Oh, hey there...
Okay... So, I am a terrible person; I know. But because of school cramming in as much as possible in our last week, and my annoying need to sleep and eat and go to ballet, along with the fact that I can't work under pressure, apparently, so every chapter I've been turning out has been crap, I am going to be stopping this story... ):
I apologize to any of who enjoyed this story; you don't even know how angry I am at myself for not even getting past the third day...
To my four reviewers: thank you so much, I really appreciated all of your lovely reviews! And to everyone who favorited and followed this story, I'm so glad that you had enjoyed this piece of blah writing enough to tell me you liked it and that you actually want to hear when I would update it...
Again, thank you for everything!
PS/Extra A/N: I may be writing a couple of one-shots after school's out: for Christmas, and possibly New Years, but, after that, and finishing my innumerable amount of unfinished stories, I will probably be taking a break from Fanfiction for a while. Mainly because of school and the fact that testing will be starting soon, and I really need to prepare for that, so I will be swamped until, probably, summer...
Anyway, you've all probably had enough of me rambling on and on, so I will bid you see you all in about a week or so!
Adieu, mes amis! (:
PPSS (or whatever that's supposed to be): My heart goes out to everyone affected by the Connecticut shooting. Thoughts are with you all. 3 (That's supposed to be a heart...)