Hey all, sorry for the minor delay in updating. My computer had crashed and just finished fixing it up like two days ago, so here's chapter nine for ya.

Jaku Uzumaki: That's way more girls then I'd like to add to the harem. When I said small harem in the summary I meant that there won't be more than eight girls but that may change, no idea yet. Good news for you though, one of the girls you mentioned is a girl that I already predetermined. Not going to say who though, that's a surprise. Also another girl you mentioned, Mei, I had thought about putting her in and if someone else wants her in, it will be concrete and she will get put in. All in all, thanks for all the suggestions and I will look through all the other girls you suggested to see if I will put any of the others in, I recognized most of the names but can't remember who they are exactly so have to look it up.

Macilnar: The chunin exams shouldn't be a problem because I want to try and do an original exam, at least I hope it will be, but someone may have done it already. So hopefully it won't be a problem. As for adding Fu, I'm not sure if I would put her in because I don't think I could do it well enough. She is a good character but not one I could portray easily for something like this. I will look into it though.

Random Rant: First thing I will say is, I love your account name, I thought that was pretty damn funny too see. As for adding Anko, she already has someone set for her so I won't be adding her, sorry. As to a girl having a darker past then him, I thought of making an OC for that but so far no ideas yet, if you want to pm me about it, we can work on that together if you want that added. So just pm me if you're interested.

On another note, the poll is now closed for Sasuke and I will still take suggestions for the harem until, I have no idea how much longer, so keep suggesting girls you may want to. Now on with the chapter.

Chapter 9

It had been a month since Naruto and everyone else had officially become team seven and while they did training they liked the team, but when it came to the missions, no one on the team liked them. They had been doing D-rank missions for the last two weeks after two weeks of training and they all thought the missions were really just glorified chores. Currently team seven was painting someone's house. Working on the outside of the house was Naruto and Sasuke, while the girls were all inside. Naruto and Sasuke were currently hanging from some rope while they pained the second story of the house and Naruto sighed as he whipped the sweat off his forehead and said to Sasuke, "You almost done over there teme? It's hot out and this mission is fucking annoying."

Sasuke grunted and said, "For once I agree with you dobe. This mission is not worth an Uchiha and yes I'm almost done. If you're getting close then we just have to wait on the girls."

Naruto stared at Sasuke and said, "I think that's the most I've heard you speak in a couple years teme, but yeah I'm also almost done. Just a few more planks to paint and I'm good."

Sasuke just grunted in acknowledgment. Around five minutes later both teens had finished their final sides of the house and dropped from their lines before heading inside. As they stepped inside Naruto stretched his arms upwards and said, "Oh it feels good to be out of the heat." He then looked towards Sakura who was the only one downstairs and asked, "You already done Sakura?"

Sakura looked at Naruto and said, "Why do you care Naruto-baka?"

Naruto sighed and said, "Was just asking you, no need for name calling."

Sakura then saw Sasuke and was about to run up to him when there was a puff of smoke and Kakashi appeared while Kanari and Tenshi came down the stairs and Kakashi said, "Well looks like everyone is done now, good job everyone. Let's report back to the mission hall for payment and then we can get another mission if you want."

Everyone nodded and they all headed back to the mission hall. When they got there, Kakashi stepped up to the Hokage who was currently handing out missions along with a few other chunin and said, "Team Seven reporting back from our mission Hokage-Sama."

"Very well Kakashi-san, your payment shall be added to your accounts. Now is your team up for another mission?" The Hokage questioned.

"Hai, we'll take whatever you have for us." Kakashi said lazily.

Sarutobi started leafing through all the different missions, but then he looked at their mission record and smiled before asking, "Kakashi-san, do you think your team is ready for a C-rank? You have finished well over the minimum of D-ranks so it's your call."

Naruto and the others perked up when they heard C-rank and Kakashi looked at them before eye-smiling and said, "Hai, I do believe they are ready Hokage-Sama."

Before the Hokage could say anything, Iruka stood up and yelled out, "You can't be serious! They just graduated a few days over a month ago. They can't be ready for a C-rank just yet, there still rookies!"

Kakashi sighed and said, "Believe me Iruka, they are more than ready, and if there are any complications they still have me to back them up." He then added as an afterthought, 'Having Kami-Sama and the Kyuubi doesn't hurt either.'

Iruka sat down sighing before saying, "Just make sure they come back safe then Kakashi-san."

Kakashi and the Hokage smiled as the Hokage said, "Very well then, the C-rank I have for you today is a bandit extermination mission and yes when I say extermination I mean they have to be killed."

Sarutobi now had everyone's undivided attention and Kakashi asked, "What are the bandits doing now?"

Sarutobi handed Kakashi the scroll and said, "The bandits have been kidnapping women and children to sell as slaves or keep for themselves is what the client said."

Kakashi nodded and said, "Anything else Hokage-Sama?"

"Just be careful and don't take unnecessary risks." The Hokage said to them all.

They all nodded and started to leave the mission hall. As they were leaving, Kakashi started going over the scroll and once they were outside he said, "Alright everyone, we have to go to one of the minor settlements that isn't too far from the village. It will take at least two days to reach at a steady pace, so go home and pack for about a week's worth of supplies and then meet up at the west gate."

The group nodded and they all jumped off to their homes. Naruto, Tenshi, and Kanari all arrived at their home around the same time, just a few seconds apart and when they got inside Naruto asked, "Do you two think that we're all ready for this mission? I mean the mission does state that we have to kill the bandits."

Kanari put her hand on his shoulder and said, "The three of us will be fine, and I'm sure Sasuke will be as well. The only problem I think we'll have is with Sakura. I'm not sure she has it in her to kill anyone just yet."

Naruto nodded and went up to his room to get his spare clothes and weapons before heading back out with Kanari and Tenshi in tow. When they arrived at the west gate they saw everyone else waiting for them. The three of them were looking at Kakashi dumbfounded and each raised their hands in the ram hand sign with each saying, "Kai."

Sasuke snorted and said, "Sakura and I did the same thing, he was the first one here."

Naruto walked up to Kakashi and said, "When the hell are you ever on time aniki?"

"What no faith in your older brother to be punctual?" Kakashi said in a mock hurt voice.

Naruto gave him a deadpan stare and said, "The last time I saw you on time for something was when Tenshi threatened to remove your balls via flame class."

Tenshi smiled evilly at the memory while Sasuke and Kakashi each shuddered. "Please don't remind me about that." Kakashi said with another shudder.

Kakashi then turned serious and said, "Right, now we are heading to a little settlement called Tsubara, it's the kind of place where its population 200, so don't expect much when we get there."

Everyone nodded and they started jumping through the trees to make good time.

Six hours Later:

It was now night time when Kakashi stopped on a branch while holding his arm up which prompted for everyone else to stop. When they all were next to Kakashi, he said, "Alright everyone, we'll set up camp now since we're losing visibility fast."

They all dropped to the ground and Naruto created several shadow clones to start setting up camp for them so they could rest easier. Five minutes later the camp was set up and they had a smokeless fire going. Tenshi was preparing dinner for the group which was just a few chunks of meat and salt in a pot of water while everyone else was either staring at the sky or doing something to occupy themselves. Sasuke was leaning against his pack when he noticed Naruto didn't have a pack along with Tenshi and Kanari so he asked, "Where did you guys get all of that from? I don't see any packs you could have used."

Naruto held up a scroll and said, "I have our gear stored in this scroll, makes traveling easier and a lot quieter since you don't have a bag shaking as you move."

"That actually seems really helpful; think you could show us how it's done Naruto?" Sakura asked timidly. She didn't think he would do it because of how she treats him.

Naruto smiled slightly and said, "Sure why not, sealing is a precise art though but you should get a simple sealing scroll down rather easily since it's so basic. If not then you can always buy them and I just teach you how to seal your possessions into it."

Sakura smiled and Sasuke said, "I'll hold you to that dobe."

"Whatever teme." Was Naruto's reply.

A few minutes later Tenshi started passing bowls out filled with the meager stew she made. Everyone thanked her when they got their meals and she went to sit down with Naruto just as Kanari sat down next to him as well. They both leaned on Naruto's shoulders as they ate causing Sasuke to raise his eyebrow and Sakura look at them confused so she asked, "Why are you two leaning on Naruto like that?"

"Because he is incredibly warm at all times and is there something wrong with leaning on the person we love?" Kanari said as she ate.

"Oh okay…wait what?" Sakura asked in surprise and Sasuke's eyebrow rose further.

Naruto laughed and said, "We've been dating since graduation, I'm surprised you hadn't picked up on it before."

"What the hell is wrong with you Naruto-baka, forcing to girls into a relationship with you. Pervert!" Sakura said with the last part being rather loud.

Before Naruto could defend himself, Tenshi literally snarled and said, "Naruto-kun is not forcing us into dating him, we both love him. Besides, Naruto-kun is in the CRA meaning he has to take up multiple wives so his kekkai genkai doesn't die out." They all had agreed that they would go with the Hokage's reasoning for the CRA when they explained it to people.

That had caught Sakura's and Sasuke's attention causing Sasuke to ask, "The dobe has a bloodline? What is it?"

Kakashi watched silently as Naruto began to explain. "My kekkai genkai is one that affects my body. I gain a fox like appearance and while it is active my strength, speed, and chakra all increase."

They both looked surprised and Sakura asked, "Could you show us what it looks like?"

Naruto saw both Sakura and Sasuke looked really curious for what it was so he sighed and said, "Fine, just really quick."

Tenshi and Kanari scooted away slightly as he stood up and he said, "I'm going to do this fast so pay attention."

When he saw that he had their attention he released his fox ears and tails along with the claws. His eyes also went from blue to red with slitted pupils. When they were out fully, his ears twitched and his tail swayed slightly. Both Sasuke and Sakura looked completely shocked and when Sakura saw his ears twitch she wanted to scream "Kawaii" but kept to herself but just barely. Naruto hid his fox features again and said, "Satisfied?"

They both nodded and Naruto sat back down to finish eating. When he was done he rolled out his bed roll and said good night to everyone and fell asleep with Kanari and Tenshi sleeping on either side of him for them to sleep as well.

Two Days Later:

It was midafternoon when team seven arrived at the town called Tsubara. Once they arrived they started looking for their client to get more information on the bandits. When they got to the center of the town Naruto couldn't help but think, 'Nii-san really wasn't kidding when he said not to expect much. There's only like 25 buildings.'

They stopped by a fountain that was in the middle of the town and Naruto asked, "Hey Kakashi-nii, where are we supposed to find our client?"

Before Kakashi could answer someone came up to them and said, "I believe you are looking for me Shinobi-san."

Team Seven turned to where the voice came from and saw a man who was average in height wearing a simple black suit. The man had wavy brown hair and seemed like a nice person by his appearance. Kakashi stepped forward and asked, "And you would be?"

"Ah where are my manners, I am Kashimi Monomi. I am the leader Tsubara; it is an honor to meet you." The man now identified as Kashimi said while finishing with a bow.

Kakashi bowed his head in return and said, "I am Kakashi Hatake and this is my squad, Naruto Uzumaki, the blonde one, Sasuke Uchiha, the black haired one, Sakura Haruno, the one with pink hair, Kanari, the white haired one, and last but not least, Tenshi, the red head."

Kakashi leaned over and said in a whisper, "Don't piss Tenshi off, it may be the last thing you ever do as a man."

Kashimi gulped slightly and said, "Well then, please follow me to my home so we can discuss the mission."

They all nodded and set off for his home. When they were all situated in the house Kashimi said, "Now then, one of the town's hunters found the bandit camp around a week ago which made it so we could send for help and provide accurate details for you. The camp is five miles north east of here with approximately 45 bandits from the head count he got that day. We are not sure if it's everyone or not."

Kakashi nodded and said, "Thank you for the information you gathered, is there anything else?"

"No sorry, that was all the information we could gather." Kashimi said apologetically.

"It's alright; you've already made our job a lot easier by getting the camps general area. Now, if there isn't anything else, we'll be on our way."

"That's it and good luck to you all." Kashimi said with a head bow.

Team seven walked outside and looked to Kakashi for orders who said, "Alright everyone, we're going to head out now. I know that this is going to be hard on you all but, we do have to kill the bandits and if possible return the kidnapped women and children."

Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto all nodded solemnly while Kanari and Tenshi didn't betray any emotions.

Three Hours Later:

Kakashi was crouched behind some bushes on top of a small hill near the bandit camp and he radioed to the others, "Is everyone in position?"

After getting confirmations from the squad he said, "Naruto, you're up."

Off in the distance Naruto started moving silently towards the north end of the camp. His job was simple, get all the bandits' attention so everyone could sneak in from behind and deliver crippling or fatal blows. Kakashi was allowing crippling in case they couldn't handle killing just yet and he'd finish them off. Naruto snuck into the camp and pressed up against the side of a tree near some tents and a campfire where bandits were talking. He made a hand sign and five shadow clones appeared next to him awaiting orders. He pointed to the first three and then signaled for them to move around the side of the tents while the other two stayed with him.

Naruto waited for his clones to get into position and held up his arm for them to stop. He waited a few more seconds to analyze the bandits' and when he saw none of them getting ready to move he signaled for the clones to attack. As soon as the signal went off, the three clones rushed into the bandits' with swords drawn and attacked not giving the bandits' time to react. As the first of the bandits were cut down Naruto and the other two clones ran in with Naruto yelling, "Fūton: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough) which caused a sudden blast of air that sent a few bandits' flying back further into the camp and also tore down some of the tents. When Naruto saw the tents go down he cursed to himself for his stupidity as he thought, 'There could have been some of the kidnapped people in there.'

After his jutsu the camp was in uproar and most of the bandits came charging to where Naruto was. Kakashi signaled the rest of the team to move in as Naruto started fighting off bandits on his own, well partially on his own; he still has five clones out. Naruto ducked under a heavy swing from a bandit using a broadsword before stabbing out with his own sword hitting the bandit in the chest. The bandit dropped dead while Naruto jumped back to avoid two katana's from two different bandits. Off to the side Naruto saw some of his clones be destroyed so he yelled, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" (Shadow clone jutsu) and summoned up five more clones just as the rest of the team came in.

Before the bandit's knew what was going on they were being decimated from behind. Sasuke had shot out several fireballs at them and killed multiple bandits while Tenshi tore through them with kunai. Kanari cast genjutsu's over them to immobilize them for Sakura to hit with kunai from a distance with her aiming to incapitate. Kakashi had run in to assist Naruto so he wasn't overwhelmed. No matter how skilled out are, you still can be overcome by numbers after time. A few minutes later all the bandits were lying on the ground dead or dying. Sakura who was still off in the distance dropped to her knees and started retching; she noticed she had killed a few and it made her sick. Sasuke was quick to follow her example, not being able to hold his stomach anymore.

Naruto was panting heavily with adrenaline still running through his body he started moving around the camp as Kakashi started piling up the corpses with Tenshi. Kanari was trying to comfort Sakura who was now crying and Sasuke was on his hands and knees staring at the ground trying to overcome the shock from his first kills. As Naruto moved through the camp he heard a woman whimpering in pain from a tent and moved to it. When he got to the tent what he saw caused his blood to boil; a young teen girl with black hair was being forced on by a lone bandit who had probably hid in the tent from the fight. Without thinking Naruto charged forward with his sword out and impaled the man through the back of his heart.

Naruto then let go of his sword causing the bandit to drop and the woman curled up on herself as Naruto dropped to his knees and he began throwing up. After Naruto finished throwing up he dropped to the ground holding his head and began screaming; rushing through his mind were memories of the night that Ayame had been raped. Kakashi was instantly alert as he heard Naruto begin screaming and rushed over to him with Tenshi right behind him. Kanari who was getting Sasuke and Sakura together heard him scream and ran over immediately as well.

When the three of them got to Naruto he was now sobbing as he held his head. Kakashi rushed over and picked his head up and put it in his lap saying worriedly, "Naruto what's wrong?"

Naruto clutched onto Kakashi and said as he was crying, "It's my fault…it's my fault."

Kakashi held him close and asked, "What's your fault Naruto?"

"It's my fault Ayame-chan was raped. If she hadn't come with me she wouldn't have been attacked or raped." Naruto said in between sobs.

As Kanari and Tenshi tried to comfort Naruto Kakashi thought, 'So he remembers what happened now. I was hoping those memories would never come back.'

Kakashi picked up Naruto and put him on the back as he turned to the girls he said, "I'm taking Naruto back to the town, you two get any of the ones who were kidnapped back there."

Kanari and Tenshi nodded as Kakashi left to get Naruto back.

Back at Tsubara:

Kakashi landed back at Tsubara and ran for Kashimi's house. When he got there, he knocked rather hard. A few moments later Kashimi opened the door and said in a surprised tone, "Kakashi-san, have you already taken care of the bandits?"

"Hai they've been taken care of, but that's not why I'm here. I came to ask if you could put us up for the night, my younger brother is suffering from mental trauma in a way. He's recovered some rather bad memories while we were fighting and he needs a place to stay." Kakashi said hurriedly.

"Of course, come in." Kashimi said and stepped aside for Kakashi to enter.

A few minutes later they had Naruto in a bed whom had fallen asleep on the way to Tsubara and he was mumbling in his sleep. Kashimi looked worried and asked, "Will he be alright? He looks mortified."

"I think so, he may be in shock for a few days but we'll be leaving tomorrow so he can be at home." Kakashi said as he stood up from Naruto's side.

"Before I forget, were there anyone left at the camp?" Kashimi asked.

"Hai, the rest of the squad should be bringing them back any minute." Kakashi replied as they left the room.

Kashimi nodded thankfully and went downstairs with Kakashi to wait.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door which prompted Kashimi to shoot for it. When he opened the door he saw the rest of team seven with multiple women and children behind them. Kashimi looked through the people brought back and after a few moments he pulled someone into a hug and cried out, "Saya-chan, you're alright!"

Without breaking the hug from the woman named Saya who had been clutching on to him, he invited everyone inside. Once they were all inside and in the living room, Kashimi did a headcount and sighed in relief. He turned to Kakashi and said, "I can't thank you enough Kakashi-san, 17 women and children had been kidnapped and all are safe now. I prayed that they would all make it back alive but I didn't think it was possible. You even saved my daughter. I've been trying to hold it in as much as possible for how worried I really was about my daughter but now she's back along with everyone else. Thank you so much!"

Kakashi bowed his head and said, "I'm glad we managed to save everyone." He then looked at Saya and his eye widened before he said, "You're the one Naruto saved from the bandit."

Saya hid behind her father who looked at Kakashi and asked, "Saved her from what?"

Kakashi shook his head sadly and said, "She had been getting raped is my guess, I never saw it but she was half naked on a table with a dead bandit on the ground in front of Naruto."

Kashimi cringed and hugged his daughter close to him and said, "At least she's here now."

Saya clung to her father more as he picked her up before excusing himself and took her upstairs. A few minutes later he came back down alone and said, "I just put Saya-chan to bed and again I can't thank you enough for saving her and everyone else. If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to guide everyone back home, there's room upstairs for everyone just pick any room but the furthest two back."

Kakashi nodded and stood up as Kashimi took everyone back to their respective homes. He looked to the squad and said, "Alright everyone, it's been a long day let's get to sleep now. Kanari, Tenshi, Naruto is in the bedroom that's the first door on the left. I figured you wanted to be with him now."

They both nodded and headed off for Naruto's room and Sakura asked, "Kakashi-sensei, what's wrong with Naruto?"

"He recovered some horrible memories of a traumatic incident, I don't want to say what it is since it's not my place to tell. Ask if when he's feeling better but wait till were back at the village, we're leaving tomorrow morning even if I have to carry Naruto back, he needs to be in a comforting area."

Sasuke and Sakura looked surprised about the explanation before Sakura said, "Alright Kakashi-sensei, and good night." She then went to choose a room and was followed shortly after by Sasuke.

Kakashi then went for his own room to get some sleep.

Two Days Later at Konoha:

The group had just arrived back at Konoha and true to his word; Kakashi had carried Naruto the entire way back. When they got passed the gate Kakashi handed Naruto to Kanari and said, "Take him back home, I need to go deliver my report to the Hokage."

Kanari nodded and took off for their house with Tenshi right behind her.

With Kakashi:

Kakashi just arrived at the office and when he entered Sarutobi said, "Ah Kakashi-san, I trust that the mission was a success."

Kakashi nodded but said in a quiet tone, "Hai it was Hokage-Sama, but Naruto has recovered his memories from the incident with Ayame."

Sarutobi was shocked and asked, "How is he doing?"

"For the most part he is fine but when he first remember he had screamed and then started crying." Kakashi explained.

"Alright, I'm giving team seven the next week off for Naruto to recover. You may tell your team that they can still do D-ranks if they want but nothing serious."

"Hai Hokage-Sama." Kakashi said while bowing.

"And Kakashi-san, tell Naruto I hope he feels better soon." Sarutobi said softly.

"Of course." Kakashi said before he shunshined out."

Kakashi appeared in front of their home and went to Naruto's room as soon as he entered. When he got there; he saw Kanari and Tenshi sitting next to Naruto who was sleeping again and he asked, "How's he doing?"

"He's recovering. He's a lot calmer then he was before and just before he fell asleep he mumbled that he wants to see Ayame as soon as he can." Kanari said as she rubbed the top of his head.

"I'll see if she can come by to see him tomorrow then." Kakashi said as he stepped back out of the room. Before he closed the door he said, "Get some rest now."

That night both Kanari and Tenshi had slept with Naruto again hoping to bring him any kind of comfort.

And there you have chapter nine, hope you liked it and if you did please review. Next chapter probably will have the start of the wave arc. Take care.