Animaniacs belongs to Warner Bros.

It was a chilly autumn night in Acme Falls. Yakko and Dot Warner had returned to the old wooden water tower they called home, after a long day of sitting at the train station and hoping that their brother Wakko would return from the city.

Dot coughed as Yakko tucked her into bed.

"Tell me the story!"

"Okay," sighed Yakko. "One time, one time 'kay see, Randy Beaman's little sister kept asking him for a bedtime story, and-"

"No!" Dot interrupted. "No Randy Beaman stories! I want my story!"

This kind of exchange happened every night, and Yakko would inevitably give in; he just couldn't resist his cute little sister. "Once upon a time, a brave knight married a beautiful princess and they had two sons..."

Yakko had a good reason for not wanting to tell the story of Dot's birth every night: when King Salazar had come to power, he had decreed that no one would ever mention the Warners' parents again, under penalty of torture.

Yes, Yakko remembered who his parents were. He hadn't been that young when they'd died, and he remembered Dot's real birth fairly clearly, or at least the day she first came home. Thinking about it now, Yakko found it a little ironic that Wakko was now working so hard to make money for Dot's operation, when he initially hadn't wanted much to do with her...