Hey this chapter is just to set up pretty much. it starts from the moment tris arrives at the greenhouse:)

"Tris! Over here." Briar called out. He was surprised when he saw Sandry accompanying him and wondered what could be important enough for her to actually come, not just send a mind message to him. The girls walked over to him slowly, taking everything in with wide eyes. Briar saw they both had red thumbprints on their foreheads and smiled for the colour almost matched Tris's hair.

"Trisana. You won't be able to bring that out of here when you leave and we had our own writing implements." Crane informed her.

"Yes I know that." She replied crossly. "I just prefer to have my own things. Everything is set up how I like it. now where to I start?"

Crane directed her to Peachleaf's old spot and she quickly got to work sorting through the previous notes and her utensils.

"So what brings you here." Briar asked Sandry curiously.

"Oh Lark said it would be good if I got some fresh air for an hour or two and I have to talk to Crane about how many more suits he wants and everything."

Briar saw how thin and pale she was and could hear the weariness in her voice, he probed the connection between them in his mind was shocked at how low her reserves were and quickly pushed some of his magic through. She looked up gratefully and smiled at him, the paleness in her face disappearing.

"Thanks. Well I suppose I should talk to Crane now, these suits are awfully uncomfortable. Even if I did make them."

With a parting smile to him, she walked to where Tris and Crane were talking.

"Excuse me Dedicate Crane, but I have some queries about the amount of suits you want and when."

Briar watched from across the room as they talked and worried about his sister. For her reserves to be that low she must be working herself to the bone to produce all the protection that she can. Then he remembered that Tris was with her before and called out to her through their link.

What do you want Briar? I have to memorize the previous notes.

Does Sandry look, I don't know, exhausted to you?

What do you expect? Seriously. She's been working herself to exhaustion to make sure that everyone gets the best protection she can. Her and Lark both.

With that she cut of their connection and returned to her memorizing. He returned back to his tray and finished it slowly, still thinking about Sandry. He placed the tray on the shelf and was about to get a new one when Sandry passed him. Quickly turning he grabbed her arm and pulled her over.

"Sandry you have to stop working yourself so hard. Eat and rest more. Ok?"

She smiled at him, a proper smile, one that lit up her whole face making it seem not as tired. "If you say so mother."

He ruffled her hair and turned away, just as a novice ran into her with a tray of blue pox essence. It splattered across the front of her suit, across both arms and Briar swore he saw some go on her neck. Everything stopped, all eyes on the catastrophe. Briar was the first one to break the silence.

"You stupid bleater! Watch where you're walking look what you've done!" he pushed the novice until he was several steps away from where Sandry was just standing there, afraid to move.

"I'm sorry, so so sorry-"

"Get. Out." Crane said quietly and the novice ran. "Sandrilene did any of it touch you?" When she shook her head slowly he continued. "Then Briar, take off her suit and just put it on the floor. Then Lady Sandrilene can go cleanse herself."

Sandry nodded and stood still as Briar stripped the suit off. He looked hard at her neck and the gap between the glove and suit but couldn't find anything, much to his relief. When he was finished, Sandry walked towards the door like she was in a daze, everyone getting out of her way. Briar walked back to his desk with his tray and sat down but didn't touch it. He wasn't even going to attempt it until the shaking in his hands stopped.

"Briar, it's all right. She wouldn't let any of it touch her would she?" Rosethorn came over and laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder before returning back to his work.

She's right Briar. Tris told him even though he could sense how shaken up she was aswell.

Yeh I know I'm just being silly.

Their eyes met for a second before they both got back to work and briar swore for a second he saw the same fear he felt echoed in her eyes.

So thats it, how waas it? im just setting it up and introducing everything so i hope it wasnt to bad, opinions are always welcome, good or bad:)