Hey all, this is my first fanfic so I hope you all enjoy it. If I make any mistakes in grammar, jutsu names and such please forgive me and I will try and make the jutsus' in Japanese for it all but I might not be able to unless I can get a translator, and without further delays; read on. Oh and fair warning, this story is rated M for a reason.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in anyway and this is for entertainment purposes only.

Divine Intervention

Chapter 1

It seemed like any other evening in Konoha, it was a peaceful evening and most people had high spirits and were excited for later that night since it was the fifth anniversary of the defeat of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. So every year on October 10th there was a fairly large festival held in honor of the Yondime Hokage who had defeated it and it was widely celebrated by all the villagers. Well all but one villager really, and that was Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto never really went to the festival because every time he tries to go people will throw him out or attack him, but that wasn't really different on any other day, it was just more vicious on this day. Everyone but a select few people had actually seen young Naruto as the demon reincarnated hence his names Kyuubi brat, demon boy, demon, and so on. From all of this, Naruto was treated worse than trash.

Currently we find our young hero at Ichiraku's Ramen stand eating a large bowl of Miso Ramen. As he was eating he was talking to the owner Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. After a few more bites Naruto asked, "Hey Oji-san could you get me another bowl ready? I'm almost done with this one."

"Yeah alright gaki, I'll make this one on the house though since you've been helping us in the back all day." Teuchi replied.

"Wow thanks Oji-san!" Naruto replied enthusiastically.

"And thanks for all your help Naruto-kun." Ayame said sweetly to him.

"I didn't really do anything though Ayame-chan, all I did was hand you dishes so you could wash them and then I dried them." Naruto said back while scratching the back of his head in a slightly embarrassed way.

"Never the less, you still helped out which made it easier for me." Ayame replied while giggling slightly at his reaction.

A few minutes later just as Naruto polished off his bowl of ramen Teuchi set the other one down in front of him before saying, "You better eat quickly Naruto; it's getting dark out."

Naruto nodded and started eating while Ayame said, "When you're done eating I'll walk you back to the orphanage, at least if you're alright with that Tou-san."

"Hai, that's fine; just don't stay out too late."

Five minutes later; Naruto and Ayame were walking down the road towards the orphanage. "Thanks for walking with me Ayame-chan."

"It's no problem Naru-kun." Ayame responded saying his nickname in a teasing manner.

Naruto flushed and started grumbling about annoying nicknames. After a few minutes of walking the sun was no longer out and so they were walking in slight darkness; that's when Ayame noticed they were being followed. She looked behind them and saw a fairly large group of villagers walking behind them not too far off, all glaring with hate at Naruto. Ayame reached down and grabbed Naruto's hand and started walking faster. Naruto looked up at her confused, but then she explained, "We're being followed by the villagers; I don't want a repeat of last year to happen."

Naruto then looked frightened, he couldn't remember any of it but brief flashes, but the villagers had beat Naruto horribly to the point where he was hospitalized for a few months and had suffered temporary amnesia from the event. Ayame once again picked up her pace, but it didn't do any good, the villagers decided they had stalked enough and some of the ninja's in the mob threw some kunai as the rest started rushing them. Naruto screamed in pain as three kunai impaled his back and one in his leg…but he wasn't the only one; Ayame had screamed in pain alongside him having been hit in her shoulder. The impacts caused both of them to crash into the ground allowing the villagers and ninja to catch up.

Once they got to them the mob proceeded to dragging Naruto into an alley with many shouting, "DEATH TO THE DEMON!"

A man slammed Naruto into a wall and smashed a broken bottle over his head cutting him deeply. He then took the same bottle and slashed him across the face. After he did that he threw Naruto to a very fat man who was preparing to do something horrid to Naruto. Once he got a hold of Naruto he forced himself into Naruto's mouth causing him to gag while the man shouted, "HOW'S IT FEEL TO BE HELPLESS EH DEMON SCUM?" while he thrust in and out of Naruto's mouth before letting off in him.

The sudden release caused Naruto to throw up all over the ground and didn't get any chance to recover as two chunin grabbed him by his hair and threw him further into the alley each yelling out a jutsu.

"KATON: GOKAKYU NO JUTSU!" from the first chunin sending a fireball after him while the other sent a bolt of electricity after him.

Naruto screamed in pain as the jutsus hit him and he slumped down barely conscious anymore. Naruto was silently pleading for them to stop when he heard something that made his heart stop briefly. Ayame was screaming, "Let me go!"

Naruto saw a man dragging Ayame by her hair towards Naruto as two other ninja grabbed Naruto in between them and forced him to look at the scene. Then the same man who had defiled Naruto came forward and said, "You're going to watch as this little demon whore gets what she deserves for consorting with the likes of you DEMON!"

Several other men proceeded in ripping Ayame's clothes off as the fat man got in front of her with his pants down and forced himself into her ignoring the screams of "Ayame-chan" from Naruto.

Naruto watched helplessly as he struggled to get away as the man took Ayame's virginity away and rape her brutally. By the time the man stopped; Ayame had broken down into a sobbing mess and Naruto was staring in horror, that's when the lone jounin in the group stepped forward glaring murderously at Naruto before saying, "Time to pay for killing my wife you fucking demon."

The man then drew his katana that was strapped to his back and stabbed Naruto right through the heart and then kicked him into the wall with a sickening crunch. The jounin then turned to Ayame and said, "Time to die demon whore."

He raised his sword and prepared to behead her but before he could a kunai impaled his forehead causing him to drop dead. The mob looked in the direction where it came from and many gasped in fright; there standing at the end of the alleyway was the Third Hokage and two units of ANBU standing behind him. The Hokage then yelled out, "WHAT DO YOU FOOLS THINK YOU ARE DOING ATTACKING AN INNOCENT BOY AND GIRL!?"

The mob cringed at the yell which had been more of a roar then a yell when an idiot villager stepped forward saying, "We were just finishing what the Yondime started Hokage-Sama."

Despite the man's stuttering they all got the message, (Sorry I can't really type out stuttering well, it feels too weird for me) they all knew it was another idiotic mob that thought Naruto was the demon. Sarutobi just sighed and glared at them in anger before saying, "ANBU, kill them all no survivors…this has gone on long enough."

The ANBU behind him then proceeded to kill each member of the mob systematically while an ANBU with a dog mask tenderly picked up Naruto while a ANBU with a weasel mask picked up Ayame just as carefully while unsealing a cloak that he wrapped around her to hide her modesty. They looked towards the Hokage who nodded and they both took off to the hospital with great speed with the Hokage following close behind them.

As the two ANBU arrived at the hospital, they immediately called for the doctors, which came at once but once they saw who was being carried they turned around and walked off with the lead doctor saying, "Get the demon scum out of here, demons like him don't deserve treatment."

With that one statement though, he signed his death warrant, and less than a second after he finished speaking he dropped to the ground with a kunai in his skull. The doctors turned in fear and stared at the two ANBU when the one with the dog mask spoke, "Anyone else feel like breaking the Sandime's law?" When no one spoke up he then said, "If you want to stay living you will treat this boy and girl right now!"

The doctors then rushed forward taking both to a critical care unit just as the Hokage arrived. Sarutobi noticed the dead doctor and sighed before saying, "I guess he didn't want to treat Naruto-kun did he Inu-san?"

The ANBU just nodded before saying, "Hai Hokage-Sama, they just took Naruto and Ayame I believe was the girl's name into critical care."

Sarutobi just nodded before heading off in the direction of the critical care units with the two ANBU in tow.

Naruto opened his eyes slowly and blinked in confusion as to where he was at, he looked around and thought to himself, "Why am I in a forest?"

As he looked around more he heard someone from behind him say, "I see you're that awake Naruto-kun."

Hearing someone speak behind him caused him to turn around and he gasped in shock as he looked upon a vision of perfection. Standing behind him was a young woman who looked to be no older than 18. The woman had long flowing silver hair that gleamed in the sunlight, her eyes were a vivid blue color that was framed by a face that could only be called gorgeous, and anything else was an insult in Naruto's humble opinion. She stood at about 5'8" and had a very attractive body which had curves in all the right places, her breasts were what looked to be the perfect size, not too big for a hand and not too small either, not that Naruto understood that. She also seemed very well toned to Naruto and her voice was that of an angel.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Where is Ayame-chan?" Naruto asked in rapid succession.

The woman just smiled softly and said, "Ayame-chan is being taken care off by your doctors, as to where we are, well we are in my domain, and I am Kami."

Naruto's jaw dropped and hit the floor while his eyes bugged out of his head as he tried to process all of that. After a few moments he said with traces of tears in his eyes, "So I'm dead then? Why am I in your domain? Why am I not in hell?"

Kami just frowned at what he said before asking, "Why do you think you belong in hell?"

A few tears escaped Naruto's eyes before he said, "Because I am a demon…"

Before he could finish his statement he was pulled into a hug by Kami and was thoroughly confused by it. He was about to ask why she was hugging him when she said, "You are no demon Naruto…you're probably the most pure soul in existence." She then leaned back looking Naruto in the eyes before she wiped a tear away from his eyes and held her finger with it in front of him before continuing, "If you were in fact a demon would this becoming from you?" She asked while holding the tear up.

Naruto then buried his head in her chest sobbing uncontrollably while saying in between sobs, "Then why does everyone hate me and call me a demon?"

Seeing Naruto cry his eyes out broke her heart and she pulled him into a tight hug while rubbing his back and said, "What do you know of the attack on your village 5 years ago from the Kyuubi?"

After crying for a while longer he calmed down enough to respond with, "The Yondime Hokage killed the Kyuubi at the cost of his own life."

"Well you see Naruto that isn't what happened exactly, while the Yondime did defeat the Kyuubi, he didn't kill it." Kami said after a few moments which caused Naruto to look up at her in confusion.

"You see a bijuu can't be killed that easily, it would take a being of exact equal power or greater to kill one. So he did the next best thing he could do; he sealed it into a newborn baby which was you Naruto-kun. But before you even think it, you are NOT a demon you are its jailor that holds it back like a scroll can seal a kunai, so do not think you are one still."

Naruto nodded slowly as a few more tears leaked out before he asked, "Why me though?"

"I can't tell you yet Naruto, but I will in time if you accept my proposition." Kami said.

This caught Naruto's attention and asked, "What is it?"

"I want to train you so you can become strong and defend yourself from your enemies."

Naruto was speechless; here was the most powerful being in the universe offering to train him. After he processed the information he nodded vigorously causing Kami to giggle softly before she said, "But that's not it."

Naruto quit nodding and cocked his head to the side while looking up to her causing her to think, 'Kawaii.' Over and over.

"The other thing is that I want you to speak to Kyuubi, you'll find that it won't be what you were expecting at all."

Naruto sat down on the grass and thought it over for a few minutes before saying, "Alright I'll meet Kyuubi, but how?"

Kami just smiled before she tapped Naruto on the stomach in the center of the seal which started glowing through his shirt. Naruto gasped before a bright light flashed and sitting not too far from them was a woman who could pass off as a twin of Kami with just red hair and red eyes that looked just like a foxes eyes. Then Naruto noticed the fox ears on her head and nine tails behind her. After staring in shock he then noticed she was crying to herself with her head bowed between her legs and her arms wrapped around her. Ignoring everything else about her he walked up to her before asking, "Why are you crying miss?"

Kyuubi then stopped crying and literally stopped every movement before looking up and saw Naruto standing there. Next thing Naruto knew is that he was being tackled down to the ground with her screaming, "I'M SORRY!" over and over.

Naruto looked at her and asked, "But why are you sorry?"

Kyuubi sniffed a few more times before saying, "It's because of me that you've lived the life you have."

"Why did you attack then if you're like this? You look harmless to me."

"I was controlled by a genjutsu; a man in a spiral mask had released me from my last container and I made the mistake of looking him in the eye and the genjutsu fueled all of my anger and bloodlust and caused it to make me lose control, after I came too I was already sealed inside you." Kyuubi then looked down with more tears threatening to fall before she said softly, "I'm so sorry for what's happened."

Then the thing Kyuubi expected least to happen happened, she was pulled into a comforting hug by Naruto who then said, "I forgive you. You weren't in control and you were used to attack us so I can't be mad at you for something that wasn't your fault."

Kyuubi looked at Naruto with wide eyes before she buried her face in the crook of his neck crying harder than ever. Kami then walked over and said, "So Kyuu-chan do I not get a hello?"

Kyuubi then looked up in disbelief before saying, "Is that you Kami-chan?"

After seeing her nod Kyuubi then tackled her into a hug saying," It's so good to see you again; it's been far too long."

Kami smiled and hugged her back before she said, "It has been to long Kyuu-chan."

After they broke apart Naruto asked, "So what now?"

Kami looked over to Naruto and said, "It's time for your spirit to return to its body, while you've been here it was actually your spirit while your body was being treated."

Naruto nodded but then a thought struck him and he asked, "What about Kyuubi? Won't she be put back in the seal?"


"Really!?" Naruto shouted.

"Yes really, I removed her spirit from the seal but only the spirit, her chakra cannot be removed without you being killed sadly, for some reason her spirit was sealed fully with the seal but if I took the chakra as well the seal would break and it would kill you and her."

"So she'll be powerless now?" Naruto asked slightly confused.

"No I'll eventually get my chakra to recharge, that's one beautiful thing about being a demon is no matter what, our chakra recharges. Though that will take years upon years to fully comeback, roughly 300 years." Kyuubi explained.

"Wow that's a long time." Naruto said while starring wide eyed.

"Well it's time to go back Naruto-kun; it has already been one week for you since you got here." Kami said.

Naruto jumped up in shock before yelling, "WHAT!? We've only been talking for like two hours though."

"Time travels much faster in this area, it is why I brought you here, so you'd be fully healed by the time we were done talking." Kami replied calmly.

"Well alright then. Though how will you get to me? Won't it be weird if two gorgeous women showed up in my room all of a sudden?" Naruto asked.

"We'll appear outside Konoha and meet up with you somewhere in town, we'll find you." Kami said to him. She then leaned forward and tapped Naruto on the forehead and there was another flash of light.

Naruto then was opening his eyes and saw he was in a hospital bed covered in bandages. He sat up and looked next to him and saw the Third Hokage sleeping peacefully in a chair next to his bed. Naruto smiled brightly at this before reaching over and slowly shook his grandfather figure awake. After a few moments Sarutobi opened his eyes and saw Naruto up next to him who said, "Morning Oji-san."

Sarutobi smiled warmly at Naruto before saying, "How are you feeling Naruto-kun?"

"I feel great Oji-san!" Naruto exclaimed with a foxy grin.

"That's good too here, and I have some good news for you, three things actually."

"Oh, oh, oh, what is it?" Naruto asked while bouncing up and down.

"First is that Ayame-chan has made a full recovery, we had a member of the Yamanka clan modify her memory so she doesn't remember what happened to her."

"I'm glad for her, it must have been horrible. I don't really remember what happened again." Naruto said while looking down sadly.

Sarutobi looked at Naruto sadly before saying, "The other two things tie together, you see you were-"

Before he could finish the ANBU with the dog mask walked in and said as he took his mask off, "You no longer live at the orphanage and you can call me aniki."

And there we have chapter one, I hope you all enjoyed it and I will say now, I probably won't make chapters this long often, there was just a lot of stuff I could put in this one. Please review and take care.