care.

She didn't know if the younger year levels were either delicately applying make-up on her or just slapping on whatever color looked nice on her. She fidgeted during the whole process causing them to hold down her feet, arms, and shoulders so she wouldn't squirm.

"Hold her head!" A deep voiced student shouted and soon she felt hands grabbing her head.

"Stop squirming, you'll mess it up!" A higher pitched voice screamed into her ear, her shoulders were violently grabbed and held down. Miku felt another hand grabbing her ankles.

Goddammit, she was going to kill Len for sure.

She heard the sound of ribbons being tied around her newly styled hair. There was a suddenly spray of perfume, she reacted and began violently coughing and fanning the perfume away.

"We're done!" With that shout, the girls began chatting with one another and hi-fiving each other. Miku had her eyes shut the entire ordeal, of course, they were screaming for her to close them while they were applying eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow.

Miku hesitantly cracked an eye open, fearing that they might jump on her again but her reflection surprised her. Her hair was styled in a completely different way than she usually did, her bangs were fluffed up and styled differently, and her twin tails were curled making it look thicker and heavier. On one of those twin tails was large white ribbon with silver embellishments.

Throughout the whole thing, they managed to put on dangling earrings and an emerald necklace.

Without the golden crown on her head, she still looked like a princess. And here she thought they were just slapping accessories and make-up on her, they actually did a really good job despite being pressured. It was the best thing she had ever seen.

"Miku, you just wait here until Gumi calls you for your scene, m'kay?" The brown haired one nodded her head with a kind smile,

She blinked for a moment, "A-Ah! Yeah, thank you very much." She returned the smile,

The girls giggled to themselves before shoving each other outside, whispering to each other for a moment and closing the door shut behind them. Miku turned back to her reflection and found herself smiling, playing with her hair and dress.

She grinned to herself, "Don't I look good?" She winked at herself, "Ha! Imagine what Len would think!"

Rubbing her hands together, she stood up to take a good look at her dress. She twirled herself around to check it out before she smiled brightly, twirling around and giggling like a four-year old child wearing her favorite dress. The green heels they gave her were snug on her feet and felt comfortable.

The door suddenly opened, Miku stopped twirling and turned to see Len staring at her with a surprised look, then he smiled smugly. "Well, look at that. You cleaned up nicely."

"Len! Len! Look at me! Look at this dress! More importantly, look at my whole look!" She ran to him, her eyes sparkling brightly. "Like wow, I totally didn't expect that they would do a great job with such a short time. Our students are amazing…I feel so proud as a Student President of our school." She nodded her head, rubbing her chin with a smug smile.

Len snorted, bopping her in the head. "You mean the High School part."

"Excuse you, but the as the President of the High School department, I have much influence as the rest of the departments since I am their senior." She huffed proudly, grinning to herself with her chest puffed out.

He rolled his eyes, "Keep boasting there, but you really do look good." At this, he actually gave a sincere smile. He tilted his head to the side, giving her a really gentle look, "It really does suit you, being a royalty, I mean."

Miku blinked, staring at his expression before her face began heating up. Automatically, she whirled around and crossed her arms, "I-I…I know that! No need to repeat what I just said!" She cursed to herself, why in the world did she start blushing?

When she was little, she did thought of him like as a cute boy and naturally she would blush over how cute he is but this was completely different. Len was handsome and cute, yeah, but she never blushed for Len like this. Like this especially!

Len snickered, "But don't you think that dress makes you look old?"

At this, Miku dug her heel into his shoe causing him to yelp and hop up and down in pain. She crossed her arms, smiling with a tilt of her head. "Please say that again, Kagamine."

He looked up, ready to retort but she could see the deadly aura she was practically emitting. He bowed his head timidly, "I…I'm sorry…"

"Good boy." She grinned, patting his head.

"By the way," Len looked up, staring at Miku. She was a bit taller than him, and now even taller since she was wearing heels. "What'd you need? The upperclassmen told me that you called me here."

She blinked, "Wait, I did? When?"

The blond blinked for a moment, glancing to the door briefly. "…I was told by the girls that you called for me. You didn't?"


A moment of silence passed between the two.

Len just blinked before groaning out, covering his face with a hand in embarrassment. Miku just leaned in, wiggling her eyebrows with a grin. "Awkwaaard~!" She softly jabbed him with her elbow. He just grinned and shoved her playfully.

"Shut up, dork."

They always managed to break awkward silences all the time with their usual banter, it felt so natural to do it. It happened one time when Miku walked in when Len was changing, let's just say many screams followed by loud laughter could be heard from miles away. Because of that, Len was almost traumatized and Miku couldn't stop giggling for a whole week.

Miku smiled cheerfully, "Be happy. You're the first person to see how stunning I am, it's the best friend's privilege."

"First person, huh. That means the others will see how stunning you are then." Len added, crossing his arms in thought. Miku snickered and patted his arm playfully.

"Jealous? Don't worry, if you want, I can only be pretty just for you, Len!" She grinned brightly

At that, Len's eyes widened.



It took her a few seconds before she realized what she had said. Her face immediately began heating up. "I-I mean, it's one of the best friend privileges, y'know? I, um, if you really want it." She cursed herself for stuttering. Why was she stuttering? Why is she feeling embarrassed?! What in the world is she even saying?!

Len blinked for a moment before laughing, "You're hilarious, y'know? I'm so happy that we're best friends, I don't know what I'll do without you." He traced his hand down her to cheek. Miku felt like electricity just shot through her, she shivered slightly on his touch.

I'm so happy that we're best friends.

That kinda stings.

Miku just smiled, "Same goes for you, Lenny."

"Len! Where are you? I need to talk to you about the script!" Gumi's shrill scream came from the outside, Len jumped at the voice before groaning out loudly.

He turned to the voice, "Are all the upperclassmen this loud?"

"You're best friends with an upperclassman, what'd you think?" Miku grinned, poking him on the side. He squirmed at this causing Miku to poke him out the door, "Now go before Gumi starts tearing through to find you."

Len waved her hand around, "Eh, she can wait. I wanna stay here—she'll just rant about the script or something. The last time that happened, I thought it was something important but it wasn't."

She rolled her eyes, "Stop complaining and go. Do it or I'm going to put on the school paper, the Adventures of Magical Kitty Len Len or…maybe your cross-dressing collection I have." She tapped on her chin with a smug look.

His eyes widened, his face turning red. "W-Wh-Wh-WHAT?! You said you burned those pictures! You lied!" He pointed an accusing finger at her, she just laughed cackled madly and shoved him out the door. He began yelling something but she continued pushing him out.

But he held onto the door frame. She scowled, "Stop being stubborn and go!"


"Oh fine, it's not my fault if a certain someone gets a hold of it. She'd probably be disgusted with you or something." Miku shrugged, looking away apathetically. "Poor, poor Len. He'll be single and forever alone, living with over hundreds of kitties."

Len made a face at that, "You're just so…ugh!" He scowled then walked out the door.

Miku made a kissy face, "Love you too, Len!"

"Yeah, yeah…"

With that, Len left while waving his hand around. Miku watched him go with a smile, he continued walking until he suddenly froze, staring to the side with a flushed expression. She blinked for a moment, and then suddenly Rin came in with a smile. Len's expression brightened up considerably as he began smiling, holding a hand out to Rin which she took gleefully.

It was picturesque scene with them, Rin was a bit shorter than Len. They looked completely matching with their innocent middle school atmosphere. Len's eyes were shining much more compared to him when he was hanging out with her.

She wondered if he enjoyed Rin's company instead of hers.

…That kinda hurts.

Miku's smile dropped slightly at that.

Soon enough when Len would become a high school student, she'll be a senior student…and he wouldn't really need her anymore. She always did her best to make Len comfortable, helping him with love, homework, and anything school related. But now…


It felt like he was going somewhere far away.


Miku whirled around, her eyes wide. But the person standing right there surprised her honestly.

"…Rei? What're you doing here?"


"Oh, so Rin and Rinto invited you over? I didn't know you were related to them."

"…Mm…Rui brought her friend over. This girl named Lenka, Rinto's entertaining her right now. The idiot practically has stars in his eyes when he saw her. He's always been that romantist, "looking for his true love" he says, bleh."

Sitting in her dressing room, Rei had his legs crossed in an elegant fashion and stared at Miku's grinning expression with an eyebrow raised. Miku, on the other hand, was completely excited by the fact Rei actually came here to visit her—even though he didn't mean to. He was a jerk sure but he seemed nice enough to answer her questions, that fact alone made her smile brightly.

Rei felt annoyed at that, "…Why are you smiling?"

"Becauuse~!" She hummed, "I thought you were some self-conceited jerk who was rude as hell but I guess not! You're really nice, a bit rude but nice." Miku tilted her head to the side, still grinning. "I guess you're the type that doesn't know how to show their emotions properly. How cute."

Rei looked embarrassed, "…Cute?" He muttered under his breath,

Miku laughed, pointing at his expression. "How cute! You're blushing! You're pretty interesting, Rei."


"By the way, how's your sister? What's she doing right now?"

Rei looked to the side, "Ah…she's in the audience. She told me to visit you. I asked around and they said you were backstage, I thought you were in your class café?" He gave a sidelong glance to her then looked away.

Miku tapped on her chin, "Ah, yup. I'm part of it, I'm also supposed to be inspecting the booths but IA's taking over for me. Teto is out of commission and her boyfriend, Akaito, is with her in the infirmary." She crossed her arms, scowling. "They needed a replacement and Len said that I knew the lines, which I do. But man, my schedule's gonna be tight for a few days." She scratched her head.

"You're too kind." He drawled,

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"Too kind and too stupid,"

She narrowed her eyes, "What are you implying there, tough guy?"

He snorted, "Nothing."

"I'm not stupid." She muttered, glaring at him.

He laughed and cocked a fine eyebrow up, "Uh-huh, keep saying that." He waved his hand around. She whipped her head up, her eyes brightened in anger.

"I'm going to hurt you."

"Ow! What the hell?!" Rei yelped, rubbed his leg where she pinched him hard.

"I warned you, pretty boy."

"For like half a second. Rin said you were mature and collected, you're just crazy. I wonder how you became the President, you knocked down my sister and now you're just plain idiotic—no, wait, that's a compliment. You're just some crazy high school student half their age."

She took it back. She took everything back. Rei was not nice, he was the spawn of the damn devil. Miku took deep breaths to calm herself, Len had reminded her constantly to tone down on her temper. She was nice yes, but if someone just pushes it then…the last time she got angry at someone, that person avoided her at all costs. She can still remember her nails digging into his skin.

"…Do you even know how to speak to a lady?" Miku spat back. Whoops, there goes her temper.

"I wasn't aware I was speaking to lady." Rei muttered to the side,

Miku's jaw dropped in sheer disbelief. She suddenly stood up, kicking off her high heels and pulled her sleeves back. "OH, THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DEAD!" She roared, tackling him down from the chair. He tried to push her back, but the chair tipped backwards. He shouted as they came crashing to the floor, bringing a clothes rack down where Rei grabbed. He could feel her nails digging his skin, he gritted his teeth and reached out to grab her wrist before she could grab a fistful of his hair.

"Ge-Get off of me, stupid woman!" He snapped, trying to fend her off.

"SCREW YOU!" She shrieked. He winced when her elbow connected with his lip. She yelped when his hand smacked her cheek in the scuffle by accident.

He reached out, pushing her face away from him but that caused her to free hand to grab his hair and yanked it. "OW!" He snarled.

"OW! YOU BIT ME!" Miku shouted in horror, raising her wrist to show a bite mark.

"You pulled my hair!" He shouted right back.

"You didn't have to bite me, jerk!" She wailed, grabbing another fistful of hair and was ready to yank hard until Rei used his weight and bucked upward, throwing her off balance.

She reached to grab his shirt to keep her steady on his stomach but he tossed her over with his weight and forced her to be underneath him. Miku tried to bite his hand again and struggled to push him off with her waist but he held her down using her hands.

"Calm the hell down, woman!" Rei barked, his breaths short from the scuffle. "God, don't you have that stupid play? Continue this up and you're going to ruin your costume."

She stared at him hard, struggled a bit, then finally sighed loudly. "Fine. But mark my words, I won't let that comment of yours slide. Not unless you apologize."

He raised an eyebrow, "Do you honestly think I apologize that easily? Please."

Miku stuck out her tongue before pushing him off, "Get off of me, someone might come in and think you're taking advantage of me." She huffed and sat up when Rei got off from her. He was light, lighter than her…she felt envy bubbling in her chest. How dare he be more skinner and prettier than her? Unbelievable.

"Taking advantage of you?" He said in disbelief, "Look what the hell you did to my lip!" Rei pointed at his split lip, glaring at her.

She winced, "Oooh, did I do that?"

"Who else?"

"Well, you deserved it!"

"As if! You're the one who decided to go bat crazy! You call yourself a lady? A lady does not snarl or resort to violence."

"YOU WANT TO GO TO ROUND 2, PRETTY BOY?" She shrieked, "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET THE DAY YOU EVER INSULTED ME!" She pounced once again onto Rei and forced him underneath her. He gritted his teeth, trying to get her off for the second time today.

At that moment, the door opened.

"Oh." Gumi stood there, her eyes completely wide with shock. She took in their appearance. Miku was on top of Rei, her cheeks flushed and her dress slipping off a bit. Rei was underneath her, sweating and flushed with three of his buttons undone. Her cheeks immediately turned red. "Oh. Ooohhh. I'm so sorry for disturbing your role-play, please excuse me."

Gumi instantly shut the door.

Miku looked at Rei in horror, "See?! SEE?! Look what you've done! Now Gumi is assuming things between us!"

"Me?! You're the one who suddenly attacked me!" Rei shouted right back.

"If you just apologize then we wouldn't have been—"

The door opened again.

"…Oh my God, it's true." Rin whispered in horror, "WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING?! HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!" She shrieked, waving her hands around with a very red face.

"R-Rin!" Miku gasped, "What are you doing here?"

"Did you just ask me what am I doing here? What the hell are you two doing in the changing room?! Don't tell me…" She turned even darker, "You're doing scandalous things?! You're still high school students! I can't believe you, high school students, have no sense of shame compared to us junior high school students! You're supposed to be our role model!"

"NO, YOU'VE GOT THAT WRONG!" They exclaimed, finally getting off from each other.

"But wow, Rin, you're really innocent." Miku commented nonchalantly, earning a very angry look from Rei at her comment. Why was she commenting that than fixing up their mistake?!

She turned even more darker. Was that even possible? "Sh-Sh-Shut up! Perverts! Terrible people, all of you!" She shrieked, "You're just like Len, all of you are just stupid perverts!"

With that, Rin slammed the door and stormed away. At least, that's what it sounded like.

Silence passed between the two of them but they exchange meaningful glances at each other, causing the tension to stay strong. Until Miku turned her heel and muttered under her breath.

"…You're fault,"

Rei wanted to strangle her badly.


A/N: Truth be told, the plot was supposed to grow thicker and tension was supposed to be big and all but then I remembered Rei and I wanted to put him in into the chapter. And then suddenly, Rei took over the entire chapter. Damn this boy.

Next chapter: The plot will thicken (probably) because of play! BUT NOTE!

When I looked at this story, I realized how much I improved over the years. So I'm going to start editing all the chapters. I can't believe you all didn't cringe on how awful it was. But that's beginner's writing for ya!