Runaway Bride
Summary: Rose Valentine is being forced into a marriage with and abusive Alberto Del Rio for it is expected. But she doesn't want to. The day of the wedding she runs away with a man she doesn't know. There she meets Randy Orton. But will she outrun her old life and Del Rio, who is looking for her for marriage whether she wants to or not (Might change to M)
Note: This is a new story. Yeah. (IMPORTANT NEED TO READ): This will be outside the ring because I've done one for Cena and Undertaker but I haven't done one for Randy so this is it. So anyway I'm using a fictional town names Foretold, California I don't know if it actually exist that's why I say its fictional okay. Now since there is going to be fighting here the WWE Superstars will be using their finishers in the fights. I hope you guys like the story.
Dedications: This first chapter like I said is dedicated to two individuals and its Sonib89 and sweetdeviant31. Thank you guys so much for the ideas and I loved two of them very much so they will be used here. I hope you guys like the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the WWE or TNA. I only own Rose Valentine and other characters I bring in.
Name: Rose Valentine
Hair/ Eye Color: Black / Gray Eyes
Height: 5'6
Description: Rose is curvy and light skinned. Her hair is short up to her chin.
Runaway Bride
Chapter 1: Ending A Nightmare
"Doesn't it look beautiful?" Layla told Rose as they looked into the mirror to look at the dress. Rose looked at it and unlike many brides who would look at their dress as something that brings happiness she looked at it with hate and disdain as if it was a white shackle ready to strangle her whole body. The dress was puffy from the bottom and the top was a beautiful corset with diamonds making a V-shape in the middle right under the breast. It had long sleeves and in the wrist it tightened to make gloves.
"Yeah." She answered.
"Alberto is going to so love it." Layla said not noticing how Rose stiffened at the mentioning of her fiancés name. "Your parents must be excited to have you marry a man like him." Rose held her tongue at what she wanted to say. That she wanted to scream.
"So are we almost done?" Rose asked. Layla looked at her surprised. "It's just I have other appointments."
"Oh yeah you can take the dress I mean with the wedding this Saturday you want this done."
Rose moved toward the changing room and couldn't get out of the dress fast enough. She hated it. She didn't let the tears down because she knew people would see the red mark on her face from Alberto's slap two hours ago. She moved out and Layla went in to fix the dress.
"Here you go Miss Valentine." Layla said.
"Thank you." Rose said grabbing the dress bag and moved out of the way so she could go home.
On the road Rose let the tears come down and she didn't care the make-up was coming off. Her cell-phone rang and she ignored it. She didn't want to know about anything she just wanted to disappear and she wondered if it was possible. She had thought suicide twice and felt embarrassed that she had gone so far to think of it. But she saw no way out, her parents wouldn't help her. Everything had change since the man she had actually had loved AJ Styles had been killed in the car accident. That had been five years ago and now she had gotten involved with Alberto only a year ago and he had made her life a living nightmare.
She had told her mother about Alberto hitting her and she had just told her to endure it and thought her how to hide the bruises in her make-up. Her father didn't help either he slapped her, when she mentioned going to the police.
The cell-phone rang again and she glared at it.
"Can't they leave me alone?" She snapped at no one. She grabbed the phone and answered it.
"Why didn't you answer the phone Rose?" Alberto asked from the other side. Rose froze in her seat.
"I was trying on the dress and I left the phone here in the car." She said.
"So you got the dress, good." He said. "I won't be seeing you till the wedding rehearsal in two days and I hope you're presentable." He said and clicked on her. Rose put the phone down and ran a hand through her blond hair. Maybe suicide wasn't a bad idea. She would be with AJ that was maybe a good idea. There was a knock on her window and she jumped. She rolled the window down and saw the police officer.
"Life will get better." She looked at the police office standing there.
"Excuse me?" she said after hearing those words.
"Your parked on red, you might want to move." the police officer said.
"Oh sorry, thanks." The office left and she moved. She drove home and shook her head it was the wedding girders.
She arrived home and grabbed the dress before walking to her apartment. As she went in she saw that someone was inside. She walked inside to see her mother there.
"Rose, you're late?" her mother told her.
"I picked up the dress." Rose said. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Oh... let me see." Pamela said ignoring the question. Rose gave her the dress so he mother could see it. Pamela loved it the minute she saw it. "It's beautiful; you're going to look great wearing it, if you can lose a bit more weight." Rose looked at her mother. The doctor had already told her not to lose weight so she was not going to hear her mother.
"Yes, mother." She said.
Foretold, California- Viper's Mechanics
"Hey are you going to fight tonight?' John asked his best friend and boss as he was under the hood of a car he was fixing. Randy passed John one of the told before he answered.
"Yes, I need the money." Randy said. John got off under the car.
"I thought we were doing great." John said.
"We are but I want to have money safe just in-case." Randy told him. "Anyway where the hell is everyone else, we have cars to fix."
"Well Dave got his ass kicked yesterday by Mark so both of them won't be here until noon because I doubt Lillian and Candice will let them come until then, Glenn is getting kicked by Lita for going to the fights, Evan went home with AJ Lee last night so I doubt he will come until later and I don't know about the rest." John told him. Randy looked at his friend.
"What are you doing here?" Randy said because from he was saying everyone had things to do.
"First you're saying we don't come and now you're tripping I'm here." John said he saw the raised eyebrow from Randy and sighed. "Mickie is in a cleaning spree, she kicked me out early." Randy busted out laughing much to John's annoyance.
"I can't believe she did that." Randy said.
"Shut it, Orton." John said.
"She leads you by the nose." Randy said. John shrugged and smile.
"I still get way more than you." John said. "Plus, I married her for a reason and the apartments she rents are vital part of the community."
"Cena we live in the middle of practically nowhere, I doubt we have many visitors and their only three apartments in the hotel she runs." Randy said.
"She takes pride." John said.
"I suppose." Randy said.
"Plus you're sour because you don't have a girl." John said.
"And I don't want one; I'm okay with sleeping in my bed upstairs and not answering to anyone." Randy said. "Plus she doesn't get mad that you go to the fights?" Randy asked.
"She met me there; well she met me here but didn't notice me until the fights so it doesn't bother her." John said. "It only bothers her when I'm more bruise than usual." Randy shook his head.
Somewhere Else In Town
"You should give up by now?" Mark told his closet friend.
"How can I?" Steve told him. "She or he is the only one I have left."
"But Mackenzie practically took that secret to the grave and you have no idea where her sister is?"
"Mark tell me, what is good is all I have when the thing I want the most in not with me." He looked at the picture in his mantel it was a of a young woman with blond hair and gray eyes. "I have to know if our child survived, I should have gone AWOL."
"Things are done you can't regret twenty five years." Mark said. "Don't you have that Private Detective trying to find your child?" Steve looked out the window.
"Adam Copeland is the Detective I hired after Ric gave him the case and he can only do so much." Steve said. "But your right it's being twenty-five years very long years."
"Have a bit more faith." Mark told him knowing it was the best he could say.
Two Days Later- After Wedding Rehearsal
"Why couldn't you just behave?" Del Rio screamed at Rose.
"What did I do?" Rose asked. They arrived to her house and he got down. Rose was scared of what would happen. She didn't remember doing anything wrong. The door opened and someone grabbed her by the hair she yelped.
"Shut it." Alberto said. "You're supposed to be happy I didn't see happiness there that dress you're wearing is wrong I could contain myself in the wedding rehearsal but is over, so get out." Rose stepped out just for him to push her into the street. "See you can't even stand."
Alberto raised her by her hair and walked her like that to her door Rose tried to pry his arm off her but he was too strong still.
"Open the door." He told her. Rose did as told and opened it.
He threw her in and closed the door. Rose tried to get her bearing just to turn and felt the blow to her eye and the slap to her cheek. Rose kept the scream inside she knew what would happen if she screamed. She felt the blood on her lip.
"Good your learning." He said with a wicked smile. "Now clean yourself up and make sure that on our wedding you behave." He said left her house.
Rose fell to the floor and began to cry, she had no idea what to do anymore she didn't know when everything began to fall apart.
A Few Months Before The Wedding-Flashback
Rose was getting ready and her mother was there helping her out. Alberto had used her as a punching bag once more.
"Oh Rose you look so beautiful." Pamela said. She fixed her daughter make-up.
"Oh if you hadn't gotten him angry we wouldn't have to put more make-up on you than necessary." Pamela said.
"How can you handle this from Dad?" Rose asked her. Pamela felt bad but she was used to it.
"Because I deserved it." she said.
"How can you deserve it?" Rose asked. Pamela looked at her daughter with disdain.
"First of all because I couldn't give him what he wanted and I kept you." Pamela said. Rose looked at her mother. "Please, Rose don't act surprise you supposed to have died with your mother." She said out of nowhere.
"My mother?" Rose said. Pamela looked at her and touched her shoulder.
"You're grown enough to know I'm not your mother I'm your aunt: your mother died after her affair with a poor soldier she should have known better look where it took her." Pamela said.
"Is my father alive?" Rose said shocked.
"I don't know nor do I care." Pamela said. "Now hurry up you have to go pick up other things." Pamela left Rose and she didn't know what to do. But she knew what she should do if her father was a soldier he should be dead by now. She bowed her head and walked to get the last things.
Bachelor Party-Normal Time
"Shouldn't you be faithful?" Wade asked Alberto.
"Please you should know I'm marrying Rose for her parent's money nothing more." He answered as he playing with the stripper dancing on his lap. "Plus it was her father's idea I married her."
"Why?" Wade asked.
"I have no idea." He said. "Her father got rid of her ex-boyfriend that he told me of course with a little bit of my help." Wade looked at his friend. But he didn't say anything he knew better than that.
"Well happy bachelor party." Wade said.
"Thanks, happy I'm going to get richer after this." Alberto said kissing the girl.
Rose didn't want a bachelorette party and just walked out in park. She went to the mall and turned to see a blond man looking her way. She looked at him and noticed that she had seen the guy before. She ignored the silly thought and went to buy ice-cream. She wanted to be happy with her last hours of freedom before she did something she dreaded to do.
Adam looked at the woman buying the ice-cream. He noticed her easily and the thing he noticed the most was the fact that she was wearing to much make-up. He noticed those girls easily the abuse ones he would have ignored it because he had helped one and they didn't do anything but get back into the cycle but he had been following the woman for the past few months. He was sure she was the child of his boss. Six years after his partner had given him the case and the leads went to Pamela Valentine. He found out the woman couldn't have kids and after charming the woman in a party and a few drinks he had found out the truth.
He didn't know how to approach the young woman though. He decided normal approach would be best. He got to her table and cleared his throat. The woman looked up and at him.
"May I help you?" she asked.
"I was wondering if I could sit with you, if it's no problem?"
"Not at all." Rose said and went back to eating her ice-cream. The guy must not like to be alone was what she was thinking.
"So when are you getting married." Adam asked her. Rose looked at him and he pointed to the ring. Rose looked at it and held the tears at bay but Adam noticed them.
"Tomorrow." She said.
"You must be happy." Adam said.
"If being a punching bag is happy." she said before he covered her mouth. "Sorry I have too much on my mind."
"It's okay, wedding girders." He said, he noticed some marks on her wrist and knew that she either was cutting or trying to find a way out.
"Yeah." She finished her ice-cream and was about to get up before he asked her a question.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Rose Valentine." She answered. "Or so I thought." She said.
"What do you mean?" Adam asked.
"I shouldn't dump this on you." She said but she needed to get it out and this man was a stranger is not like he could do something.
"I have nothing but time." Adam said calmly. "My wife says I'm a good listener."
"Well apparently I just found a few things that I'm not my mom-aunt's daughter." Rose said. "My mom died and my aunt raised me and I may or may not have a father and I don't know what to do." Rose said she let the tears out and Adam could see the make-up fall off. But pretended he didn't he had just hit jackpot.
"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know I'm going to marry tomorrow to some guy I don't care for and all I want is to be left alone." Rose confessed. He had known about her after the research in founding Pamela, he had done the research on Rose, he knew she was a prodigy, had enough money on her own, had been engage to man named AJ Styles who had been dispose of by her adoptive father. He was sure the woman in-front of him believed the story of the car accident but he knew other-wise.
"Well I can assure you things are going to get better." He said. "I have to go Rose it was nice meeting you." Adam said. Rose nodded and smiled at him.
"Thank you for listening to me." she said.
"No problem." He said. Rose got up from the chair and walked home it was calmer believing the strangers words.
Foretold, California- Beach
The crowd was surrounding the fighters this time. The stage of the fights changed every time and tonight it was in the beach. The campfires gave a creepy look to the circle where they would fight.
Randy looked at his opponent Morrison was his name and he had been undefeated in the beach.
"Come on Randy you can do it." John told him.
"Break a leg kid." Mark told him.
"Thanks Taker that's what I like to hear." The older man just smiled at Randy's words.
Randy and Morrison got into the stage. Morrison was the first to throw the punch much to Randy's happiness he reversed the move and flipped Morrison over into the sand before he grabbed him into a grapple submission move. But he knew that the match wasn't won by submissions but K.O.'s
Randy let him go before stomping all over Morrison's body. The crowd was eating it up screaming for him to win.
"Let him have it." the crowd said.
Morrison twisted and raised himself kicking Randy in the chin. That was a move that had worked on a lot of people. Randy just backed away and got on Morrison taking him down and beating him with his bare knuckles. Randy got up and waited before Morrison got up and tried to hit him. Morrison got in a few hits that would leave bruises but Randy was able to come up every time that Morrison thought he got the upper hand.
They threw in a chair and knew the drill when the chairs or weapons were thrown in that was it. The chair fell and before Morrison could get it Randy got him in the air and felt with him with Morrison hitting the chair with his head knocking him out immediately.
"Randy's the winner." Steve came out and raised Randy's hand in the air.
He gave Randy the money for the win and shook hands. "Great Job, kid."
Wedding Day
Rose stood in the mirror as the girls fixed her dress. She hated this dress and as her mother put the crown and veil they smiled at her.
"We are so happy for you." The girls said. Rose didn't say anything.
"Come on girls let's give the bride some time alone." Pamela said. The girls left and Pamela looked at Rose. "Now I hope you behave this time and don't cause your new husband to discipline you, I will be in the church your father should come pick you up. I want you to reflect." Pamela left and Rose raised her veil.
In a few minutes she would be married. She closed her eyes and there was a knock on her door. She walked thinking it was her Dad. She opened to see a nun in there.
"Yes." Rose said.
"Honey someone sent this envelop for you I came to give it to you I believe it's from your future husband he said it was important." The Nun Sandy said. "He looked better with black hair." Rose just grabbed the envelope and closed the door. She was surprised that Alberto would send her something.
She opened the envelope and felt paper well it was picture paper. She grabbed it and turned the pictures around. What she saw made her freeze. The pictures were of AJ being eaten by her father and Alberto. She moved through all the pictures and they showed when they put him in the car and off the side of the cliff. She threw the pictures down and held the tears her hands were shaking. She fell to the ground and empty the contents of the envelope. There was another picture she grabbed it and turned around to see a happy couple a handsome man with black hair and brown eyes and a woman with blond hair and gray eyes she grabbed the note that was written there.
'I know is short notice but as you can see everything you know is a lie. I can take you to your father and get you away from this nightmare if you wish.'
P.S. If you want to go I'm in a black car outside this church.
Rose looked at the note and put everything back inside. She knew she must be crazy and she recognized the name from the guy of last night. But it made sense all the questions he asked. She grabbed a paper and wrote fast.
'I'm not marrying you, you monster.'
She grabbed the envelope and opened the door to the room. She saw the nun and the nun smiled at her.
"You're not going to marry him are you?" she asked. Rose looked at the Nun Sandy guilty. The nun grabbed her hand. "I know what he was doing to you, come on I'll take you to your friend." She said.
"Thank-you." She said. The nun took her without being noticed which surprised Rose and went to see the black car that said in the note. Rose hugged the nun. Adam was standing there and he felt so weird.
"May God be with you?" The nun said.
"Thank you." Rose said and opened the door to the car as Adam went in.
As they were in the car Rose looked at Adam.
"How did you find this?" she asked.
"Your father has been looking for you, for a long time my mentor Ric Flair got to half of the case before he retired and gave it to me and I've followed all the clues that landed on your aunt. Rose looked at him.
"His alive." She said.
"Yes." Adam said. He was driving fast so they could get to her house before anyone noticed he knew the nun was going to wait a bit before saying anything giving them enough time to run. "I'm going to take you home to get some things."
"Okay." Rose said.
In the church an hour had passed and finally Layla, Rose's Maid of Honor went into the room and saw a note. She was shocked and went to the church. Rose's Dad was waiting for her to come out when Layla went in she went straight to Alberto in the front.
Alberto looked at her and grabbed the note and read it. He clenched his fist as Pamela and Duncan came to see.
"What happened?" Duncan asked.
"It seems your darling daughter has decided she is not going to marry me today." Alberto said. "Go get her from your house over here."
They had to explain to the people that the wedding would be delayed for a few hours. Alberto was mad. He didn't know that Rose was on the road away from him.
Three hours later he was destroying everything in the reception. He turned to Duncan and Pamela.
"Your daughter is going to marry me, whether she wants to or not." He vowed. "I will find her."
Note: That is the end of this chapter. Review.