Me: This is my first fanfiction ever! YAY!
Everyone: How long did it take you to decide to make one?
Me: About 2 days and some coaxing from Mayumi and Kiyo (Kiyosama and Seraphic Nightmare)
Elsword: So this is going to be your first... bet it will suck.
Me: Hey Chung can I barrow that destroyer of yours?
Chung: You're the first person to ask me if you can barrow it sure *gives me destroyer*
Me: *Dark aura surrounding me* You better start running Elbaka :D
Elsword: pssstt the destroyer is to heavy for you its not as if you can do one of Chung's power attacks. Right?
Me: *Twirls destroyer around* hmmm pretty light and easy to use :3
Elsword: *Sweat drops*
Elsword: OH CRA-
Anyways this is going to be my first Elsword fanfiction so point out any mistakes I made and any tips on how I could improve my writing.
Blazes POV.
Where I come from and who I am is a mystery to me. I have no memory of ever being in at that village I was found in, nor do I have any memory of how I got there and who where my parents. Heck I can't even remember my own name. The only things that I can remember was after I had regained consciousness after this village had found me on their under a tree. They had told me that one person was walking along going for a stroll when he had stumbled upon me in under a tree with ragged cloths on and a shallow breath. He had rushed me back to the village for medical aid, and if he didn't I wouldn't be alive now. Here I am sitting in a bed wondering where am I, who am I, and where did I come from. I have only been awake for about minute when this man came into the room.
"Ahhh I see that you are awake now, I am Banquoe, mayor of this small village called Eden,(I know they don't exist but I put them in for the story.)" he said in a friendly tone. "Might I ask who your's might be?"
"I... I don't remember." I said softly.
"Do you remember anything like your parents, where you came from, or where you came from." Banquoe asked.
I gave hard thought on those three questions. "I.. I-I-I don't know, I don't remember anything of my past." I said. I turned to meet his face to see that he was deep in thought. He started to bob his head up and down and made eye contact, I could see him flinch as he discovered something surprising about me.
"I see I see... you have quite the strange case but also some very strange eyes too, they look as if they had some ire to them." he said. In my fiery red eyes, you could see what looks like an imprint of a flame. "Since you have no recollection of where you where born, lets make you a citizen of Eden, but with out a name you won't be able to become one. What name would you like to have that people refer to?" Banquoe asked.
I spent the next minute mulling over what I have heard and what name I want to have when I remember he said that my eyes had an imprint of a flame when the word came to me, Blaze. "I want to be called Blaze." I sad confidently.
"Blaze... hmm an interesting name for an interesting boy. Blaze it is, welcome into Eden's family." Banquoe said happily.
It's been over 4 yours since I obtained the name of Blaze, 4 years of mystery about my own past, 4 years of acceptance. At first everyone had avoided me and treated me like an out cast or an unwanted guest, but over time they had slowly given up trying to ignore me, and trying to accept me into their society. For I work with everyone to bring in the seasons crops, I work to help make the seasons crops, and I help to improve this village. Soon I no longer was looked at as a stranger, but more of a long lost friend. Through my stay with Eden, I had also regained in health to find that I was extremely fit and I wondered what my past was like, what or who I was before I had lost my memories. Today was the day that all the men went out to harvest this years crops and I tagged along with them. I met up with one of my friends I made in the 4 years named Mark. Mark was my first best friend that I had made during the first f year of me staying in Eden. If it wasn't for him I would be a lot more lonely 'cause after he had befriended me, everyone else started to think that I wasn't that bad of a person. We started to chat about how we think the year will turn out, how well the crops will be, and what we will do next year. After harvesting all of the invaluable crops we started to head back to Eden when something unexpected happened.
"ATTACK!" One of the bandits yelled as a bandits after bandits charged at us swords and pistols drawn catching us completely off guard. In the confusion of the rushing attackers, everyone started to get things under control and armed them selves to defend their precious cargo.
"Blaze get to the village and gather more men to help defend the wagons!" one of the men screamed as he blocked a sword swing. "Move it Blaze! GO GO GO!" as he goes on the offensive.
I was completely stunned by the ambush that I nearly didn't hear him yelling at me to get help. I bolted past the second wagon but was stopped shot at the from of the first wagon as two bandits blocked my way. I turned around to to try and go around them but two more of them blacked my escape. Caught in between four bandits had shot a fear through out my body. Time seemed to slow as men screaming in pain and the clash of steel on steel echoed though the forest. I could multiple villagers laying in their own puddle of blood unmoving and others that where at the mercy of a bandit. Time slowed to a crawl as I close my eyes and the sound of combat was replaced with the rhythm of my own hearth beat. Bu-bum... the flash of the bandits cutting down a villager flashed through my head. Bu-bum... an image of Mark fighting for his life against unbeatable odds. Bu-bum A flash of a memory came to me. A memory of my past.
I opened eyes to a half lidded and looked straight into the eyes of one of the bandits that where sneering at me. His sneer quickly turned into a frown of terror as he peered into my eyes. He could see the imprint of a flame in my eyes, that imprint had grown and started to move like a real flame would, dancing in the center of my eyes. He lunged at me but I stepped to the side of him bringing down my elbow on the back of his head. Another bandit tried to stab me form the read but side stepped slightly to have his arms come through between my arms and side. I clamped down hard on both of his arms and started to punch the living daylights out of him while taking hist pistol out of his holster and sword out of his hinds. The other two bandits charged me form both sides and slashed at me high and low which I just jumped so I was parallel the blades, having one of them graze a strand of hair. Landing I launched a counter attack of a hail of bullets and sword slashes.
After dispatching the bandits that where in front of me, I quickly ran around the wagons taking out any bandit that I saw. I then noticed that there was one small bandit and three big bandits that were toying with Mark with an injury on his right arm, swollen, eye, and looks like he will pass out from blood loss and the exhaustion of the fight. I quickly ran towards the four big bandits leaping in the air and plunged my sword in the back of the big bandits that had his big club raised to deliverer the final strike on my friend. Riding that bandit to the ground, I used my sword as a pivot point to swing myself around in a 360° spin, kicking two of the bandits in the face and flung myself at the the last standing bandit with the pistol raging. Landing in a roll, I did a quick back flip avoiding a downward strike from a club. Another downward strike at me caused the ground to shake from the force of the blow and leaves of the surrounding trees to rattle. I quickly ran up the club that was still imbedded into the ground to and kneed the big bandit in the face putting him out of the battle. Jumping to avoid a strike at my legs is soon fallowed with a lung for my sword that was still imbedded in the the back of that unlucky soal. Rolling into a defensive position the last bandit had saw that he was out matched and tried to run away just to be caught by me.
"Take me to the one who had ordered this raid!" I yelled into the bandits face. I could see the terror in the small bandit as he looked straight into my eyes. The terror the bandit was feeling was nothing he had ever experienced in his that all he could do was nod and take me to the master mind. I hid behind a tree as the bandit had entered where the big boss bandit was waiting.
"What are you doing back here!? You're supposed to be raiding that convoy of wagons!" said a deep graveled voice. "Or unless you here to tell me something had gone wrong right?" he game the bandit an evil grin that he almost couldn't speak.
"S-s-s-sir, w-w-we had some unseen p-p-problems." the small bandit had barley stuttered out.
"Problems!? What kind of problem?" he said in his big booming voice which was my cue to step out.
"I'm the problem." I said coldly.
"Oh so you're the problem eeehhhh? I was expecting some knight in armor, or maybe even a villager that has some, but a little kid? You got to be joking," he said in laughter. I just give him cold hard stare. "Ooohhh, the strong silent type huh?" he sneered.
I was so focused in that battle that I hadn't noticed that I didn't notice Makr come in behind me to assist me in this fight but apparently the bandit leader did.
"You won't be so silent when I have you on your knees begging for your life," he yelled as he ran at me. I got into a defensive stance when he ran past me just to hear a cry of help from Mark, "Blaze!"
I spun around quickly to see that the bandit leader had Mark in his grasp with his sword to Marks neck. "Or I might have you begging to spare your friends life," he sneered. "But I will cut you a deal, let me kill you and I will let your friend go or I can kill him and kill you after that!" he spat.
"Don't do it Blaze, don't get yourself killed over me!" Mark yelled.
"Silence fool!," The captain yelled hitting Mark in the head.
Thoughts had raced through my head thinking of what I can do to defeat the captain but also save Mark. Scenario after scenario flashed through his mind yet none of them had worked or the risk was to big. Everything seemed hopeless when another memory came back as these words.
"FLAMING BARRAGE!" I yelled, the fire imprint in my eyes started to glow and started to get bigger. I closed my eyes and flames started to engulf my body along with giving my sword and pistol the the element of fire. The bandit Captain stared at me blinking multiple times trying to figure out to what just happened when I opened my eyes which where stark flaming white too see what the effect of what I had said. I looked at my palm with my sword, which soon closed over the hilt of my blade looking up to see the terror in both Marks and the bandit Captain eyes. I ran at him with incredible speed I seem to have just teleport firing off 3 shots into the bandits arm releasing Mark. As I he released Mark, I had gotten a hold onto him and placed him safely. Making sure mark was safe, I then ran streight at the captain which had his sword ready to slice me but before he could I feinted left and he lost sight of me. With him disoriented, I ran behind him jumped into the air to bring down the final blow. As he turned he was blinded by the sun and could only see an outline of me with fiery white eyes coming down sword swinging at his head At the last second I diverted the fatal swing to his arm, severely injuring him.
"P-please no more," he begged on his hands and knees defeated.
"Promise me this, you will never, ever go raid anyone from now on. If I found out that you raided again, I will come for you and finish this job. Got it!?" I said to his face.
"Yes, yes I will never go raid travelers again." he said. "But this won't be the last you see me." he said under his breath. the bandit captain got up recalled all the bandits that where alive and ordered a retreat.
The fire that had surrounded me had disappeared leaving no burns. Only some scratches where obtained when the raid had started. I looked back at Mark who was starring jaw dropped and wide eyed. "How did you do that?" he asked.
"I'm not sure how I did that but what ever I did, it saved our lives, and saved our crops... Oh god we need to get back to the convoy of wagons and help the wounded," I said as we both hurried back to the wagons. Everyone was banged up, and some of the crops was lost from the raid. In the attack 7 people out of the 24 had died and the rest where injured. When me and Mark had arrived back to the convoy, I was congratulated for taking out the leader and also saving their lives. When we got back to the village I was asked to go see Banquoe.
"You asked to see me sir?" I asked.
"Yes yes. I heard of that achievement that you got for defending that convoy and I am glad that you could do so." Banquoe said.
"But that's not what I summoned you for. I asked for you because I have a feeling you are confused to who you where before you had lost your memories. You had learned that you had training as a soldier and a great one at that. What I am asking is how are you copping with knowing some of your past through today's events?"
"I don't know. I know now that I was trained to fight, but to fight as? Was I trained to protect others or was I trained for attacking others like a soldier."
"There, that was what I was worried about. When you train and move on with your life I wanted to say that you should be wise with your decisions so you will go down the right path. That's all I wanted to tell you, may you lead yourself down the right path." I parted form Banquoe and started to walk towards the house that I was staying mulling around in thought for what I will become, a person of protection or a person of attacking,
It's been over 3 since the battle with the bandits, and all has been quite since. I have now been training in the use of pistol and sword teaching myself and remembering fragments of how I fought with them, how I would wield them. Through training I have become more precise, less clumsy, and more natural when wielding the two weapons. Though though that day that the bandits had raided, it did change my life for I know now who I was and what will my actions inflict to who I am. Me and Mark had become more distant lately, but I can't blame him for what he saw me as or what I used to be. Though from that battle, Mark is held in the medical building for at least a week for his wounds to heal up. In those three days I had always wondered where i come form, who I am, and what was my life like before all of this? I want to go out and try to solve this mystery, I will ask Banquoe tomorrow for some guidance of where I might start looking after I get some sleep.
I must have only slept for at least a few hours when knocking was heard at my door. "I'm awake, what's the problem?" I asked as I got my gear on. on the other side of the door I could hear a frantic voice yelling "Bandits! Bandits are raiding the village!"
After hearing that, that, I burst through my front door to see that houses where on fire, people are running all over the place with buckets to put out the fire, and shops are getting raided by bandits. 'Well there goes the plan of going out to find my past,' I thought to myself as I ran through the village. All throughout the village is a wide spread panic from the fires, but still not a single bandit is in sight, this is too weird not seeing a single bandit yet multiple houses are on fire, where could they all be. As I ran around the town horror struck when I heard someone yell that the medical building is on fire and there are still people trapped inside. I ran toward the medical building just to see it completely on fire with people banging on the windows for help. The horror of seeing those people trapped inside the burning building was just unbearable. When I took a quick scan to determine where everyone was so I could go rescue them, I saw Mark at the window looking at me. My voice is caught in my throat as I see Mark smile a farewell smile before turning to see the fire creeping closer to him.
I ran for the building just to have the entire thing explode in front of me severely burning my arm. I look in horror as the building collapses onto itself trapping everyone and my best friend to a fiery death. "MARK!" I screamed. With tears threatening to spill out, I heard laughter, laughter that I could never forget, it was that same captain that had raided us before.
"So, you think your so tough kid? You think you can protect everyone!? Well welcome to reality kid 'cause the ones you loved are now gone, and you couldn't do anything about it!" He spat at me. Through the rage of losing my best friend I charged him blindly just to be knocked back away from him. "Is that the best you can do? God how was I beaten by a little no one like you. I won't even waste me effort in trying to kill you, I'll just let my bandits have their fun with you while I watch for enjoyment of seeing you die a slow death."
Before I knew it, I was surrounded by hundreds of bandits ranging from small sword totting ones to big club wielding thugs. They advance on me wave after wave, it seems like every one I kill, 4 others take its place to get after me. At this rate I will tire out and start making mistakes that could be fatal. For 10 minutes I had fought fought and fought but they keep on coming. As I parried a stab for me a hot stinging sensation started to come form my upper arm. I peaked a glance at it to find that a neat deep gash was created from a sword. Killing of 3 more bandits, a lucky one got a slash on my legs. Soon I felt a searing pain come form the back of my head, my vision tunnels into two tubes hearing a roar of achievement as blacked out. I regained consciousness just to find that the beast who had gotten the lucky shot to my head tower over my club raised ready to strike down ending my time. But it never came to that as 3 green arrows are now sticking out of that bandits head. Confusion was followed as combat started to break out at the edge of the giant group and worked its way towards the center, who ever they are I just hope that they can finish the job that I had started.
Everyone: Finally
Me: Yipe the first chapter is finally done and man that's probable the most I have written in only 3 hours... or was it two days I cant remember XD
Elsword: But where do we fall into place?
Eve: Ya!
Chung: YA!
Raven: Meh... *opens a magazine*
Me _
Aisha: Ya!
Rena: YA!
Me: Calm down you guys you'll be in the next chapter.
Everyone but me and Raven: Fine
Proto: Where do I fall in all of this?
Me: Well since they're 4 boys and only 3 girls I think I am going to add you
Ara: What about me?
Me: I'm not good at guessing what the you as a character might be I have a feeling that if I make you different than what you are in the game it will come bite me in the ass soon.
Ara: Aw well I'm going back to Mayumi then chow~!
Anyway R and R please this is my first story and I would love your feed back.