Ok, so I didn't do any editing. Life hates me and I've barely had time to breathe lately. Summer is just no fun anymore once you have to work to pay off college. I hope that everyone enjoys it anyway. This book was really a lot of fun and I'm glad I could share it with you, even if I'll never officially publish it.

By the time night fell that day, Shana was well enough to heal the remaining wounds of her friends. It came with as much grief as could be expected from her since she felt terribly about having them wait when in pain for her powers to come back. They all insisted it was nothing, but it did little to ease her conscience until Rose piped in.

That Rose was willing to be so kind made Shana smile both on the inside and out. She didn't feel half as bad then and she slept well that night. Everyone did. Even though they'd let the Moon Dagger slip out of their grasp, they still had clues to lead them along. Mille Seseau…the place of Dart's birth…they'd see it soon enough.

It took another few days to finally return to Fletz, but they did not fret. They had time enough to relax at least a little bit. Dart did not think this as fiercely as the others, but he did not say so. He enjoyed seeing them so happy, especially after being so hurt. So he simply smiled and agreed that it was what they deserved.

"Finally…" Dart whispered. They were back.

It was as they entered the magnificent city of Fletz that a sort of celebration seemed to be happening. Trumpets sounded and many happy voices rose up in the air. "Princess Emille is here!" One voice shouted.

Out of all of them, Albert's face lit the most. His eyes glowed with anticipation and a smile stretched clear across his face. "Let's go!" He insisted, tearing ahead of them to make it to the quickly crowding square to lay eyes on the princess.

"Albert-" Dart started to say, stopping as he recognized that look in his eyes before he'd left. Dart smiled in amusement and shook his head as well as let his hand fall back to his side. "We'd better follow him. Even though he only thinks of Emille, we do need to go to the castle as well."

Meru giggled over by Shana, shoving her hands over her mouth to try and quiet her noises.

Shana laughed softly despite herself. Meru's attitude was quite contagious. "Oh, Meru. Don't tease Albert." She tried to recover herself by pretending to scold Meru. It really was funny though.

"It's too much fun!" Meru laughed. "He's so weird." She whispered the last sentence, afraid that Rose might take it the wrong way.

Rose heard despite Meru's efforts, but she did not snap at the child. She instead snorted in faint amusement before turning to Dart. "Let's go then. There won't be much room to get through in a minute."

They all hurried to the area at the front of the castle, barely able to see through the swarm of people by the time they were there. "Oh!" Meru moaned. "I can't see a thing!" She slumped, perking only as her eyes landed on Kongol. "Perfect."

Kongol noticed the devious glint in her red eyes, but he did not tell her she could not do what she planned. He rather liked having her sit upon him as if she were a child of no more than five.

Meru scampered over behind him and crawled up his long back to perch on his shoulders. "Thanks." She made sure to tell him, patting him appreciatively on the head as if he were a dog.

Someone in the crowd cried out then. "Oh!" They pointed excitedly. "There she is!"

"Her graceful steps…" Another man sighed, content sweeping over him.

"Her dainty movement of the hands…" A woman chirped.

"Her gracious eyes…" An older person breathed.

"She must be!" The squeak of a child rose up. "She is our Princess Emille!" The child threw their arms into the air and started to jump up and down they were so pleased.

In perfect unison the whole crowd cheered, "Princess Emille is back!" Their voices were beyond relieved and in some tears could be heard through their words. It was the happiest any of them had been in forever. "Thank God…"

Princess Emille wore the same dress she had worn the last time Albert and the others had seen her – the real her. She wore a smile so bright and sincere it could melt any heart, especially Albert's, and her eyes spoke multitudes of her kind heart. "Hello, my people." She said with the utmost gentleness.

A group cheer rose up as she spoke in her familiar tone. Even this little change was enough to fill the people's hearts with glee.

Emille bowed slightly in appreciation to them all. "I have returned after a half year of sleep." She said with faint traces of sadness for what she had lost. "And my father, King Zior, wouldn't say it, but I heard that the evildoings of the sinner who feigned to be me have harmed our people in Tiberoa." Her eyes flashed with a rare moment of anger mingled with bitterness. She scarcely remembered feeling or showing such emotions more than a few times, and even those times were as a spoiled child.

Her smile quickly returned to her and her eyes softened with fondness as if she was looking as her own children. "I can say it is my fault." She nodded solemnly, not hesitating in the least to accept the blame. "Because people were wounded by trusting someone they thought was me." She paused as her eyes fell on Albert and her smile grew sweeter still for him. "So I am determined to make atonements for this, even if it takes forever."

The crowd could not stay silent for another moment. They needed to console their darling princess and soon to be queen. "It wasn't your fault Your Majesty!" They all insisted. "Please do not blame yourself Your Highness! Your returning only makes us happy!"

Albert nodded in approval of all their kind words. "Yes." He breathed, smiling lamely. "It was only the doing of that fiend that made ill things come to Tiberoa. The only fault you have is being too perfect." He half laughed, wondering if anyone heard.

Emille did not really hear, but somehow she felt his words through some sort of connection because she too laughed. "I owe you a debt of gratitude." She chuckled, speaking to her people as well as Albert. "I love this country. I love you people." She beamed, dropping a curtsey. "Let us make this country continue to be a wonderful country!"

As Emille was about to dive into the crowd and pull Albert to the front, a pregnant woman approached her. This caught her full attention. "Um…well, I have a favor to ask you, Princess Emille." She spoke timidly, afraid of another occurrence like the one with the other princess. "I…may I ask you to name my baby, my soon to be born baby, Your Highness?" She ducked her head in uncertainty, a faint smile on her lips.

Emille looked away from Albert, a softness like nothing else in her face. "It would be my pleasure." She beamed, face suddenly going serious as she thought heavily. "Well…" She tapped her skin thoughtfully. "How about Eyie for a girl and Al for a boy?" She asked, head cocked to the side. "They have the sound of great energy and strength."

The pregnant woman felt her throat tighten and she was truly elated. "They are beautiful names." She breathed, burying her head in her hands as sobs and tears overtook her in her joy. "I thank you very much Your Highness!" She backed back into the circle of people.

The crowd cheered excitedly. There Princess was so kind. She was the best Princess ever. "God bless Princess Emille!" They chanted. "God bless the Tiberoa kingdom! All the best for the kingdom and us!"

Princess Emille wished to go to Albert, but she forced herself to retreat back into her castle. She knew she would meet him anyway once the whole group entered. She only regretted that he would not be alone. But perhaps…just perhaps she could sneak him away after all the business was done.

The crowd quickly dispersed. However, happy thoughts and expressions followed them even as their princess disappeared. "Everything will be better now…" They all sighed as they went to their homes and shops.

Albert stared wistfully at the stairs which she had ascended, an infatuated look in his eyes. "Oh Princess Emille…how beautiful she is." He sighed.

Dart stared at him with extreme amusement. By now he knew the signs of love or simply infatuation. He had gone through them himself. So now it was funny.

"Albert?" Rose made a face at his behavior. She knew what it meant, but he did not need to be going in and out of reality on them right now. There were more important things that he should focus on.

Albert kept speaking softly to himself, ignoring Rose. "Just like I imagined." His smile grew stranger still and eyes shined brighter. "Oh, thank you lord for leading me to the country of Princess Emille…"

"Albert!" Rose's voice was sharper and she wore a deep frown. "Are you brain damaged or what? We need to go!"

Albert snapped out of it as Rose's harsh voice broke through the fuzzy haze of his mind. "Oh." He turned his eyes on her, staring with confused eyes. "What is it?" He looked back to the castle, not caring to hear her answer. "Oh, no!" His eyes widened in surprise. "Where is Princess Emille?"

Rose sighed irritably. Still, despite her annoyance, amusement shown through in her eyes and tone. "You can meet her again in the castle." She assured, almost able to give a true smile, teeth and all. Unfortunately, it was still not time. Maybe soon though…just a little longer.

Albert nodded eagerly. Yes. "Yes! Let us go meet the king and princess." He hurried on, not waiting for their approval. He wanted so badly to see the wonderful Princess Emille again.

Rose shook her head in disbelief. "What a hopeless case." She snorted.

Meru cackled, holding her stomach. "Totally! He's so in love!"

Shana brought a hand to her mouth, trying to be polite and not laugh. It was really hard though, especially since Albert was not here to hear her.

Even Haschel snickered. "Which is funny since I was sure he was in love with Rose." He knew the stupidity of his words and his sparkling eyes instantly shot to Rose. Still, he couldn't help saying it. He almost would say he wanted Rose to snap at him. It was all the fun of it. Without a reaction, it just wasn't the same.

Rose's eyes narrowed into thin slits and her mouth turned down into a menacing snarl. Her whole face seemed to twitch with fury and her hands clenched into tight, trembling fists. "What was that?" She was gracious despite her anger and gave Haschel a chance to retract his comment. There was nothing between them. Nothing! The only man she'd ever love was Zieg…and by some strange extension, Dart.

Dart gave Haschel a scolding look. "Knock it off." He wagged a finger at him. "Or do you want to die?"

Haschel grinned sheepishly. "Sorry." He looked at Rose. "Really."

Rose's eye twitched despite her best efforts. She knew it was all in jest, but this was too far in the name of fun. Albert and her relationship should not be teased. They'd went through too many issues for a lighthearted joke to be made of them. They were more complicated than the others and their relationships. Even Dart's relationship with her was not so confusing.

Dart quickly worked to calm her further. "Come on." He soothed, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You know he's never serious. He just likes to pick at you." He smiled softly, head cocked to the side. "And besides, when we have such formidable enemies we can't afford to fight amongst each other."

Rose sighed heavily, finally agreeing. "Yes. We need to focus on Lloyd." Her voice was low and full of eager malice. It wasn't exactly intended, it just came from a deep hole of hurt created by Lavitz's death. She hated those holes. And she had about a million.

Meru shuddered at Rose's tone. She had rarely if ever heard a tone like that – so full of vengeance and a lust to kill. It was especially unsettling after what Rose had done in their last battle. Meru hadn't said anything about it, but she had a million questions. She simply didn't want to upset Rose.

Dart smiled lamely. "Come on. Albert will be there and gone before we get in." He half laughed.

They all hurried in, surprised to find Albert just inside. "What are you-" Dart started to say.

Albert was in a huff, arms crossed and face full of annoyance. It was one of those rare moments where he acted much like a child, not like the proper king that he was. "They wouldn't let me in by myself." He scowled darkly at Dart as if to say he blamed him and his slow pace for not seeing the princess.

Dart rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." He shrugged. "You were just too fast."

The Tiberoan knight guarding Albert's way quickly stepped to the side. "We have been waiting for you, sir!" He proclaimed, doing a salute. "Please proceed to the Chamber of the Sun!" He pointed up to the throne room.

As they went to the throne room Dart noted that there were no longer any bandit knights around. All that stood around were noble and true. It made Dart smile faintly. At least they'd helped flush out those fakes.

Upon entering the throne room they all formed a semi-circle around the thrones and knelt on a knee graciously. "We have returned." Albert said, bowing his head.

King Zior stood from his throne, laughing heartily. "Heroes!" He cried, throwing his hands into the air. "Forget about formality! You are the special guests of Tiberoa!" His smile stretched clear across his old worn face. "And we welcome you with much happiness and appreciation."

All of Dart's party stood up, most thankful to throw away courtesy.

Princess Emille and Princess Lisa stood as well, Emille speaking. "I'm glad you are safe and sound." She breathed in her sweet voice, directing her comment more to Albert than anyone as her eyes shone with love and relief. "From the bottom of my heart." She added, clasping her hands at her chest.

Lisa smiled, a laugh in her eyes and tone. "My sister is now acting as if nothing happened." Her eyes flickered to her sister and then back to Albert. "But until you came back, King Albert, she had lost her appetite completely."

"Lisa!" Emille glared at her.

Lisa smiled slyly, giggling softly. It was too much fun to tease her.

King Zior and gave another hearty laugh. "It's not only Emille." He assured. "We were all longing for you to come back." He nodded in appreciation, addressing not only Albert, unlike his daughter. "Well done."

Dart hung his head, an image of Lloyd's cocky face flashing before his eyes. "But…the Moon Dagger is still in their hands…" He sighed, shaking his head sadly.

"Stop it!" King Zior scolded almost harshly. "You people brought justice upon the evil bandits! You defeated the Sea Dragon that infested Illisa Bay! It was you, young people, who brought peace and happiness to Tiberoa and brought smiles back to our people!" He counted off each deed on his fingers.

Albert was especially disheartened. "However, the Moon Dagger has to be passed on to Princess Emille." He reasoned. It was just as it was in Serdio. Without the Moon Gem he could not be officially considered king and without the Moon Dagger she could not be officially considered Queen.

Kong Zior snorted loudly, rolling his eyes. It was very unlike a king. "The Moon Dagger is a mere royal tradition." He scoffed. "That is all the Moon Dagger can be." He smiled softly. "And tradition alone doesn't put smiles on our people's faces."

Albert smiled faintly. He supposed it was so. Still…it felt wrong to not keep a tradition going that had been happening for centuries.

"King Albert." King Zior boomed, staring him straight in the eye. "We are satisfied with the way things turned out." He nodded firmly. "So you don't need to worry."

Emille nodded in immense approval. "Yes. Instead of the Moon Dagger, we found something else to hand down." Her sweet smile spread further across her face as her lips parted to tell of their plan. "That is…the heroic story of you."

Lisa snickered at her sister's awkward behavior softly to herself before she too chimed in. "It will be passed down through the ages from person to person – 'The seven stars arose from the east to save the country of the king who lives in the Chamber of the Sun'." They had given the idea much thought and found it too be a splendid idea.

Dart was quite fond of the thought of being remembered like this. As a child he'd always wanted to be remembered in some grand manner. And unlike most of children's fantasies, his had come true. How amazing was that? "It was my pleasure, Your Majesty." He bowed slightly.

King Zior fused over Dart as he kept at being so overly respectful. "That's enough for formality!" He frowned playfully.

Princess Lisa spoke once more. "Father, what about the banquet?" She reminded.

"Hmm?" He stared strangely at her at first, realization quickly dawning on him. Oh! Oh, yes! I nearly forgot!" He laughed, hitting himself softly on the head. "Me and my old age." He shook his head. "Well, we are having a banquet for you!" He announced, throwing his hands into the air.

"We hope you enjoy it." Emille added.

Meru perked then, eyes wide as bowling balls. "Hey!" She smiled almost greedily as she anticipated the answer to her forming question. "Is a 'banquet' a party!?" She used her fingers as quotation marks.

King Zior couldn't help but laugh at her. She sure didn't hesitate about listening to his idea of throwing out formality. "Plainly speaking, yes, it is!" He nodded.

"Cool!" Meru burst out, jumping excitedly up and down. "It's a party!" She spun around to face Haschel who she knew would share her sentiments. "A party for us!"

Haschel nodded fervently. "Yeah! This'll be great." He chortled.

Dart shook his head as if disappointed or embarrassed by them. Yet all the while he was struggling to hold down laughter. They were two peas in a pod, that was for sure

Shana sighed softly, shaking her head. "Oh, Meru!" She scolded. "Behave and be quiet!"

King Zior's amusement grew greater with every moment that passed. "She is cheerful and excited!" He belly laughed. "Don't stifle that! Let it go on as long as she has it in her!"

Emille was tired of being in the room with so many others. She felt quite claustrophobic. "Well…we still have time before the party." She let them know, hinting to Albert that this was their chance. "Please feel free to relax." She went quickly out of the room, giving Albert one last fleeting look that she hoped told him to find her in her tower.

King Zior intercepted the message his daughter intended only for Albert, laughing silently at them both. Young love…it was such a thrilling thing. "Well!" He ascended the stairs from his throne. "Let us prepare for the banquet!" He told Lisa as he was leaving, signaling for her to also assemble all the other people necessary for the project.

Lisa nodded shortly. "Yes! Of course!" And she scurried off.

As they were left alone in the throne room they became uneasy. It didn't take long for them to decide that whatever they did, it wasn't going to be in here. So they left like the others, only stopping as they came to the landing that led down the last stairs and out or farther into the castle where they had never been.

"Well…" Dart smiled halfheartedly at them all and rubbed his head, still feeling nervous. It wasn't often he spoke to tem with nothing to set out and do. True, they were to go to Mille Seseau. Still, it wasn't the same. Now was a lull. "It seems we can relax for the first time in a long time, tonight."

Albert was barely listening, but he was aware enough to respond properly. "Yes." He nodded faintly. "We have to leave here tomorrow. So it's a good chance to relax. You never know when the next time will be."

Shane frowned thoughtfully. "Mille Seseau…" She murmured, tapping her chin. "The country where Dart was born…" She smiled again, a sort of satisfied look coming to her face. "We'll be busy again." What she was truly interested in was Dart's destroyed home rather than Lloyd, despite how much Lavitz meant to her now and forever. She just couldn't help but want to know where Dart had come from and who he had been before he'd come to Seles as a scared five year old child.

Meru looked quickly from one face to another until she'd seen everyone. Satisfied that she'd given them enough time to speak or tell her something to do, she jumped and cried out, "I'll be walking around till the party starts!" She zoomed up the left stairway and quickly disappeared from sight.

Haschel mimicked her decision and walked off up the opposite stairway. Kongol too started to lumber off, not really sure where he was going.

Although Dart had been unable to stop and question Meru, he hurried to do the same with the others. "H-Hey!" Dart called. "Where are you going!?"

Haschel cocked his head back toward Dart and said in nonchalance, "I have an errand to do." He shrugged, not really having anything in mind to do. He just wanted to get away from the smells of food that were wafting from the kitchen.

Kongol turned slightly before he answered. "Don't know." He shrugged, starting to walk with no clear destination again.

Rose decided at that moment where she wished to go. She picked the one place she knew none of her friends would choose. She wanted to be alone. So with a soft sigh she pushed herself up off the pillar she was leaning against and moved to her room of choice.

Dart was not as surprised by Rose's leave. Still, he had to ask. "Are you going too, Rose?"

Rose glanced fleetingly over her shoulder at him, but she did not gratify his words with a response. She simply kept on, feeling absolutely desperate to have some of the solitude that used to be the definition of her life. Now…it was a miracle to be alone at all.

Albert was the last one and he was about to go crazy he was so eager to escape. And he was sure they all knew where he was going. "Let me go too." He offered a half smile, turning to go. Only he stopped halfway up the stairs to add, "You have to appreciate what everyone did." And he was soon gone.

Shana and Dart were alone now. There was no one there to watch what they did. It was like it had been in Seles. Only Shana knew there was one big difference, and it made her glow with pleasure.

Dart smiled awkwardly at her. He felt strange. It was similar to the way he'd felt about being alone with Rose when they first came to Fletz. Still…it was for a different reason.

Shana rolled her foot around on the soft carpet, trying to get herself to spit out the words she longed to say. "Why…don't we go out too?" She finally said, hands clasped behind her back and eyes looking anywhere but at him.

Dart nodded slowly. Perhaps if they were in a more private area they'd both become a little more open. Right now he felt that the both of them were struggling greatly with their feelings. Before, it had always been second priority to battle and their missions. Now…it could be the only thing that was on their minds.

"Come on." She muttered softly, taking his hand and leading him the way she wanted. This would be it. Now was when she would finally tell the secrets of her heart which he had barely noticed until Lavitz came around.

When she finally decided on a place, they found themselves out on the second level balcony. It was unlike the last time they were out there. Now all was quiet, calm, cool, relaxed. There were no guards patrolling for them. They could just sit and listen or talk if they wished.

But for a long time they did not speak. They let the quiet sink into their very bones. They relished in the cool breeze against their skin, having forgotten how wonderful it was. Actually, they'd been so on edge for so long that there wasn't time to even register something as insignificant as a breeze. Most of all they simply enjoyed being with each other, alone with each other. It was perfect.

Only an hour later did they finally move. Shana rose up off the seat they shared and walked slowly over to the edge of the balcony, leaning over as if to see something below. "Dart…" She breathed, pausing to let the wind cool her body and mind. It tossed strands of her hair gently about as it soothed her, tickling her face in the process.

Dart looked up, surprised by the break in silence. "Hmm?" He murmured, nudging her to go on. Although he knew it was not necessary to make a sound. She was going to say what she wanted whether he responded or not. She'd had that serious look about her all the time they had been sitting here. It was just as she had done so much in their childhood. It meant she was thinking – and hard, It also meant she would not back down and keep quiet, not this time.

Shana brought her gaze up to the sky, finding comfort in the soft, fluffy clouds. As she stared the strain present on her face slowly slipped away. Now she was serious, dead serious, but her features were more pleasant. And as she went to speak, she was truly happy. "I love you, Dart." She said with confidence, as if she had rehearsed it many times before. And she probably had.

Dart started slightly. It wasn't that it surprised him, not after so long of being around her. Still, it was jolting to hear those words come out of her lips and she mean them that way. Every other time as kids it had been different, never were they spoken for romance. Now…he knew that's what they were.

Shana's smile became almost sad as she formulated her next words and she had to wipe at her eyes. "Since I was little…" She licked her lips and brought her hands to the railing to grip it tight and release some of her frustrated nervousness. "It never changed." She shook her head. "Not even when you went on your journey."

Dart stared intently at the back of her head. He wished she'd turn and face him. This way it didn't feel as sincere, it was as if she were hiding something. Of course he knew that was not the case. This was no doubt incredibly hard for her to admit after so long of keeping it inside. So he bared with her.

"Actually," She half laughed, the sound coming out choked. It made it sound less happy and more sad and ashamed of herself. "I started to love you even more." She shook her head slowly, as if she couldn't believe herself, and her grip on the on the railing tightened further.

Dart felt so bad for her. He wished she'd just stop talking already and let him say something. But as much as he wanted to end her struggling, he could not find his voice. He was forced to simply listen.

Shana swallowed hard. "Because…while you were gone…I was thinking about you every single day." She grimaced faintly, hating to remember those many years they were apart. They had been the hardest time of her life. She never thought until then that a person could hurt so much because of longing for another.

Dart finally found his voice, but it was weak and sounded as if it did not belong to him. "Shana…" He sighed, standing up.

Shana's face brightened immensely then, although it was mostly false cheer. Dart saw this as she spun around to face him. "But I don't mind being your baby sister!" She laughed, grin spreading clear across his face. "Because I can be with you every day." She lowered her gaze to the ground and twiddled her fingers nervously. "That's just how I think." She shrugged.

Dart couldn't help but smile then. Despite how forlorn she seemed, she was still funny. "Shana…" He tried again, moving closer to her. "I…" He trembled slightly as he prepared himself to reveal his true heart.

Shana perked despite her best efforts to remain neutral.

"I don't think of you as my baby sister, Shana." He shook his head. "I…" A faint blush surfaced on his skin.

Shana looked shyly up at him and clasped her hands at her chest, a blush creeping up on her features to match his. "I know." She breathed, eyes brimming with life and love. "You don't have to say it." She knew men were no good at saying those words. It was just something about it, perhaps showing weakness, that made it incredibly hard.

Dart smiled with more confidence, moving close enough to reach his arms around her waist and pull her close. Their bodies touched and he could practically feel the happiness vibrating from her.

Shana stared as if in a daze into his baby blue eyes, her own eyes sparkling. She could barely breath she was so happy and she knew she must be trembling right now, it was impossible for her not to be. They were so close. Only a moment more and she would have what she always wished for.

Dart brought a hand up to her cheek and cradled it gently. He tipped her face farther up toward his and just stared for a moment. She really was beautiful. He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before. Then he leaned in the rest of the way to kiss her.

When his lips were an inch from hers there was a sudden burst of noise that made them both jump. "Dart!" The voice called.

They both instantly hopped away from each other, turning swiftly around as if they had no interest in the other. But it was obvious they were ticked, Shana throwing her hands up above her head and Dart tapping his foot in impatience.

Just as they separated, the owner of the voice came around the corner. "Dart! Shana!" Fester beamed at them. "Welcome back!"

As much as Dart tried not to look angry, he could not help it. Something within him spurred him to it and he scowled darkly over at Fester.

Fester paused, confused by the look he was getting. What's wrong?" He cocked his head to the side, a frown forming on his lips. "You have such a sour face." He chuckled in an attempt to break the unsettling spell in the atmosphere.

Dart attempted a smile, the result being too twisted to be anything but annoyed. "You-You think so?" He said through gritted teeth, forcing a laugh that was thick and in no way happy out of his throat.

Fester gave one last suspicious look to him and then continued talking about what he had intended to from the start. "Anyway!" He clapped his hands. "You are famous in the city!" He laughed with pride and the utmost joy. "The hero who defeated the dragon that descended down on Tiberoa!"

Dart shrugged, wishing with all his heart that Fester would just leave already. "If you say so." He mumbled, glancing over at Shana. "It still doesn't feel like it's real."

Shana was much better at hiding her annoyance than Dart and managed to pull off a cheerful expression. Her smile held no sign of falseness nor did her eyes hold a darkness to them. The only sign of her irritation was her clenched and faintly trembling fists.

Fester laughed jovially. "It's your modest attitude!" He insisted. "You are our times latest hero!"

Dart tried to smile happily once more, it still not looking quite right. "Um…" He rubbed his head nervously and ran is foot in circles.

Fester noticed he was getting uncomfortable and decided to end this quickly. "By the way, the party is starting!" He let him know, figuring it was good of him. "So get rid of your sour face." He wagged a finger at him in jest. "And be happy!" He turned around to leave, waving over his shoulder. "See you later."

Dart sighed heavily. "Finally." He shook his head. "I thought he'd never leave." He smiled with sincerity at Shana as he turned to her.

Shana smiled sweetly back, stepping back over to him. "Yes." She nodded. "It's much nicer to be alone." She half laughed.

Dart laughed with her, pulling her close again. "Now…" He breathed.

Shana did not wait for him to tip her head up. She stretched as far as she could reach on her tiptoes, eager. This could be their last chance in a long time.

Dart leaned down the rest of the way, eyes closed.

Much to their chagrin, just a moment before they would feel pure bliss, there was another voice.

They did as before, hurrying away from each other and assuming poses just like the first time. However, this time not even Shana could keep the irritation from her face. "What luck." She hissed so low only Dart would hear.

Dart nodded in acknowledgement. They'd never had a problem like this before, when being alone as brother and sister. But of course now they would have all the trouble in the world. He'd of loved to kill someone right then.

"Oh!" It was Libria this time, her expression surprised but pleasant. "Mr. Dart! Miss Shana!" Her brows furrowed at them. "Why are you here?" She cocked her head to the side ever so slightly. She truly didn't understand. She did not know them like the others that travelled with them.

Dart swallowed his angry words and forced himself to answer with as little curtness as possible. Still, his voice possessed an edge and was very stiff. "We are waiting for the party to start."

Libria nodded knowingly. "Oh. It's starting soon!" She nodded firmly, head bobbing up and down like a bobble head. "Please get everyone or I cannot prepare the dresses!" She spun around to hurry away, not liking the looks she was getting. "I'll see you later!" She called back.

As she disappeared, Shana sighed heavily. That was it. She couldn't take it. She walked across the balcony to leave, shaking her head all the while.

Dart didn't see her for a minute, but when he did he started. "H-Hey!" He cried, running after her. "Where are you going?" He looked almost pitifully after her, lip turned down and eyes wide with sadness.

Shana cocked her head back, giggling softly as she saw his expression. "I'm going to look for everybody." She shrugged, not bothering to go any deeper. He didn't need to know she was sick and tired of being interrupted, he no doubt was irritated too, nor did he need to know that she wanted away from him in order to process all that had happened in this short time. So she left him.

"Wait!" He called, reaching out as if to grab her. But by the time he reacted, she was already heading up the spiraling tower to Emille's room. She was going after Albert first. Everyone knew that's where he would be.

Dart sighed heavily, shaking his head sadly. What rotten luck. Just when he decided he was ready, nobody else was willing to give him the time to seal the choice with a kiss. Even Shana had given up for now. He sighed again. Well…he might as well go find someone else. It would go quicker that way. And then he could see her again sooner. So he set off.

Shana wasted no time going up the spiral stairs. Although she felt bad that she was going to ruin Albert and Emille's moment, there was nothing she could do about it. Sure she could go after the others first, but they were the closest. And besides, she needed a little payback for her moment being ruined.

As she approached the entrance, their voices floated to her and she stopped. As eager as she was to drag Albert along so she could meet up with Dart again, she wanted to hear a bit of this. So she was careful to be quiet as she stood still at the entrance.

Albert and Emille sat on her bed, looking happily at the other. Who knows what they'd been doing before this moment, but now they were simply talking. "Do you know about the Legend of the Mermaid?" Albert's voice carried to Shana.

Emille shook her head, a smile widening across her face. "No…" He voice was almost a laugh she was so amused and eager. "Please, tell me about it." She urged, eyes wide.

Albert grinned in return, happily obliging her request. "The king of some country was gazing out over the waves of the sea and thinking his life was hollow, just like the vanishing bubbles. Everything looked like that because the king didn't know true love" To Shana it almost sounded like he was speaking of himself, but she wasn't sure. "Under the waves, a mermaid was thinking the same thing while gazing at the clouds in the sky."

Emille's eyes sparkled like the stars themselves as she was drawn further into his tale. "Oh my…" She gasped. "And what happened to the two of them?"

Albert chuckled. "Would you like to know?" He needlessly asked.

Emille nodded fervently. Shana too wanted to know how the tale ended. She thought that she knew though. It would be a happy one, one where the two fell in love, most likely with each other.

"This is a secret story handed down only within the Serdio royal family, so…" He tried to suppress his grin as he teased her. He even jerked his head away from her as if truly sorry. "I cannot tell you anymore." He shook his head. "Oh, I'm sorry, I cannot go on."

Shana stifled a laugh at Albert's clever toying. Although he was a very refined man, right now he was showing that he was not so different from any other man. He played the love game with the same skills.

Emille laughed sweetly, lightly hitting his arm. "Oh! You are teasing me!" Her smile became incredibly sweet and earnest as her laughter died. "But I am having a wonderful time." She sighed contentedly, looking deep into his eyes as she laid a hand on top of his.

Albert looked down at his hand which now had hers atop it. He then brought his eyes back to her, utter bliss lying within them.

Emille scooted closer. Shana thought she looked similar to herself when she had been with Dart mere minutes ago. That meant… "I don't notice the passing of time when I'm talking with you." Emille breathed, swaying slightly as if she could not decide whether she wanted to lean in towards him or remain as she was.

Albert decided for her. He leaned in three fourths of the way, making it easier for her. He did not go all the way because he wanted to give her the choice. It would not be right to steal a kiss from her without permission.

Shana moved then. She tapped lightly on the outer wall of the tower.

Albert and Emille jumped slightly and jerked away from each other. A blush filled their cheeks as they hurried to see who was here.

"I knew it." Shana giggled, stepping over the threshold. "You are here." She spoke these words because it would make it seem as if she had just appeared in that moment. She did not want to give away the fact that she had been there all along.

Albert stood up quickly, forcing his embarrassment below the surface. "Is something wrong?" It was instinct by now to assume that when you were sought out it was because danger was approaching.

Shana knew what he thought and sighed on the inside. It was sad the way they had been programmed over the months together. They had gone from relaxed people living normal lives to killing machines willing to jump into peril at any given moment. "No." Her voice was faintly strained. "The party is starting soon, that's all." She smiled again. "So Dart and I are calling people down."

Albert started. "It's already that time?" It was a rhetorical question. He was simply in disbelief. He turned back to Emille then. "Unfortunately, I have to leave you." He sighed.

Emille stood up to better face him. "When can we meet again?" She nearly begged, clasping her hands at her chest. She hoped she'd get to see him a little more before he left again. He would leave again. He had said so, they'd all said so. She would wait for him though, through it all.

Albert glanced up at the ceiling as if thinking hard on it. When he looked back at her, he was smiling softly. "When the stars fill the sky…" He said enticingly, taking Emille's clasped hands in his own.

Shana giggled, bringing a hand to cover her mouth. Even though he was the same as other men in this game of love, he was still different in some aspects. Most men would not say that in such a silly way. "You can just say tonight." But Emille obviously liked it.

Emille nodded, sending Shana an amused smile. She loved Albert's silly manners; they were so much like her own, so it made her very happy. Her words were directed at Albert. "At the party…" She agreed.

"Come on." Shana gently urged. She wanted to find Dart. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, she just was uneasy about being away from him after them parting on the terms they had.

Albert placed a soft kiss on Emille's cheek and followed quickly after Shana. He could not wait until the party. It would be absolutely amazing.

As Shana had been gathering Albert, Dart had been searching for Rose. He didn't doubt he knew where she was. Although the castle was big, the places secluded from others were few. She would be in their room. He knew it.

Rose was exactly where Dart predicted, leaning back against the wall beside the first bed. She did not look particularly happy, but she looked at the very least pleased. The closest thing to a smile was on her lips as she stared off into space. "I am…a hero." She breathed, sighing.

Dart came upon her then, but he stopped just outside the door. He knew it was wrong to snoop, but he wondered what she was like when she thought she was alone. Maybe even she would see right off she was being watched. But if she did, she did not say so because she kept on talking to herself.

"He would laugh at me…" She chuckled at the thought of his laughing face. And then she nearly fell over in shock. Her eyes shot open and she sucked in a sharp breath. "I…I laughed now." She shook her head, in utter disbelief. "I did laugh…I really did." Happy tears welled in her eyes.

Dart was surprised by her reaction. Why was she so shocked at simple laughter? She had surely heard it before. Although…he thought back – he could not recall having heard her laugh once through their journey. Could it be…was she incapable of laughing? Or at least she had been.

A strange misshapen smile formed on her lips. "Since I have started to wear this choker…" She stood up off the wall, bringing her hands up to the back of her neck to undo the strap. She brought it up and stared at it for a moment, memories of pain and happiness sweeping through her. It had been too long since she had looked fully on it. It had become no more than an object that was ever present, distained by its owner but too precious to throw away. "I have not laughed for years…" She chuckled again. "It was worth the wait."

Dart rapped lightly on the door, not wanting to startle her. "Hey." Dart said as he entered, smiling more painfully then he intended. After hearing that, it was impossible not to look that way. She really had not laughed before. He couldn't believe he had not noticed. It made him feel like a bad friend. Then again, it wasn't exactly in her nature to laugh anyway. So how could anyone really blame him?

Rose nearly jumped, but she quickly concealed her momentary slip in demeanor. "Hey." She returned his word, putting the choker back around her neck. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Shana?" Her tone was slightly annoyed. She did not like being teased.

Dart grimaced. He didn't want to be reminded of his miss with her on the balcony. "Yeah, I was. But the party is starting soon, so we went to tell everyone."

Rose nodded. "I see."

Dart walked over and sat on the bed, looking sadly up at her. "Sit." He patted the bed next to him.

Rose looked at the place he indicated then up at him, eyeing him strangely. She was rather suspicious of what he was doing. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, she trusted him with her life. It was just that this seemed oddly out of place for him.

Dart gave her a confused look. "What?"

She shook her head. "Nothing." She sat down next to him, still not sure about this. They were alone, just like in the cave. Who knew what they might do. They were only human after all. Yes, despite what Rose wanted to believe, they were still human. Being a Dragoon was simply a layer overtop the truth, and she knew it.

Dart was silent for a time, turning over what to say. Finally he decided, "How long do you think we'll chase him?" Dart turned his head toward her, staring with genuine interest into her eyes. They were as black as ever, and as beautiful and mystifying as they'd always been.

Rose knew who he meant. There was only one 'he' that was worth chasing. "Lloyd?" She asked as if she didn't know. "Until we catch him." She said it knowing he wanted more than that.

Dart had figured that much. He wanted something precise – months, a year, a decade even. It wasn't that chasing him was a waste. It was just that he wanted it to end so that he could go back to a normal life. The only thing that made him want it to never end was the fear that once it was over, they would never see each other again – any of them.

Rose sighed heavily, sensing his silence to be disappointment. "I don't know." She admitted with obvious bitterness. She really didn't know. She let her head fall into her hands. "It depends on a lot of things – our speed, his speed, his willingness to come out of the shadows, and all that."

Dart tried to smile as he thought to make a joke. "You don't know something?" He teased, his tone displaying real shock which he mostly didn't feel. "It's amazing."

Rose scowled over at him, but it was a playful sort of scowl. "Shut up!" She growled, pushing his face away from her. "You're so stupid."

Dart's smile widened into a cheesy grin that took up most of his face. He truly felt joy in that moment, even as she pushed him away, because he knew she too was playing. "No hitting." He wagged his finger at her and used his other hand to grab her wrist and pull her hand down.

Rose rolled her eyes. "That wasn't hitting. Trust me. You don't want to see me hit you." She smiled strangely, her lips still not portraying the emotion quite right.

Even though her smile didn't quite show it, he saw the happiness in her eyes. Her coal orbs danced with life that was rarely present and she almost seemed to possess the cheer that Shana always carried with her. It was quite contenting for Dart. "Trust me." He mimicked her words. "I know."

Rose chuckled faintly. "Alright. Enough of that." She took her wrist from him, but her joy didn't die.

Dart nodded. One could not be so silly with Rose for too long. He was honestly amazed she had played along this long. So he did not argue.

They sat there in silence for a minute before Rose finally dared to break it. "It'll be a fun party." She said absently, pretending not to look at him as she did from the corner of her eye.

Dart nodded in agreement once more.

Rose waited for him to say something. Once it was clear he didn't intend to speak again, she spoke, "We should go get the others then." She stood up, preparing to leave even if Dart didn't.

Dart didn't move for a moment as if lost in thought. His lack of presence in reality made it all the more surprising when he sprang to his feet. "Rose!" He said.

Rose turned her head lazily in his direction. "Yes?"

He hesitated, then said it anyway. "You should laugh more often." He smiled lamely before walking past her and out the door. He wondered who he would run into next. More so he wondered what his comment did to Rose. But he swore he wouldn't look back at her for a while, so he would not look.

Rose started in response, stopping in her tracks. What? What did he mean by that? Did he perhaps realize that she did not laugh, or at least she had not before this moment? The thought was a little unnerving, but she tried not to let it bother her. He was her friend. He would not think much of her laughing or not. This was simply him saying he liked it when she smiled. Still, even that thought was strange. No one said that. Then again…no one was her friend before him.

"Rose!" She heard Dart call. "Are you coming?" He tilted his head back to look at her. The surprise his words caused her was still on her face and he nearly laughed.

Rose snapped out of it then. "Of course." She said smoothly, walking over to him as if she had never felt shocked. She appeared as composed as ever.

Dart was about to say something after a couple minutes of silence when the silence was shattered. He jumped slightly, not having been prepared for the loud nature of the noise. "No!" The voice cried. "You can't be in here!"

Then came the familiar sound of Meru's voice. It was whiny. "Just a peek is fine!" She insisted. "I wanna see the party food! Please!" She tried to get around the maid guarding the door to the kitchen. But no matter which way she bent, the maid was blocking her.

Unsurprisingly, Haschel was there next to her. "We aren't going to eat now." He attempted to sway the maid, picking his words carefully. "We just want to sample the food." Wait…

The maid sighed loudly and with obvious hopelessness. "That is eating!" She moaned, slumping over. "Come on! Go on! You are delaying the preparation!"

Dart snickered despite himself. It figured they would be trying to break into the kitchen. They were so alike despite their age.

Rose shook her head, her hand on her hip. "They are always there to stir things up." She noted. "Lord knows if they were left to their own devices like this all the time the world would probably turn to chaos."

Dart shook his head, undeniably amused by her words. "Come on now, they aren't that bad." He tried to reason. Still, there was no denying they could be pretty troublesome as a duo.

Only as the maid noticed Dart and Rose watching from afar did she perk back up. "Oh! Mr. Dart! Please stop them!" She flung her hand in the troublesome duo's direction to indicate them.

Haschel glanced back at Dart then returned his eyes to the maid, a scowl on his face. "Wars never choose their time." He said as if scolding her. "You have to eat whenever you can. That is a basic understanding for a warrior!" He slapped his arms firmly over his chest in obvious irritation.

Meru nodded firmly, a similar expression on her face. Only her anger was much more short lived. She spun around to face Dart, a pleading look about her. "You wanna eat too, don't you Dart!?" She asked in eager hopefulness, her hands clasped at her chest.

Dart chuckled softly. "The party is starting soon." He assured them, sure that even with his back turned that Haschel was listening. "You can eat as much as you want then."

Meru's face lit up like a lantern and her eyes widened considerably. "Really!? Is that true!?"

Rose nodded, not caring if she wanted an answer from her or not. If she didn't, she shouldn't have asked.

Haschel spun around, his face wiped of all anger. It was as bright as Meru's. "Why didn't you say so!?" He laughed heartily. "You could have saved us this mess!" He motioned behind him.

Dart shook his head. "I just got here."

Meru was bouncing up and down in anticipation. "C'mon. Let's go!" She urged.

It was then that Shana came from the door leading to the towers. She was mildly surprised to see most everyone there with Dart. "Well, you really went to work, didn't you?" She giggled. "I only have Albert." She stepped to the side.

Dart smiled back at her. Even if she wasn't very fast, she was still amazing. "It was nothing." He waved his hand dismissively.

Rose rolled her eyes at their flirting. They weren't even flirting like normal people! "But we're not done." She reminded them. "We're missing one person."

"One very large person!" Meru chirped, laughing at her own words.

"Where would he be though?" He knew the least about Kongol, so he wasn't exactly sure of any of his assumptions.

Albert was the one who answered. "I believe there is a training area through those doors right down there." He pointed to the level just down the stairs. "He seems like the type to go off and practice. Why don't we check there first?"

Meru nodded fervently. "Yeah! Cause he's definitely not in the kitchen." She giggled.

"Alright." Dart shrugged. "Let's see."

Kongol was where they predicted. He was swinging his ax at one of the dummies repeatedly as he spoke to himself. Each of his words came between strikes. "Kongol has friends." His voice boomed. "Friends of different species." He half smiled at the thought. Doel had not really been his friend, so this was definitely different. He only wondered if it would last.

They all streamed into the training area, Dart at the front. "Not bad." He noted as he approached Kongol.

Kongol jumped in his skin at the sudden sound of another. He was so surprised that he spun around almost instinctively and raised his ax up as if to strike. He nearly swung his ax too, only the sound of Dart's fearful voice stopped him.

Dart jumped back into the others, his eyes wide. "Whoa!" He cried, breathing a notch above normal. "It's just me!"

Kongol untensed and lowered his ax back to his side. "Don't do that." He scolded, scowling faintly at Dart. Dart should have known better than to sneak up on him like that.

Dart gave a short laugh with more uncertainty than cheer in the tone. "That's what I should say!" He shook his head. "You nearly took my head off!"

Kongol stared in silence at Dart for moment, ignoring the others. Then he finally spoke, "Did you hear Kongol speaking?" He cocked his head slightly, his fists clenching automatically. He did not like people who snooped, especially on private matters.

Dart rubbed the back of his head nervously. He easily saw Kongol's imminent anger and knew saying he had heard it would be bad. "Not really…" He half lied, glancing back at the others. They did not move to help him in any way. He sighed, saying what he had intended to from the start, "By the way, the party is starting."

Kongol nodded. "Ok." He put his ax in its holder on his back. "It will be fun."

"Right!?" Meru cried from the back, jumping up and down.

"That's right…" Dart muttered to himself. "Libria wanted something." He remembered, turning to face the others. "We need to find Libria."

Just as the words were out of his mouth, she appeared. She smiled cheerfully, like always. "It seems you've found everyone." She noted as she looked them over. "Good. Well then, Miss Shana, Miss Rose, and Miss Meru, please come this way." She beckoned to them. "You have to change into dresses."

"Dresses?" Shana's face lit up and her eyes shined with eagerness. She had forgotten about them.

Libria's smile grew slightly and she nodded. "Yes, Princess Emille and Princess Lisa insist."

Meru made a face, not bothering to conceal her displeasure even in the name of courtesy. "No thanks!" She waved her hands in front of her as if shaking off a bug.

Everyone started at her refusal, most notably Dart. "It's not like you." He shook his head, wondering if she was sick.

Meru's disdain fell away, replaced by amusement. She laughed loudly at Dart and his confusion. "Nah, sure it is. See, it's cause I'm a dancer." She spun around in a dizzying circle to demonstrate. "I can't dance well in those dresses." She stuck her tongue out to once more emphasize her disdain.

"No thanks for me either." Rose spoke up, shaking her head. All eyes went to her as she said this, not because it surprised them but because they were quite interested in knowing her reason. She willingly gave them what they desired. "I feel naked without my sword." She shrugged.

Dart figured as much. "Well, I guess you just have Shana." He half laughed.

"Yes." Libria nodded. "The rest of you can go wait in the living room. I will come tell you when you can go to the Chamber of the Sun."

They all nodded. "Ok." They then streamed out of the training area and headed for the room they slept in to wait. It would be a good party.

They were brought to the Chamber of the Sun not long after, but Dart was not as happy as the others. When Libria had come for them, she no longer had Shana with her. He was rather hoping to meet up with her then. Perhaps she had simply sent her ahead. That just meant Dart would have to look a little bit for her. How hard could it be anyway? It wasn't that big of a room.

As they entered, Zing Zior stood from his throne. "This is a banquet to honor the seven heroes who saved Tiberoa!" He boomed, throwing his hands up into the air. "Please enjoy yourselves to the utmost!"

Everyone cheered in response. Meru was the only one from their group to cheer though. Everyone else saw that doing so was conceited. Still, no one thought any less of her, not in that room. In that room she was their hero, and no one dissed a hero.

As Dart started to head further into the room to look for Shana, he was suddenly swooped down on and captured. Two women swarmed him, one in a blue dress and the other in red. "Mr. Dart!" The one in red cried in excitement mingled with infatuation.

"Wait for us!" The one in blue cried, pushing her way closer.

Dart backed up, not comfortable with any amount of attention from strange women.

"You must be Mr. Dart!" The red woman sighed, smiling sweetly at him. "I am just dying to hear your story!" She stepped closer still, not letting him have an inch of space.

Dart looked fervently around for a means of escape, but there was none that he could see. The only option was to leave the Chamber of the Sun, but he knew Shana was somewhere in here. And besides, these women would probably follow him out anyway. "Uh…"

The blue woman made a noise that made her sound as if she were in disbelief of the other woman. "Oh, excuse me, but monopolizing him is not fair!" She scolded, glaring faintly at the other woman. She quickly turned her attention back to Dart, eyes shining. "Please let me hear your story too!"

Dart had backed up in a curve and ended up with a wall behind him instead of the exit. Now he hit that wall, swallowing hard. This must be how a cornered animal felt. He knew it must be.

The red woman went on patronizing him despite the obvious signs of discomfort he was displaying. "I would like to know more about you." She purred.

The blue woman could scarcely believe the other woman. "Oh my!" She cried, flinging her hands onto her hips to further show her shock. "Don't be so fresh with him!"

The red woman scowled at her. "I talked to him first!" She reminded.

Haschel was over by the food stand along with Meru when they attacked Dart. Now, after stuffing his face as full as it would go in the couple of minutes he had, he went to rescue the poor sap.

The blue woman was about to snap back when she noticed someone walking toward them from behind. "Oh…" She breathed, turning around. "You must be Mr. Haschel." She grinned sweetly at him. Just because he was older didn't mean she couldn't pester him like Dart.

"Sure am." He wholeheartedly agreed, stepping around them in order to speak to Dart first, "I'll take care of things here." He assured. "Why don't you go enjoy yourself with Shana? At least for tonight. You have to make good use of the time the two of you are together after all."

Dart nodded, relief sweeping over his features. "Thank you." He sighed, quickly getting away through a gap the women left.

Haschel didn't waste time turning his attention to the women. "So." He mused, grinning. "What do you want to know?"

Dart began scanning the room as he walked, being sure to avoid any other psychotic women. He had searched nearly the whole room when he heard bits of conversation floating from the throne. He stopped, unable to help himself. Just one minute.

Albert sighed heavily. "I have to go to Mille Seseau with Dart." He told Emille with obvious regret. It wasn't that he didn't want to catch Lloyd. He just wanted to be able to stay with her more.

Emille nodded, her eyes sad but full of understanding. "I'll wait for you." She promised, staring longingly into his brown eyes. "I'll wait for you forever." She added with even more firmness.

King Zior boomed with laughter. "Well said Emille!" He nodded in agreement. "The future of Serdio and Tiberoa is shining like the sun!" They had been engaged since they were young, but both King Zior and Albert's father had agreed not long before his death that if they did not come together on their own that they would not be forced to get married. It seemed now that they didn't need to worry.

Albert mostly ignored King Zior, his whole world focused on Emille. "I believe love is the only entity that never changes over time." He said with sweet conviction, taking Emille's hands in his.

Emille's eyes shined with love. "And distance makes the love grow deeper." She added onto his words, smiling tenderly.

Dart could not believe how mushy they were being. Albert couldn't have known Emille that long. He said before he'd only been as a child. Could some love really go back so far? He made a face. He wasn't sure. All he knew was listening to them made his heart ache for Shana. He needed to find her.

King Zior shook his head. "I cannot watch this anymore!" He proclaimed, laughing nonetheless. As he turned away from them he noticed Dart. Oh! What's wrong?" He frowned faintly. "You have a long face."

Albert was drawn away from Emille by King Zior's words. He saw that it was Dart he spoke to, but he felt no different than if it had been a stranger. He was irritated by all these intrusions and in his irritation spoke almost coldly to Dart. "If you are looking for Shana, she is not here." He grumbled, quickly looking back at Emille.

Dart sighed. She was nowhere. He slumped noticeably. What was he supposed to do?

"Mr. Dart!" Libria's voice called to him.

Dart perked, looking over in the direction of her voice. He quickly went to her as she waved him over. "What?" He asked a bit dully.

"Miss Rose needs you." She said with cheer despite his slightly rude response. "This way…" She beckoned, walking over to an opening he had not seen before. She stopped just inside of it. "Out there."

Dart made a face. Rose? Nevertheless he did as he was told. Making Rose wait would be a mistake he was sure to sorely regret. It was in everyone's best interest to go see her.

She was waiting out on the balcony, leaning up against the railing. Her black hair swayed gently in the wind and she looked out to sea as if waiting for something to come past the horizon. She was beautiful. Even though she was no different than any other day, she was still more beautiful than usual in that moment. It was something about the darkness framing her just right or the way she stood that did it, Dar wasn't really sure.

"Rose?" Dart tentatively ventured, walking up beside her. So beautiful. He inwardly sighed. If only he could have two.

Rose's eyes flickered to him, them full of what appeared to be anger. "Dart." She said as if she were warning him of something.

Dart ducked his head slightly, preparing for some harsh string of words. He wasn't quite sure of his crime yet, but he was sure he'd find out soon enough. "Yeah?"

Rose scoffed at his fear, but didn't say anything about it. "Why are you procrastinating like that?" She reprimanded. "Do you want her to catch a cold or something, making her wait all night like that?"

Dart blinked a couple times in confusion.

Rose sighed. He was utterly hopeless sometimes. "She's over there." She nodded her head to the opposite side of the balcony. She felt fleeting regret in handing him over to Shana like this, he might not have ever noticed her otherwise, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Even if she could win Dart over, she didn't deserve it. He needed someone that would love him for him…not for being the spitting image of someone they loved before.

Dart followed her direction and turned completely around. He walked slowly over to her, slightly unsure of himself. Rose was watching. He didn't like that. He felt awful going to kiss Shana with her there since this could have just as easily if not more easily been her.

Shana turned around on cue with Rose's words. She stared timidly at Dart as he approached her. She too was hesitating. She didn't like Rose being there for the same reasons as Dart. It felt wrong.

Dart started as she turned. Before him appeared an image of a girl he barely recognized. She was nothing like the Shana he'd seen before the party. It wasn't that she was more beautiful now than before, there was just something about the way she presented herself that changed things.

Her hair had been raised into a bun held in place by a dazzling gold and silver hair piece, her bangs especially standing out without the rest of her hair hanging down behind it to steal the focus and they framed her face perfectly. There were shiny white pearl earrings gracing her ears and a strange choker like object around her neck. It was strange because it was made of cloth – the center strap white and the outer rims a soft blue. The bottom rim was cut so that it had jagged edges. From the choker hung a gold crescent moon that stood out on her light skin.

Her dress began just below her choker and ended an inch from the floor, the color a mix of soft blue and white. Dart thought that the combination of the two was definitely her color. As he lifted his gaze back up to her face he noticed also that white gloves went up past her elbow, the end cuff ruffled and blue. "You look beautiful…" Dart finally breathed, in total awe.

Shana blushed, a sweet smile forming on her lips. "Thank you." She whispered. "But…" Her smile fell and her composure turned sad as she lifted her arms up and looked herself over. "It's all thanks to this dress." She sighed.

Dart was shattered by her words. "That's not true." He insisted, almost pleading for her to agree. How could she believe she was not beautiful under all circumstances!? This dress just made her beauty even more obvious. "Even without this…you are too beautiful for words." He smiled sheepishly, taking a step closer in order to take her hands in his.

Shana's smile returned and her blush intensified. She didn't know how to respond. Dart had never been the type to say such a thing. Then again, he had never looked at her as more than a baby sister either. "Dart…" She breathed.

Dart pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. He stared down longingly into her brown eyes, hoping this time things would go his way.

Shana was leaning up toward him when something caught her eye. She started and turned her head away from him. "Look!" She gasped, pointing out to the sky. "A shooting star!" She closed her eyes and silently made a wish.

Dart looked out where the star fell across the sky. He smiled despite the interruption. It was too nostalgic for any amount of irritation. He and Shana searched for shooting stars nearly every night as kids. This was almost like a pact made for them, to seal their love.

Shana opened her eyes. "I wonder if my wish will come true." She murmured, bringing her eyes back to Dart. No more interruptions…she promised. She couldn't bear another one. She was honestly surprised she'd broken the moment for a worthless star.

Dart grinned. "It will." He assured. "Because…I wished the same thing…" He breathed, staring with eternal love down into her beautiful brown eyes.

Shana smiled with more happiness than ever before. Her eyes shined with all the emotions a girl in love could possibly feel at a time like this. She could scarcely breathe she was so happy. "Oh Dart…"

Dart brought a hand to her face and gently lifted her face up toward his. "I love you." He whispered, leaning the remaining distance so that their lips finally met. A jolt ran through their bodies at the contact, but it was a good jolt. It carried with it all the best feelings and after a moment the kiss intensified.

It was still quite tame, at least when Dart thought of Rose's version of a kiss, but it was full of passion. Shana brought her hands up and cupped his face, holding on tight to him. Dart let his hand run back down to her waist and he pulled her even closer so that their bodies fit together perfectly.

And in that moment, neither of them could have been happier. They were in their own world, where only they and their love existed.

Off to the side, secluded from their world, stood Rose. She stared on, vaguely envious. She didn't mean to be and she mostly denied the feeling for a stronger one. As she watched them in pure bliss within each other's arms, she was filled to the brim with happiness – happiness for them.

She didn't notice at first, but watching them together made her experience something she thought she'd never feel. She smiled. It was a true smile, perfectly formed and completely sincere. It nearly made her cry in joy it was so amazing.

Even without Dart she had experienced a new level of happiness. Their kiss was not just theirs. It had created a whole new world where her smile could now live, hopefully forever.

And that's how you overshadow a DartxShana kiss! OH! Yeah, I'm not even sorry. I probably should have given them their moment, but I didn't. So there. Other than that, I hope it was great. Actually, it'd be even better if you enjoyed the overshadowing as much as me. lol Well, the third book is next. Do you all think I should start putting it up here even though it's not done? I'll probably only upload seven or eight chapters because I haven't had time to get any farther than that. :( Too busy working on 'The World Ends with You' and if you tell me that sounds all romantic and crap I will come after you with an AK47. It's a fantasy adventure! *cough* Well, please review!