A/N - Promise here... dun kill me the plotbunny made me do it.. Weelll anywaaaaaays, dun worry 2 HDC fans, dat will be my main focus, just makin this for fun ;) Enjoy~
Disclaimer - KHR (c) Amano Akira
Plot (c) Unfading Promise
Catching Up
~Namimori Cemetery~
In the misty cemetery, you can see the figure of a blond teen with unkempt hair laying orange flowers on a grave.
"Gomen otouto* I couldn't come out to meet you in a while. Well... I'm sorry to say this all of a sudden but I'll be moving to Italy to train. Oh, don't worry, although my tutor is a spartan, my intuition tells me that he'll always protect me in times of need, and I also have 6 trustworthy guardians by my side... and... you of all people... know.. how accurate... my.. intuition... is..."
By now the blond's face was filled with tears but the weird thing was the he had an apathetic face. In fact, if you didn't notice his tears, anyone would've thought that the teen wasn't feeling anything at all.
"Ne ne** otouto... I know you're out there, I know you aren't dead... See, I even brought Natsu!"
The blond said as he lifted up a lion plushie with an orange mane and visors.
"He misses you... and so do I... so please... please..."
"Come back..."
* - otouto means younger/little brother
* - Ne ne - A Japanese particle that is used to get other people's attention.
A/N - So that wraps it up for the intro/prologue! Just a reminder to anyone who thinks that my chappies should be longer, my prologues are usually short like this but my chappies are waaaay longer! :D Oh, and if you likd it, send me some positive feedback~ Follows and Favs are awesome and Reviews will get you a GIANT cookie and a hug + reply from moi~
Preview -
"Giotto... What's the matter?"
"N-n-no p-p-p-please... d-d-don't g-g-go a-a-a-away..."
"I-I-I-I s-s-saw h-h-him..."