CC101: Okay, so after a long time of hiatus, I finally got the next chapter up! It may be kinda short but hey. From now on, this story will change between journals and the like before going into more of a story mode.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Day 4: May 17th, 2012

The sound of the birds chirping was what woke up Alfred. Opening his tired eyes, the first thing the blue scaled naga saw was his brother still sleeping in the nest. Alfred's face gave a small smile. 'Good, I wasn't dreaming…' Picking himself up, Alfred stretched in the morning air. His muscles felt really tense but his brain was fully awake. The light in his enclosure showed that it was just after dawn, meaning that it was time to go.

Slithering off the rock, Alfred moved over to his hiding spot. From behind the rocks, he retrieved his black shower carrier with several products sticking out. Then he moved over to Matthew, shaking the older naga. "Hey, Matthew!"

It took a few more shakes but Matthew opened his eyes and blinked. The Alpha took in a deep breath before gazing up at his brother. "A-Alfred?" Yawning, the other didn't move out of the nest. "Why are you up so early?"

"It's time to use the bathroom, brother." Alfred held up the human products in the red naga's sight. "Remember? I have to be finished with my cleaning in an hour so we must hurry. Breakfast will be served later. It's Thursday if I remember right and that means that the meal will either be mice or a deer leg." Snakes only eat every so often while humans eat three times a day; so nagas ate only once a day. Most nagas preferred to eat in the morning and then sleep it off. There were a few exceptions; for example if there was a holiday then the nagas would eat an extra meal.

Matthew rose up and sighed. Cracking his knuckles and then his neck, the taller male got out of bed and followed the naga to the exit of the enclosure. To his great surprised, Alfred just opened the door and moved through it. There were not humans around. "They trust you to be by yourself?"

"Huh?" Alfred shut the door behind him. "Yeah, I'm one of the most behaved nagas here with the exception of Arthur of course. I think it's why they placed us together. I am not trusted for a few things but I'm getting there." He motioned for Matthew to follow him. "We can't just roam free anytime though. We have restricted hours and the places we are allowed to go are limited. As I said earlier, the Omegas here can go meet each other. I only go three times a week because for the most part, I don't like a few of them very much. They aren't mean to me but I get mentally exhausted near them." He had taken several turns as his speech began. "We're almost there."

Matthew just grunted. In Canada things were much different but then again, perhaps it was just that he was an Alpha and Alfred was an Omega. "Okay…"

The rest of the journey was silent except for a few times their scales passed over a metal part of the floor. The material went from tile to carpet and then to tile again. Alfred stopped at a large door and opened it. He slithered in and set the box next to the shower head that was located lower to the floor. "Here we are."

The Alpha followed the Omega and shut the door. The entire room was tiled, even the walls. An open shower, a large mirror meant for a naga's height was on the one wall, a towel rack, and a sink was just about everything in that room. "And you just freshen up in here?"

Alfred hummed to answer. He was sorting out all the products. "Just about. I wash my hair, shave unwanted body hair, wash my skin, then my scales are scrubbed with this grain sand stuff that smells really good, then dry off, put lotion on my skin, and then brush my teeth," explained the Omega as he turned the shower head on.

Matthew watched his brother, slightly weireded out and slightly intrigued. He never really knew about human products and he mostly kept to a naga's natural way of cleaning but he had to admit, humans were clever with the things they created. He noticed that all of the materials that Alfred was using had the same scent about them. "Alfred, you smell like…" He couldn't name it but he could say the it smelt…warm…if scents could have a temperature.

"Yeah, they're all the same scent: the scrub, the lotion, the shower gel, the shampoo and conditioner. All from the same place that Toris gets them for me. It's called 'Warm Vanilla Sugar'. Not sure how it's made but I love the smell." Alfred reached down and picked up a circular bottle. He grabbed some of the sand and started to clean his scales. He loved how this made him shine after. "Toris made sure that these things were safe for me, so don't worry."

Moving over to the mirror, Matthew observed himself and snorted. The smell of all those human products was beginning to over power his nose. "Are you almost done?"

"Yes brother," Alfred said, amused with how the Alpha was acting. He washed off the sand from his scales. "I need to dry off and then put the lotion on. I am meeting Arthur for the first time tomorrow so I need to really prepare." Shutting off the shower and getting away from the shower drain, he grabbed a towel from the rack, cleaning up as much water as he could from his body.

Matthew grabbed a towel as well and dried Alfred's hair. "Here, let me help."

Together, the two dried Alfred off. As Alfred was putting lotion on, Matthew was putting the other products away so that they could leave sooner. After another five minutes, Alfred had brushed his teeth and gave his skin a quick rub with lotion. Matthew opened the door and said, "Sweet air!"

The American male laughed and lightly swatted his brother's arms. "I smell good and you know it." He shut the door and let Matthew carry his stuff back to his enclosure.

While he still didn't like things from the human world, Matthew had to agree. His brother did smell really good. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He followed the other back to his home. He went right back to the nest he made and curled up, setting the cleaning supplies next to him. "When did you say that breakfast was coming again?"

Shutting the door, Alfred made his way through the trees. "In about ten minutes or so." The light showed it was almost time anyway. He moved back to his own spot on the rock. He would put the stuff away later. "So…" Now it got awkward. After being apart for so long and getting all of the small talk out of the way, Alfred had no idea what to say to his brother. He thought of a few things but decided to speak about his up coming trials. "Matthew? What…What is it like to mate?"

Alfred experienced two heats before he was matched to Arthur for his third. He couldn't describe the heat or the need for a mate in words that would make sense. Because he was so young, they were short (two days at first and then four days) and not as powerful but he heard that having a mate for the heats was amazing.

"Mating?" Matthew could sense the slight nervousness in Alfred. He needed to word this properly. "Well…to be honest, I cannot tell you. Alphas and Omegas feel the heat in different ways. However, I can tell you that Arthur will treat you with respect and dignity. From what I gather from my mate, it can be uncomfortable and messy but she says it was worth it. The nagalets are perfect to us." He felt a father's love for his children. "I am so proud of them but I will regret when they have to leave. Our time with them is ending so we will mate for more eggs."

Feeling the pain in Matthew's voice about how his children will leave, Alfred frowned. "But you can see them right? You're in the same sanctuary right?"

"Yes, but rarely. They need to grow up without us and we want them to get used to humans. It's not always fair but it's our way of life. Either this or go extinct." Matthew's tail twitched in anger. He could only imagine if nagas could have their own country. How their culture would rise up again.

"I see…" Alfred looked at the ground. Despite what Matthew was saying, he really wanted nagalets, as many as he could produce.

Knock Knock

The nagas heads turned to the door as Toris came into the enclosure. He had bowls of meat in his hand. "Hello Alfred, Matthew." He moved without fear and placed the large plastic bowls next to each of them. He gave Alfred a pat on the head before saying, "You two have fifteen minutes left before Matthew will leave."

Alfred nodded and smiled at the human. "Thanks Toris." He picked up a piece of meat and tossed the cube into his mouth. Mmmmm…deer meat was always his favorite.

Toris moved to leave before the other naga called his name. The human turned, wondering what the Canadian wanted. "Yes, Matthew?"

The red scaled naga looked conflicted, as if his words were bitter. "Thank you…for taking care of my brother…" After that, he completely ignored the human as he ate his meal in silence.

Feeling rather honored, Toris bowed his head, "You're welcome. It's my pleasure." With that, the human exited the exclosure and went to wait

Too afraid to bring up anything else, Alfred just continued to eat until all the pieces of meat were in his stomach. Then he yawned and curled up again. Today he wouldn't do much, not wanting to hurt himself. He wanted to talk more, for when would he have another chance like this?

It was Matthew that said, "Alright Alfred, looks like I'm going soon. Any thing you want to talk about." He pushed the empty food bowl to the side.

Alfred shrugged. He was sated in his curiosity for now when it came to his brother. "Just send me a picture of your mate and nagalets."

Matthew nodded. "I think I can swing that." He moved over to his brother and touched their foreheads together. "I cannot hug you but I want you to know that I love you brother." He took in one last deep breath of Alfred's scent before moving away. "I-"

The door of the enclosure opened up once again and Alfred sighed as Toris once again walked up to them. "Matthew, it's time to leave." He waited for the red scaled naga to move.

Alfred smiled, tears welling up in his eyes but he blinked them away. "Good bye brother."

Matthew grinned back. "Goodbye Alfred." With that, he slithered out of the enclosure with Toris on his tail.

CC101: Please review if you have any questions or see a spelling or grammatical error! Thanks for reading!