Disclaimer: I seriously don't own anything of and from the Divergent trilogy, all rights, characters, settings and all respectively belong to Veronica Roth.

Tris' POV

We headed back to our apartment- just me and Four.

I was really happy about today, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

From time to time I'd stifle a giggle, but a sound would appear anyway. And Four would look at me quizzically, then my face would heat up so I'd look down at my shoes or turn away.

We finally reached the apartment and I let go of his hand and jumped quickly onto the bed, when Four came in, he locked the door behind him and turned to me smirking.

"Aw, are you tired?"

I was about to reply, when I realized the sarcasm in his voice. So I threw a pillow at him instead.

"Hey!" I shouted while laughing.

He began to laugh with me and soon we had our little pillow war- which, of course I won.

"Okay, okay so maybe you're not tired then."

I smiled then headed to the bathroom for a nice warm bath. I took my time, and sort of fell asleep, and I only woke up to Four's constant knocking.

"Tris are you done yet? You know that there's only one bathroom right, and it's my turn!"

I laughed,

"Just wait! Five minutes then I'll be done!"

I finished quickly and dried myself with a towel, then I wrapped it around me as I came out.

Four was sitting patiently on the foot of the bed and jumped up when he saw me come out. He gave me a quick peck on the lips as he dashed to the bathroom.

I got dressed up and lied down in bed.

Four came out when I finished, and was already dressed. He saw me curled up and came up as quietly as he could and lied down, beside me.

He wrapped his arm around me, and I pushed myself closer to him. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered,

"Did you have fun today Tris?"

I turned to face him and smiled, his eyes were beautiful, especially in the moonlight. Everything about him was as perfect as it could be, and I wouldn't change a single thing.

"Yes I did."

I gave him a kiss and he kissed back, my hands found its way once again on his chest and another wrapped around him.

His hands stayed around me and the other cupped my cheek.

His hand slowly and carefully traced my spine, making me shiver. I wrapped one leg around him and my hand held a fistful of his shirt, while still being wrapped around him.

Bringing him as close as he could be, to me.

Then his hand carefully came down from my back, to my leg almost going under my shirt.

I knew I should have stopped, but I couldn't. My hands, legs, and mouth had minds of their own. And they all knew what to do, and wanted all together the same thing

Something under my pillow touched the small point of my back, the part where my wound was.

And I stopped and winced.

Four quickly stopped, he detangled himself from me, and I sat up straight wincing while holding on to the small point of my back to stop it from aching.

Four sat with me and kept his arm around me while the other held my hand.

That wound reminded me of almost too much, and my vision started blurring, I knew I was crying, but I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried.

The tear traced my cheek, and fell on Four- Tobias' hand.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize."

My wound didn't hurt as much as it used to, but it still hurt. It brought back too many memories for me to ever forget.

"Tobias, I'm scared."

I don't know why I said his real name, but I did, and it felt better to hear.

"You aren't, and you don't have to be."

He removed himself from me and put his hand under my pillow, he brought out a coin and tossed it across the room away from me.

I lied back down and he did too.

He kissed my forehead lightly, before I drifted off to sleep

"Goodnight Tris."

I turned to face him,

"Goodnight Tobias, I love you."

I think he whispered the same thing but I didn't hear it, I drifted off to sleep with his arm still wrapped around me.

Author's Note:

Okay so there I'm done! I'm sorry if it's not that long and all, but I tried :) Some of you guys have messaged me and reviewed for me to continue, and so I was really happy. I'll change the summary of the story as soon as possible, and yeah. Anyway thanks for all the reviews! And thanks for reading it! Please review and tell me what you think and if I should still update the story :)

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