Pokemon In The Real World: Book 4

Chapter 1: A New beginning...

"There. See her, kids?" I asked. Lily, Taylor, and I were standing in the middle of a crowded street, following a target. Taylor was swinging around a small knife, "Taylor, put that away. Someone might notice" I said. He put the knife in the small sheath then went back to observing the woman in the purple coat. They both sat on my shoulders, "Dad, when can we kill her?" Lily asked me. "We follow her until we find a quiet place to take her, then we can do what we want" I replied, Lily just nodded.

The woman began to move down the streets and through a few alleys, we followed. She came to a stop in the middle of the alley and looked around, "I think it's time to strike. Do you think you can do this by yourselves?". Taylor nodded and jumped off my shoulder, followed by Lily. I stood back out of sight with a handgun and a suppresser.


Lily and I stayed in the darker areas of the alleyway, creeping closer to the woman. "Remember, just like Dad taught us" I said to Lily, she nodded and held the blade she had. I pulled out mine as well and snuck closer. "I'll jump up onto her head while you go for the legs" Lily said to me, climbing up a pipe and getting a good view above the target.

When Lily was above, she gave me a signal and I walked up near the human, holding the blade. The woman turned around and bent down, "Hello there little cutie, are you lost?". I stabbed the blade into the woman's legs and she fell to her knees, then Lily jumped into the woman's head. "GET OFF ME!" she yelled, trying, trying to throw Lily off. I continued to stab into her legs while Lily stabbed into her shoulders.

The woman's flailing became weak as her crimson blood spilt onto the ground. I slashed my knife into her stomach while Lily cut along her neck. The woman fell on the ground motionless. Lily smirked, "That was pretty fun" she said, I nodded. Dad came up to us, "That was pretty good, I taught you well. You might be able to get an actual contract soon.". He then looked down at the corpse, "It's a shame she had to die, but she seemed to be a harmless enough target for your training. Let's go home, I'll see if you're available to get a contract and actually make money".


I walked around the lab, "Where's Chris?" I asked. One of the scientists turned to me, "Sir, he's left Team Rocket, he couldn't handle the heat after the arrival of Arceus. Something happened to him after his first visit with it". I asked, "What are you working on". He showed me formulas for some kinds of mixture. I have him the plans for my mind control device and control program, "Take the rest of the lab crew and see that these and improved upon. I need them to be top notch for any future endeavors".

"But sir, isn't he your brother?".

"He isn't my brother anymore".


When we got home, I was immediately greeted by three young pokemon, two female Snivy and a male Shinx. "Hi Dad, where did you go with Lily and Taylor?" asked one of the Snivy. Even if the Snivy weren't my children, it's better to let them think I'm their father than let them learn the truth. The youngest Snivy was Lily's daughter, Blossom. The Shinx was named Tesla, Volt's son. And the youngest was Sanjuana, Leaf's daughter. The name "Sanjuana" seemed quite odd, but Monara came up with it the night after she came to the house drunk.


I walked out to the living room to get something to eat, until I heard stirring in the other room. I turned and saw Monara stumbling toward me. "Y…You know wha' ye should name your kid in case it's a girl…?" she slurred, "Sanjuana…it's a good name…just consider it". She took another drink from her bottle of whisky before walking out the door. "If ye' need somethin' jus' give me a call".

I didn't like the name much, but I couldn't come up with any other names at the moment. Plus Blossom was already taken for Lily's kid, and I couldn't come up with any other names that went with grass or trees. So "Sanjuana" was my choice.

End Flashback

I walked in the living room and sat on the chair. "Welcome home, Allen" Volt said cheerfully, seeing that she was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. I smiled at her and saw the picture of the family, it felt like it was taken recently but it was nearly seven years ago, about an hour after Lily, Leaf, and Volt gave birth. Maybe I should take a new one soon, Blossom doesn't seem to like the picture much.

Leaf came up to me, "Hi, you're back early. How did the kids like their training". I replied "They liked it, I might get them to do a real contract soon". I looked out the window, "Dad, can I go out for a walk in the forest?" Sanjuana asked. I replied "Okay, just don't go out too far". Sanjuana opened the door and walked outside, towards the forest.

Author's Note: Please leave a review.