He's a boy. Just a boy. So there shouldn't be all this fuss.

He's a boy, just a boy, so you shouldn't feel guilty about being seen with him. After all, you said so yourself, he's just a boy.

Just a boy that you're in love with.

He's a boy. Just a boy.

But does that mean you're parents would approve of him? No.

Because he's not just any boy, he's a muggleborn boy, and your parents wouldn't like that much if they found out, would they?

So you sneak around and stay hidden. Hidden from view, hidden from sight. You don't let anyone know how completely head over heels in love with him you are.

After all, he is just a boy.


On the first date, like most boys, he bought you flowers. But not just any flowers, he bought you phloxes. He doesn't know why, he said they reminded him of you, and he didn't think you were the roses type.

You aren't really the roses type. Because roses are traditional. Just like your family.

Roses remind you of family, and tradition, and everything that you don't want to think about when you're with him.

Because he's not traditional, he's utterly unique and perfect.

And you love him for that.

And he calls you 'Dromdea, something no one else ever calls, something else that it new, and original, and utterly unique and perfect.

Something untraditional.


He says he can't do this anymore. He says he's tired of moving around, acting like he hates you all the time, only to get those few stolen hours by night.

He says he's done.

He says unless you can get your family to accept him, or run away, or something, he can't have this relationship with you because he can't keep living in a lie.

But I've been living in a lie this whole time! You want to scream. What about me? Didn't you know this would happen? Didn't you know?

Didn't you know, 'Dromeda?

You did.

But you were willing to take a risk. It was a huge risk, what you did, and you knew it from the very first day.

But that didn't stop you, did it?

And suddenly, you know what you have to do. All you have to do, to be happy forever is-


Hearing he was dead was the worst thing imaginable.

Hearing it on the radio was worse.

And now you're standing there, crying, crying over a dead body that you knew will never be found.

If he had to die, you would've wanted it a different way. You would have wanted to be there, standing with him on his last few minutes, telling him you love him as you watched him drift off into a peaceful sleep.

You doubt his death was peaceful.

But that's the traditional way, isn't it? Getting to say one last, "I love you," and one last, "I need you," right before they sleep forever?

And you don't want traditional. Isn't that what your whole relationship was based off of? Isn't that what you loved about him? That he was untraditional?


He's a boy.

Just a boy.

But you're just a girl who should've known better.

A/N-I think Andromeda Tonks has one of the worst lives. I was thinking this over as I wrote this. I mean, think about it. She was disowned by her family, her husband died, her daughter died, and her daughter's husband died. How sad is that?

This is for: Always Padfoot's Stretch Your Limits Challenge (write about star crossed lovers), Ralinde's Pairing Diversity Camp with the prompt phlox, Budapest All Over Again's Creatures of Hogwarts Challenge Niffler (write a romance), my own Character Diversity Boot Camp with the prompt embolden, the Forbidden Relationships Competition (Section A Drabble: Romeo and Juliet Divide) and for the First Round of The Hungers Games: Fanfic Style.

Dedicated to Exceeds Expectations because…well, I don't know why. Does there have to be a reason?