The first of I don't know how many.

1: Computer Complications

The lemurs had broken into Alice's office. Why? Julien had decided that if the penguins can do it on a semi-regular basis, then so should he. After all, he's the king. So there the three mammals were, sitting on the zookeeper's desk, staring raptly at the computer monitor. They were web surfing.

"Clicky that one Maurice," the ring tailed lemur demanded.

"Fine, fine," his subjected grumbled.

The portly primate moved the mouse over to a link and clicked it. Instantly the screen filled with pop-ups. Maurice frantically clicked on anything and everything to try and make the pop-ups go away, but to no avail. They just kept coming.

"It is an invasion! The poppy ups are wanting my kingdom!"

"We are doomed! Aaaah!," wailed Mort.

"It is not an invasion! It's probably just a virus or something," Maurice said trying to calm the others down.

"A virus! Even worse! Quickly, we must flee this place of contamination," declared the overly dramatic king.

With that, Julien climbed on Maurice's back and forced him to run out of the office. Mort hurried after them as fast as his tiny legs could carry him.

The next day when Alice came in to work and tried to log into her computer, the machine had an error screen. It seems that somehow the computer had become infected. So now she was forced to call tech support and have someone come out to fix it. It was not the best way to start off her day. How was she going to play solitaire without her computer?

Short. But then, it's a short story. Please review.