… I really don't want to do this… I just can't... t-this is just too… CRUEL…

"You have to, Narrator; it's YOUR job, not mine."

This seems like it's going to far… m-maybe we should stop right here, okay? Maybe call it quits?...

"Are you KIDDING? It'll be a hoot!"

"Do it, Narrator… just do it."

America, you're not… of course you wouldn't help; I almost forgot you're a villain now… And frankly that uniform and hat don't suit you, even if you're…

"This is my disguise. You know this. Why are you obviously trying to stall us?"

"Don't think you can stop me either way, little miss Narrator."

Fine. I'll do it… but I won't like it…

"Much better… now if you're done moping, start the chapter."

"Hello?" Prussia called into the house, "Spain, are you here?"

Prussia had just arrived at Spain's house. Having gone with the micronations to fight Discord's forces, Prussia had gotten separated from the group. He was hoping to find his three friends, Spain and France, to get help, but France obviously wasn't an option, and Spain was nowhere to be found.

"I need help," Prussia said to himself as he took out his cellphone. He dialed his brother's number and placed the receiver to his ear, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello? Who is this?" a voice answered from the other end.

"Germany! It's Prussia!"

"Prussia! Where the hell have you been!? I've been looking all over for you!"

"I went off with Sealand and the others. We got lost. I just got to Spain's house, but he's not here! Have you seen him?"

"I'm afraid I haven't."

Prussia felt as if he needed to ask something "Is it true that France tried to kill England?"

"I'm afraid so, Prussia," Germany answered.

"Why? France wouldn't do that!"

"Well, Japan wouldn't have blown the meeting off over a stupid sword, either."


"It's true. Me and Italy went over to his house to make sure nothing happened, but he was too fixated on this sword to even give us the time of day! Where are you now?"

"Spain's house, just like I said."

"Alright, I'm on my way."

There was a beep on the other end as Germany hung up. Prussia put away his phone and sat down. Things just got worse at every turn. First, Gilbird flies off to God-knows-where, now all of this!

"Mein Gott… it's times like this I miss the old days…" he said to himself, reminiscing of when he was still a country. He was once one of the most powerful countries in the world, but he just… disappeared one day. Things don't last forever, do they?

"I do too, Prussia," a familiar voice suddenly spoke.

Prussia almost jumped; he hadn't heard that voice in hundreds of years. Not since his glory days. Prussia turned his head to look behind him. The human he saw there was wearing an old blue and red military uniform Prussia himself once wore. He had a captain's hat, grey hair, and blue eyes. The man's name came to Prussia in an instant; King Fredrick II.

"Old Fritz!"

"Yes, Prussia, it's me," the man replied with a warm smile on his face.

"B-But how are you here!? You've been dead for centuries!"

"In the wake of Discord's appearance, I've been revived," Fritz explained, "and I'm here to help you."

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" Prussia said sincerely. Fritz was the greatest king and leader Prussia had; no one had come close, and he was the greatest friend he ever had.

"I am happy to see you again as well, Prussia."

"And now I'm certain we can get through this with you back!"

Fritz smiled at him, placing a hand on Prussia's shoulder, "Listen closely, Gilbert. I have a plan."

Some time later…

"You certain this will work, Fritz?" Prussia asked, standing at the top of a large hill.

"I'm positive, Gilbert," Fritz replied, next to Prussia.

"How do I look?"

Prussia stood in his old military uniform. It matched the uniform Fritz wore. Whenever Prussia wore this, he always felt like he was the most powerful country in the world.

"Powerful," Fritz said, "And with a powerful country is a powerful weapon."

Fritz took out a case and opened it. Inside was a glowing double-edged sword. Prussia gasped at the sight of it.

"This is an enchanted blade from my world," Fritz explained, "A blade worthy to be wielded by the county I've come to know and rule…"

Prussia picked up the blade, feeling the power of it coursing up his arm as he held the hilt.

"It's the most powerful blade in existence," Fritz continued, "And as far as I know the one thing that can cut Discord's forces down to size… are you ready?"

"I was born ready, Old Fritz!" Prussia said proudly.

Fritz and Prussia both turned around, seeing below an entire army of disfigured animals and humans. All of these have been transformed through Discord's power, and as it seems, they're beyond saving.

"I wish you the best of luck, Prussia," Fritz said.

Prussia charged down the hillside to the crowd of mutants, sword in hand. In an instant he was swinging at the crowd with the sword. Left and right he saw Discord's forces fall at the blade. As he tore through the crowd, Prussia felt an old feeling going through his veins; the feeling of being on top of the world. It had been YEARS since he felt this good. His old friend was back, he was fighting Discord; he felt like nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong!

After what only felt like a few minutes to Prussia, he had cleared Discord's army.

"I… I did it!" he exclaimed, panting. He turned back at the fallen army… to see it still standing like nothing had happened. His eyes went wide with shock.

"Ze hell!?" he shouted, "What's this!?"

The angered army had its eyes on Prussia. It charged at him, Prussia had his blade ready, but it seemed to do no damage.

In a sudden flash of light, the army disappeared. All that was left was Fredrick II.

"Old Fritz!"

"I suppose I had asked too much of your abilities, Prussia…" Fritz said.

"What happened there!? I was wiping the floor with them!"

"I probably should have mentioned this; the power of the sword you have in your hands reflects the power of the user; it cannot be stronger than the one who wields it," Fritz explained.

"What do you mean?"

"If those creatures were completely unharmed like nothing had happened…"

"A… Are you saying I'm not strong!?" Prussia said in disbelief.

"Not anymore," Fritz answered, "You used to be a powerful country, Prussia, but hardly anyone even remembers you existed. You've disappeared like the Holy Roman Empire before you."

"No!... You're lying!" Prussia couldn't believe that this was Old Fritz; the only human he ever considered a friend.

"Aw, perhaps I'm being too harsh… after all, there is one thing you've managed to succeed at," Fritz said, "You're completely invisible. It's come quite naturally to you."

"NO!" Prussia was on the run. He continued to run until he found an entire crowd of people. He continued running, but was about to crash into one young woman. He seemed to phase right through her as if he were a ghost!

"Are you alright!?" he asked. The woman simply walked through him like she didn't see him.

"Come on! One of you has to hear me!" Prussia yelled.

He tried everything he could to get the crowd to notice him. Not a single person there seemed to pay him heed. Exhausted, Prussia collapsed to the ground. No one would notice him crying. He didn't exist. He was as useful as a dead corpse in the world.

"If I have no more purpose…" Prussia asked to no one in particular, "… then why am I still alive?..."

… oh no…


Germany had been searching high and low for Prussia for ages now. He had just arrived at the borders of Spain, but Prussia was nowhere to be found. He even checked Spain's house, but he wasn't there either. He couldn't have disappeared, could he?

Then he noticed a crowd of people crowding around… what looks like someone. Fearing the worst, Germany ran over and pushed through the crowd. As he got to the middle, his worst fears were confirmed true; Prussia was lying down in a heap, and his colors had turned completely unnaturally grey. Prussia appeared to still be conscious, as his eyes were still open and he was breathing, but the expression on his face was of absolute despair. Germany brought him up onto his knees.

"Prussia, what happened to you!?" Germany asked.

Prussia didn't answer, and only stared at Germany blankly.

"Prussia, it's me! Germany! Don't you hear me!?"

It looked as if Prussia couldn't and didn't even care.

"Prussia!" Germany shook him, "Snap out of it! Prussia!"

Germany felt his voice breaking as tears stung his eyes, and he felt his colors fading from despair, "… Gilbert?..."

Germany slowly broke down into tears, "No… not you too…"

"HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" a voice laughed from above. It was Discord, "That was the best one yet! I didn't even NEED to trick the blonde one! You've truly proven yourself, America."

America floated beside him, still wearing the illusion of Old Fritz.

"Thank you, Master," America said, the illusion fading, "What should we do next?"

"Hmmm…" Discord thought to himself, "What's the nearest continent?"

"From Europe? That would be Asia."

"I say we go there! Spread out a bit."

"Yes, Master Discord," America replied.

The two of them took one last look down at Germany, still trying to get some sort of reaction out of Prussia, but to no avail. They departed East towards Asia.

… What have I done?...

Prussia… Germany… I'm sorry…

To be continued…