" Mckennah you had better be up there packing. " My brother, Chris calls up to me.
I turn my radio off and go downstairs. " I don't wanna move. " I whine as soon as I get into the living room.
I was informed two days ago that I'm being sent to Hicksville, USA to live with " family ".
Chris sighs. " Your father just died Kennah. Just think of what your other siblings are going through. And now with Dana skipping out on our daughter, I have to work full time and take care of Toni. "
Oh yeah, my " other siblings. " I'm the product of an affair between their dad and my mom. When his wife found out about my mom's pregnancy she did everything she could to make sure that he stayed with her, including getting pregnant with Elena. Making me only three months older than my half-sister.
I know I should be sad that I never got to meet the man, but there's no use in crying over a man who never knew me. Sighing I started helping him pack my things. Walking to my vanity I start taking down pictures of me, mom, and Chris at various stages in our lives. Christmas, vacations, birthdays, and school pics. Knowing that both of the people that made me are gone kind of hurts.
Stop! You are gonna make the best of this. Your siblings may not like you, but at least it's a new start. It was hard growing up known as the " strippers " daughter. It didn't matter that my mother always took good care of her children. All that mattered was that she took her clothes off for money. Soon she fell into a deep depression and drank herself to death. It was very hard to watch.
I sigh again and get back to packing. When I finish packing my dresser up I look at myself in the mirror. The silver heart-shaped pendant that my great-grandmother left me is more pronounced against my chest that it has ever been. It's hallowed with intricate designs on it. She gave it to me when I was little just before she passed away. There's was some kind of smelly plant in it, but after so long it wilted and died. It's the only thing I have left of her.
Looking at the clock I realize I've spent all night getting everything done in time. I slide into my bed hoping for a good nights sleep. My flight to Mystic Falls is early and Chris just can't wait to get rid of me.