Author's Note: Well, a couple of years back, E350 wrote a one-shot about Danny Phantom and a super-hero school and posted it the day after my birthday. I said I had my own idea for a super-school story, but that I'd probably never get around to posting it.
Two years counts as never, right?
So, just returning the favor. Today (or tomorow or yesterday, I forget if you go foreward or backward on the Australian side of the dateline) is E350's birthday, and I'm posting this. I hope you all enjoy it.
Somewhere in Washington D. C., or close to it, an important meeting was being held. It wasn't the first time the idea of a school for young super-heroes was being discussed.
"We won't stand for an establishment training these loose-cannon vigilantes!" the commander over Skyway Patrol slammed his fist down on the table.
"I agree!" General Abercrombie of Area 86 interjected, "Those Super-Freaks are a menace to society! They cause more harm than good every time!"
"Oh, every time?" The only woman in the room, the head of Secret Government Schools, countered, "And how many times have super-heroes stopped monsters, aliens, and natural disasters that could have ended in the loss of millions of lives? How many times has any agency pulled that off with only a hand-full of people? Super-heroes put a minimum number of people at risk—"
"And cause maximum damage." The director of the Guys in White finished. "There are already government organizations for all those problems, the supers should let us handle it!"
"Right, because your group is so good at its job." The head of the O.W.C.A. rolled his eyes.
"Are you implying something Major Monogram?" The G.I.W. director challenged.
"Oh, I'm just saying, the Guys In White had all that trouble with hunting down Danny Phantom, and then he turned out to be a good guy. And of course there's the 'N-Men' incident with Area 86… oh, and let's not forget Skyway Patrol's ongoing battle of wits with XJ-9. All of whom are potential students for this new school."
"If this new school ever becomes more than a plan on a blue-print." The Skyway Patrol Commander said.
"I intend to make sure it does." A tall, grey-haired man with a nice mustache and British accent suddenly stepped into the room.
"Whoa-whoa-whoa! The director of UZZ?!" The General over Area 86 complained, "This is an American issue!"
"I beg your pardon, but UZZ is an international organization!" The grey-haired man said, "And North-America is currently the only continent without a school for young, untrained super-heroes."
"Oh yeah, what about Antarctica?" The General asked smartly.
"Yes, that includes Antarctica." The director of UZZ nodded.
Meanwhile in Antarctica…
"Yes Skipper?"
"I think we need to work on our publicity program."
Back to D.C.
"I'm sorry," started the head of Secret Government Schools, "Be we weren't expecting you, Mr.…"
"Ah, terribly sorry, but I had to arrive unannounced for security reasons. Also for security reasons, my name is changed transcontinentally. For this meeting you may call me…" He checked a small PDA and groaned. "Ruffled Duster."
Everyone in the room tried to suppress giggles until the conversation continued.
"Yes, Mr. Ruffled Duster, we were just discussing some of the negative aspects of having a school for supers."
"Like how much it will cost!" The Commander of Skyway Patrol interjected, "Who is going to pay for this school? The building alone will cost millions!"
"We've already contracted Dee Abner to design and build the school." Ruffled Duster stated, "He said he'd be more than willing to waive the costs since it would be for education."
The representatives around the room were mildly surprised.
"You mean… the same architect who designed and built the Multi-Acre Giant Mall of North America?" The director of the Guys In White asked.
"The very same."
"Well, there's still the question of teachers…" The Skyway Patrol commander protested half-heartedly.
"We've already had several offers, including The Crimson Chin, White Pantera, and the top scientist at UZZ."
"Hold on a second, isn't White Pantera from Mexico?" The General over Area 86 asked.
"Ah. Yes, because it's the only 'Super School' in North America, it would also need to be open to applicants from Mexico and Canada." Ruffled Duster explained. "But that also means the Canadian and Mexican governments would have to help fund it."
"Well, I think that's an offer too good to pass up!" The head of Secret Government Schools raised her hand. "Let's put it to a vote. I say yes."
"Yes from me." The head of the O.W.C.A raised his hand.
"Well… if the other countries will help fund it… I say yes." The commander of Skyway Patrol raised his hand.
The director of the Guys In White silently raised his hand as well.
Ruffled Duster cleared his throat, "Er, does my vote count?"
"You're here, so I don't see why not." The head of Secret Government Schools said.
"Oh, well I say yes."
Everyone looked at the General.
"Well, I suppose some formal training might straighten the freaks out…" He slowly raised his hand. And so it was decided.
A few notes about what I have planned for this story:
The main characters are all from Nickelodeon shows, although you can expect crossovers with various other shows further down the line, because I love crossovers.
Specifically, we've got students from Danny Phantom, Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and El Tigre, along with cameos and supporting roles from other Nicktoons.
Specifically, I plan on using UZZ from The Secret Show in the same way the Marvel Cinematic Universe uses SHIELD, just sillier. A big organization that kinda shows up everywhere, and ties stuff together. I'm still outlining the first story arc, so we'll see how it goes.
Oh yeah, did I mention this is gonna be basically an episodic series? Because that's the plan. We'll see how long that lasts, considering my usual update schedule.
I'll probably post more miscellaneous info on my deviantART page.