Waiting for the Inevitable
The weeks until the end of school seemed to be flying by.
The boys had their revenge, but the pranks seemed to die out after that. Harry and Ron had bewitched the girls quills so that when they wrote, it would come out as jibberish. It took the girls a while to catch on as to what was happening, but they managed to play it cool.
Since the boys weren't around when they realized what had happened to their essays, the girls simply found the counter curse and pretended that nothing had happened. The boys were dumbstruck when they didn't get yelled at for their prank, and the girls' essays were in English. The girls laughed silently at Harry and Ron's confused looks. Danielle and Hermione did feel sorry, as this was the first real prank the boys had managed to pull off, so they told them the truth.
The days went by and as they did the four teenagers grew more and more tense about everything. They all knew that there had been some big event that happened at the end of every year, which usually involved danger and Harry or now Danielle saving the day. Each day that passes without anything, meant that they were one day closer to the attack that they knew was coming.
Voldemort had threatened each of them and their families, at least what was left of them. They all feared for each other and anyone else that was close to them.
This was probably the reason the pranks died down. If something happened to any of them, none of them wanted the last thing that they said to that person to be "Ha ha, go you!"
They tried to keep themselves busy, but still keep their eyes open for anything suspicious. Danielle stayed at far away from Malfoy as she possible could. The end of the year exams came and went. They all did as good as they usually did. Actually they boys did better than usually because studying was actually a very good way to keep their minds off anything that might be going on outside the walls of Hogwarts.
Suddenly classes were over and they still hadn't had anything happen. They were just sitting on the train in silence, the same silence that seemed to follow them around for about a week. Hermione broke it after about a hour of sitting on the train.
"Nothing happened." She stated. Harry and Ron just nodded.
Danielle didn't even move, her eyes stayed fixed on the world that they were quickly passing. They were going so fast that they trees all seemed to blend together to create the look of a green wall shielding them from whatever was out there. As she just sat there watching the landscape fly by her, she somehow drifted off into a dream filled sleep.
Sara was in a house that Danielle had never seen before, she was playing with a young girl around Sara's age. "A friend from school." Danielle told herself.
Suddenly the door was blasted off it's hinges and the two young girls screamed. Masked figures stepped into the house and pointed their wands at the two six year olds. Both girls had looks of terror on their faces. Sara's friend started backing away from the advancing people, but Sara held her ground.
Suddenly both girls were bound with ropes and being carried out of the house. And then just a suddenly as the masked figures had appeared, they disappeared.
Danielle awoke with a start and looked at her three friends. Harry was the only one who was still awake.
"So, what did you see?" Harry asked her with a knowing look on his face.
"How did you know I had another dream?" Danielle asked him confused.
"You were muttering things in your sleep." Harry answered simply.
Danielle bit her lip as she remembered what she saw. "Sara. and a friend of hers were kidnapped." Danielle said simply and went back to looking out the window.
Harry didn't know if it was a one of her premonitions or if it was just a nightmare brought on from all the stress they were all feeling and the guilt that he knew she still carried with her over Tim's death.
Harry let her be, there was nothing that he could do to help. Either this dream would happen or it wouldn't, only time could tell.
As the train pulled into platform 9 3/4 the four friends gathered up their belongings and started to head off the train.
"I'll see you next year." Danielle said giving Harry a hug goodbye.
"I'll talk to you okay, and if you need me you know how to get me." Harry told Danielle and then he turned his attention to Hermione.
Soon Hermione was gone as well. Ginny joined Ron and Danielle and the three of them set off to find their family.
The weeks until the end of school seemed to be flying by.
The boys had their revenge, but the pranks seemed to die out after that. Harry and Ron had bewitched the girls quills so that when they wrote, it would come out as jibberish. It took the girls a while to catch on as to what was happening, but they managed to play it cool.
Since the boys weren't around when they realized what had happened to their essays, the girls simply found the counter curse and pretended that nothing had happened. The boys were dumbstruck when they didn't get yelled at for their prank, and the girls' essays were in English. The girls laughed silently at Harry and Ron's confused looks. Danielle and Hermione did feel sorry, as this was the first real prank the boys had managed to pull off, so they told them the truth.
The days went by and as they did the four teenagers grew more and more tense about everything. They all knew that there had been some big event that happened at the end of every year, which usually involved danger and Harry or now Danielle saving the day. Each day that passes without anything, meant that they were one day closer to the attack that they knew was coming.
Voldemort had threatened each of them and their families, at least what was left of them. They all feared for each other and anyone else that was close to them.
This was probably the reason the pranks died down. If something happened to any of them, none of them wanted the last thing that they said to that person to be "Ha ha, go you!"
They tried to keep themselves busy, but still keep their eyes open for anything suspicious. Danielle stayed at far away from Malfoy as she possible could. The end of the year exams came and went. They all did as good as they usually did. Actually they boys did better than usually because studying was actually a very good way to keep their minds off anything that might be going on outside the walls of Hogwarts.
Suddenly classes were over and they still hadn't had anything happen. They were just sitting on the train in silence, the same silence that seemed to follow them around for about a week. Hermione broke it after about a hour of sitting on the train.
"Nothing happened." She stated. Harry and Ron just nodded.
Danielle didn't even move, her eyes stayed fixed on the world that they were quickly passing. They were going so fast that they trees all seemed to blend together to create the look of a green wall shielding them from whatever was out there. As she just sat there watching the landscape fly by her, she somehow drifted off into a dream filled sleep.
Sara was in a house that Danielle had never seen before, she was playing with a young girl around Sara's age. "A friend from school." Danielle told herself.
Suddenly the door was blasted off it's hinges and the two young girls screamed. Masked figures stepped into the house and pointed their wands at the two six year olds. Both girls had looks of terror on their faces. Sara's friend started backing away from the advancing people, but Sara held her ground.
Suddenly both girls were bound with ropes and being carried out of the house. And then just a suddenly as the masked figures had appeared, they disappeared.
Danielle awoke with a start and looked at her three friends. Harry was the only one who was still awake.
"So, what did you see?" Harry asked her with a knowing look on his face.
"How did you know I had another dream?" Danielle asked him confused.
"You were muttering things in your sleep." Harry answered simply.
Danielle bit her lip as she remembered what she saw. "Sara. and a friend of hers were kidnapped." Danielle said simply and went back to looking out the window.
Harry didn't know if it was a one of her premonitions or if it was just a nightmare brought on from all the stress they were all feeling and the guilt that he knew she still carried with her over Tim's death.
Harry let her be, there was nothing that he could do to help. Either this dream would happen or it wouldn't, only time could tell.
As the train pulled into platform 9 3/4 the four friends gathered up their belongings and started to head off the train.
"I'll see you next year." Danielle said giving Harry a hug goodbye.
"I'll talk to you okay, and if you need me you know how to get me." Harry told Danielle and then he turned his attention to Hermione.
Soon Hermione was gone as well. Ginny joined Ron and Danielle and the three of them set off to find their family.