30 frostiron drabbles for the 30 day writing challenge.

1. Beginning

It began with sex. At least that's what they told people. The truth was the beginning actually came after the sex started. There were hundreds of tiny beginnings, all of which came together to form something everyone else referred to as a relationship. When he stepped back to examine the bigger picture, Tony had to grudgingly admit they might be right.

It began with that smile. Not the sharp one Loki was so quick to whip out, the one that had Tony smirking back every time in challenge. No, the smile that began it was the one that flashed across Loki's face for the briefest moment when he awoke and his eyes landed on Tony. It was sweet, pain free, and genuinely happy. Tony's heart did little flip flops in his chest, and in that moment something was changed between them.

It began when Loki let Tony hug him. The billionaire knew it was probably a bad idea, that he was probably going to be stabbed (or thrown through the window again), but Tony had never been one to make self preserving decisions. The god (his god) had stiffened in his arms, but after a moment he had accepted the embrace. And that was how Tony found out that Loki loved to cuddle.

It began the first time JARVIS called Loki 'Sir.' Tony had let his drink overflow (and that was a shame because it was some really fine scotch). Loki had given him a look that asked 'what-is-wrong-with-you.' Tony's intelligent reply had been to snap out, "What'd you do to my AI?" Loki had rolled his eyes and stolen his drink. Tony never did tell JARVIS to stop.

It began with a kiss. This kiss had not been like the ones they had shared before. Those ones were heated passion, hate, and desire all rolled into one. This one was sweet passion, long, and lingering. It told Tony that Loki was going to do something stupid, and he was going to do it alone. After all this time Loki still felt he had no choice but to be alone, and Tony's heart broke because that was the one lie Loki could not see.

It should have been goodbye, but Tony considered it a beginning.