"They were your parents." The Doctor told River in an apologetic voice.

He and Rose couldn't move, couldn't watch the Angel that took them because they were too busy sobbing. The Doctor for losing his Amelia Pond, Rose because she couldn't change it. She couldn't save them, even if she could manipulate all of Time itself.

"It's fine." River said.

"No, it isn't fine. You lost them, River. You lost your parents and you didn't even get to mourn them..." Rose choked back a sob. "I stole that from you too."

River didn't say anything for a long time. She let the words sink in. Then she assured Rose that she was fine. She didn't need to mourn them because she had an entire life with them.

"Plus." She added, "I can go see them. The TARDIS just can't land." Then she left.


"You knew..." the Doctor muttered in a grave voice, "You knew this was going to happen but you didn't warn me? Why. Didn't. You. Warn. Me?" he took a step towards her with every word.

"Because I couldn't. Because I thought I could fix it...because...because..." her mind went blank.

"Because what Rose Tyler?"

"Because this needed to happen, so you...so you could..."

"So I could go back for you? Rory and Amy needed to be lost so I could go back to find you." he laughed humorlessly, "I thought you were better than that..."

He turned back to the controls and started turning knobs.

"What are you doing?" Rose asked.

"I'm going to drop you at your mothers, then I'm going to go blow off steam, and you are going to fix this." he snapped.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they just stop caring. They've been through so much, have been so selfless only to have it blow up in their face every time. They get to a point when they become selfish, they no longer care about the rules and consequences. The Doctor had reached this point. The Ponds were gone. Amelia, with a name like a fairy tale who had waited twelve years for him to come back. Twelve long years on the slow path, with faith that her Raggedy Doctor would show up for another adventure. Then there was Rory the Roman, Rory who became a true father-in-law to the Doctor. While Amy always remained his best friend, Rory took up the role of a fatherly figure. Although the Doctor teased Rory, calling him a Pond and pointing out his obvious submissive role in the marriage, The Doctor couldn't help but respect him. Now they were gone, and he learned that Rose could have changed it. And he was tired of it. So so tired.

Rose was sitting in her old room, legs crossed on her bed. A glow light emanated from her. Jackie Tyler was out for the day, giving Rose time to focus. She was searching the timelines. Unraveling them. Her body was in her old bedroom, but her mind and heart were in the time stream. She was sitting cross legged, suspended by a cradle of time and space, with a paradox in her lap. The threads of Time had gotten themselves in a snarl, and she needed to proceed gently, or risk breaking them. Her fingers moved nimbly, pulling, twisting, and unraveling until part of it came loose and fell away. She just unlocked the entire united states in 1938, but still needed to do specifics. She worked west to East, as the flow of time requested. Finally, after decades of work (and no Time at all), Rose unraveled it. New York, 1930's onward. She fixed it.

She woke up a few seconds after going into meditation when she heard the TARDIS materializing. He pushed the door open, the interior had been changed, his wardrobe was changed. He seemed...determined.

"You went on an adventure without me..." she accused stepping into the TARDIS.

"Well, I needed to give you time to work. I knew what you were doing the minute you started. I got you back here, by the way. Told you everything up to that point, only I didn't let the angel touch you. I explained..."

"You explained what happened and left me with Jack so I wouldn't have to relive all those years without you. Yes, I remember that. Thank you." she kissed him softly and smiled when his arms went around her waist.

"I saw Oswin again. Her real name is Clara Oswin Oswald and she somehow ended up in Old Time London."

"You're sure it was her?"

"She said, 'Run you clever boy, and remember.'"

"So when do we leave?" Rose asked excitedly, fingering the lapels on his new jacket. "I like the new look. Still obsessed with the bow tie, I see..."

"Well they are cool." he defended his bow tie and moved to fix it.

"Indeed they are." she said with a flirty smile.

They emerged from their room several days later and went off to find this Clara Oswin Oswald.

A/N: I hope the Doctor didn't seem too much out of character. I knew he would never abandon Rose, but he would be angry at her for withholding important information from him, especially concerning Amy and Rory. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did tell you lot that I would probably change the ending to TATM. I don't think Amy and Rory would be traveling with him anymore, but Rose and the Doctor would go see them, and take them home if they wanted to.