A/N - So, another story I could remember my mom telling me and decided to write it down. Sweet family moment... So, it's all true.
X Nina
Disclaimer: If I owned Castle, we would have new episodes every couple of hours and sneak peeks every 30 minutes. So, I clearly do NOT own it.
I woke up when the loud sound of thunder crashed through my window. I had never been so scared, not even my covers made me feel safe anymore and I knew all I needed at the moment was my mommy's arms.
Slowly, I climbed off bed and tiptoed through the hall and sat on my butt to manage to go down the stairs without falling. From the bottom of the stairs, I can see mommy standing by the window while talking to daddy, who is sitting on the couch typing in his ideas for the new book he was writing.
I let out I sob I hadn't realized I was holding and a tear slipped free down my cheek. Mommy saw me and walked in my direction, running a hand through my brown curls when she got close enough. "Hey, Jo-jo. I thought you were already sleeping." she said, and I could see daddy turning his head to look at us.
Tiredly rubbing my eyes with my fists, I explained to her the reason I wasn't in bed. "I scared, mommy." She picked me up in her arms and took me closer to the window. Another thunder rang outside and I covered my ears with my hands. "It loud and scary."
"Do you know why thunder and lightning exist, honey?" I shook my head, frowning in confusion. " Well, when it's about to rain, the clouds in the sky get really, really close together, which is why we can't really see the sun. They all want to wet a part of the city, but they can never reach an understanding, so they start bumping into each other for more space."
I looked at her in awe, completely amused by the story. "Then," she continued. "the thunder happens."
"And the lightning?"
"The lightening is just the clouds' way to show one another how mad they are. And when they found space to spread in the sky again, they stop fighting, and there's no noise anymore.
"Stop fighting, silly clouds!" Mommy laughed at how serious I looked, ordering the clouds to stop fighting. Then, my expressions turned softer as I hugged her neck and rested my head on her shoulder. "Not scared anymore, mommy. Back to bed?"
"Yeah, honey. Let's get you back to bed."
Hope you all liked it. Please leave your review in the box below. It's highly appreciated.