A/N: This story is basically a long prologue for the fan fiction Chosen that I'm writing. I don't own Sonic.

Chapter 1:

In a different dimension then our own, is a planet called Mobius. It is an amazing place, where both humans a human like animals, who refer to themselves as Mobians, live together. There had been tensions and wars between these two spices, but that was all in the past. Today peace runs through the land.

In a quiet forset rests a small village. It inhabitants are friendly, but tend to keep to themselves. Because the town is so small, the residents have grown close to each other and consider themselves to all be family in bonds, if not in blood.

Today, there is excitement in the village. A mother is about to give birth and the people are anxiously to welcome the new life. The mother's screams echo through the village as the moment draws near. The father squeaks his wife's hand tighter, trying to give comfort.

"It'll be over soon honey," he whispers.

Another scream, followed by a new voice.

A cry.

At last the baby is free. The midwives clean him up and wrap him gently. They carefully placed the newborn in his mother's arms.

"It's a boy," one of them whispers. The midwives quietly leave to give the new family some privacy.

"A boy," the father whispers in awe.

"He has your eyes," the mother whispers back, referring to the baby's brown eyes.

The baby is a blue hedgehog. He cocks his head slightly as he looks at his parents. He then breaks into a grin, waving a tiny fist, and began to giggle. The parent's expressions were one of pure joy.

"What should we call him?" the father asked, tickling his son's belly and smiling as his son giggled.

"I've been going through a lot of names," the mother answered. "Such as Olgivile or Maurice… But none of them seemed right. Last night, in a dream, a voice whispered the name Sonic to me. I don't know why, but it seems like that name is meant for him.

"Sonic…" the father whispered, trying out the name. "It does seem appropriate for some reason. What do you thin Sonic?"

The baby giggled again and seemed to clap his hands.

"It's official then," he laughed.

"Welcome to our family," the mother whispered lovingly. "Welcome Sonic Hedgehog."