Chapter Thirty
I reached the front of the hospital and saw the stairs leading to the emergency exit! If I got up there I could jump off and be gone, my shitty life be over! I ran as fast as I could to the bottom of the steps then looked up, it was high but it was my escape route! I climbed to the top then saw Sam appear from where I ran, she had followed me and Tom had stayed with Zack!
"Tamzin, come down!" she shouted trying to act like she wasn't terrified.
I ignored her and stepped on to the barrier, people started to gather at the bottom then Jeff burst through the doors at the top of the steps.
"Please don't do this Tamzin" he said stepping a little closer.
"Good bye Jeff, I love you" I released my grip and fell!
When I reached the ground my world went black and I had reached heaven, I could now be happy and spend my times watching Zack and making sure he stayed happy. I could also watch Jeff read the letter I had left in my will to him.
The letter
'Dear Jeff (of as Dixie calls you when she's mad at you Jeffery!)
I am sorry if you are reading this while I'm young and have died in a horrid way like on a shout by getting too involved or falling down a home or if you're reading this because I ended my life but things happen and when the time is right death comes!
I hope you take everything of mine and keep it (even my shoes!) and take the best care of them! I don't want any of my stuff being binned because you can give it away to friends or a charity shop so nothing goes to waste!
I want you to have my fish that you may have seen at my house before, he is called Jeff after you and I only named him that because he swam in to the side of the fish tank and seemed a little clumsy like you but also incredibly cute!
I will go serious now, after all this is meant to be about me dying! I left this world and will now be on mars with all my alien buddies! Okay sorry… you know I can't do serious!
I will miss you and everyone no matter how I died, if I died hating you then believe me I will love you now no matter what you have done for me not to like you!
Any way must dash off to heaven!
Love you,
Tamzin Bayle aka one of Jesus' disciples!'
Jeff put the letter down on the table and sighed "she is… was one crazy girl!" he smiled a little then walked over to a crib where Zack lay sleeping, he stroked Zack's soft hair "you know your mummy was one amazing person, she saved lots of people's lives and forgave people when they did stupid things, she is amazing!" when I heard Jeff say this I knew my soul had forgave him and that I could watch him and Zack live happily with Dixie until the day they joined me!
The End.
Hope everyone enjoyed this roller-coaster of a story! Please let me know what you thought of the whole thing and I will love to hear any criticism! :)