Hey followers/readers/everyone-that-looks! Been a while, hasn't it?... Sorry about that... I would like to inform all you readers that this, right here, is the last- yes I said it, folks- the last chapter of this wondrous story! A big thank you to all who have stuck with me for this very sporadically posted story! There is another AN at the end of this chapter with some information that some of you might be interested in- READ ON, Readers!


Chapter Twenty

I make my way up to the Gryffindor common room as quickly as I can, feeling somewhat dazed by what I had heard and wondering whether I should relay the information to Harry. About halfway to the common room I decide that it would definitely be best to tell Harry some of what I heard, especially if someone could be in danger from it.

Ginny is the only person in the common room when I get there, so I ask her if she knows where Harry, Hermione, and her brother might be.

"They're in the library doing homework. They should be finished soon if you want to wait."

I almost take her up on the offer, considering that the library is only open until curfew at ten which is in just under an hour.

Instead I decide the library would probably be a better place to see them, "Nah, thanks. See ya Ginny."

In the library, I find them doing homework under a window in a deserted section in the back of the library.

"I have something to tell you," I say, not giving them a chance to realize I am there.

Startled, all three look up at me.

"What is it?" Hermione asks with an edge in her voice, as if she knows something bad is up.

I take the seat next to Hermione and start to tell them the story, making it vague in an attempt to protect Draco and Snape.

"I was...in Snape's room because I had detention and Dra-Malfoy came in and he told me to leave," I say, looking at Harry, "I stayed behind and listened through the door and Snape and Malfoy were talking about his mission or something..."

"I told you! He's already a Death Eater and they have him working inside the castle. It makes perfect sense!" Harry pointed out triumphantly to Hermione.

"He doesn't have the tattoo," I say somewhat defensively.

"I agree," says Hermione, "there isn't enough proof. This 'mission' could be anything!"

Harry pulls at his hair in frustration. Ron looks at him sympathetically and looks back at his Potion's essay.

"Hey Hermione, I would love you forever if you would proofread my essay..." Ron says. She sends him a withering glare and grabs the essay from his hand and starts scribbling on it.

"Well, I'm off. I'll see you guys later," I say when it's obvious the only people still on the subject are Harry and myself. I make my way out of the library and towards the common room.

As I walk up one of the moving staircases on my way it starts to move. I panic and start sprinting up the third of the staircase left, tripping on the fourth from the top stair and missing the short jump to the nonmoving hallway. I get myself back up on my feet and make my way up the remaining four stairs into the hallway the stairs landed on.

In the newfound darkness, I pull out my wand and illuminate it to find my way.

One of the portraits on the wall grumbles and says, "Would you put that out! It's almost ten o'clock!"

"Relax, it's not very late yet," I say, although I dim my wand a bit.

"Too late for a good girl like you to be out," a voice behind me says. I spin around and see no one. I slowly walk forward, brightening the light coming from my wand.

"Who's there?" I ask quietly.

"No one, you daft girl," the portrait grumbles. I shake my head and wonder if I'm starting to hear things. I walk down the corridor quickly, eager to get back to the common room. A few turns later, and I'm completely lost. I turn once more and come upon another unfamiliar corridor. The walls of the whole walkway are covered in finely woven tapestries. As I pass the biggest one, an arm reaches out and pulls me behind it and into an alcove. I'm about to scream, but the person puts a hand over my mouth.

"I should dock five points from Gryffindor because you're out after curfew, but I'm feeling generous tonight. I only have one request. A favor," the person breathes into my ear. I whip around and see Draco standing over me.

I almost smile when I realize it's him, but instead I punch him harmlessly on the shoulder, "What was that for? I nearly had a heart attack in this creepy hallway!"

He chuckles softly, "You did look like you were going to die of fright when you were out there."

"Were you the one that said that it was too late for me be out?" I ask him.

"Maybe. Or maybe it was a wise portrait."

I snort. " A good girl, really? I'm sorry to say this, but I don't agree."

"I could care less if you're a good girl. All I care about is that you're mine. Now, about that favor."

Draco looks at me and then leans down and captures my lips with his. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in closer so our chests are touching. He pulls away for a second and brushes away a strand of hair. I reach up and kiss him back, deepening it. My arms make their way around his neck and I dig my fingers into his hair. I tug at his hair a bit and a moan escapes his mouth.

Being in a dark alcove as we are now reminds me of New Year's Eve at midnight. When he kissed me. Before we had ever said anything to each other.

I pull back, "Draco?"


"Do you remember New Year's Eve?"

"Mhmm." There's a small smile on his lips and his eyes are staring into mine.

"What happened that night?"

"I fell in love with you," he says. I smile at him and he kisses me again. My hand finds its way to his nicely toned stomach and makes it up towards his chest. I slip off his shirt and place my hands on his chest.

He pulls me closer and begins planting small kisses along my neck and collarbone. He pulls gently on the bottom of my shirt and begins to pull it up when we hear a voice out in the hallway. We break apart and stay as still and silent as we can.

"Are there any wanderers around, Mrs. Norris?" Filch's voice echoes down the empty hall as he passes. The cat doesn't seem to find anything and Filch moves on. When we think it's safe, both Draco and I break out into quiet laughter.

Draco slips his shirt back on and we walk down the hall, toward the moving staircases. Eventually, Draco intertwines his fingers with mine. I suddenly realize that this is the first time we have ever held hands, and the thought makes me smile.

In my dreams that night, the words I heard between Draco and Snape from outside Snape's office echo in my head. I can't help but feel as though something awful is going to happen very soon.

I share this thought with Hermione in the morning.

"Tensions are getting high everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if something did happen, but I don't know about it being at Hogwarts."

"I don't know. They made it sound ominous and close…"

"Doubt it."

"But, then, why would Draco have been working on it?"

"True, I guess he would have had to have been close for whatever it is."

It never fails to amaze me how fast my day can go from being somewhat blissful thinking of Draco, to very anxious thinking of what he may or may not be doing.

The week progresses slowly from there, with constant talks with Hermione about the potential threat looming over us. As much as I would love to believe that nothing bad was going to happen that involves Draco, I really can't bring myself far enough to actually believe it.

On Monday afternoon, Hermione and I meander slowly down to the library- her to look into some lady named Eileen Prince, me to help. We take a seat near one of the windows in the section that has old Daily Prophets and Potions awards.

"I'm telling you: do not worry about this! I'm sure there is nothing going on that will happen at school…" Hermione says as she opens her book to the appropriate page for her work.

"And I am telling you that something is off! Something ha-"

"Harry got a summons from Dumbledore!" Ron interrupts, sliding into one of the seats across from us.

"What for?" Hermione asks, looking rather perplexed.

"He thinks that Dumbledore found another horcrux."

"What?" I ask, somewhat surprised, "Where would he have found one of those?"

"I don't know. But, we had better wait for Harry to get back so we can find out!" Ron looks anxious and excited to be waiting for Harry.

After a couple hours of waiting for Harry's return, the three of us have run out of things to do to keep our minds off of his return. Even Hermione can't seem to find anything worthwhile to do.

"How about we go for a walk outside?" I suggest, "Maybe we'll run into them on the way in…"

Ron and Hermione murmur their agreement and we head outside. Because of the time we had spent in the library, night has fallen over the world outside. We walk around the castle semi-searching for Harry, although I don't think any of us really thought he would be out here.

As we get around to the lake, I can see where my little clearing is and the thought brings back all of the memories I have made by visiting that place this year- more so than any other year.

"Look!" Hermione yells suddenly. I snap out of my thoughts and look at where she is pointing.

The Dark Mark is glittering above the Astronomy tower in the dark, late night sky. Panic overwhelms me and I start running toward it. Hermione and Ron follow, although Hermione tries to voice her concerns.

At the top of the tower there is a flash of green light and a dark form illuminated by the light begins to fall. We run faster, start sprinting.

THUD! The dark form crashes to the ground.

Hermione gains speed and reaches the form first: "Dumbledore!"

Ron and I arrive and the three of us crouch by his body, his eyes are staring sightlessly into the sky.

We hear yelling coming from the tower, another flash of light, and another. Through the darkness, with the help of the flashes, I see someone looking over the edge of the tower- their white-blond hair illuminated by the flashes-

"Draco…" I choke. Someone pulls him away from the edge.

I look back at Ron and Hermione, both are staring at me- Ron with his jaw a little slack- and I feel a hot tear fall down my cheek. I look at Hermione and Ron in turn, "We have to go up there! Harry could be up there!"

I get up and start running to where I know the stairs are, Ron and Hermione are right behind me. As we reach the staircase, I see Ginny dodging Crucio curses and Harry nearing the bottom of the staircase. He sees Ginny and hits the Death Eater with something then immediately starts down the corridor in pursuit of someone.

"Harry!" I yell.

"Snape and Malfoy!" He yells back, pointing in the direction he was running. I don't hesitate to run after him. Ron and Hermione fall back and join the rest of the people defending the castle.

I follow him all the way out in front of the castle. Snape and Draco are a ways beyond Harry and someone has caught up with them, another Death Eater no doubt. They were running past Hagrid's hut, which the extra Death Eater sets aflame. I run fast enough to catch up with Harry just as something hits him in the back.

"Harry!" I yell right as something hits me. Blinding pain burns through me, I scream.

"Andi!" someone screams. I open my eyes and see Draco pulling against Snape in my direction. Snape yells something and the pain stops. Snape pulls Draco away, forcing him to move on.

Harry has recovered from whatever hit him and pulls me up. Together we run after them again.

As we run, Harry tries various curses on Snape and I try some on the Death Eater I have recognized as Bellatrix. They block everything.

Harry stops running to concentrate and Snape blocks it, screaming, "No Potter!"

A loud bang goes off and sends Harry soaring past me.

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? It was I who invented them- I, the Half-Blood Prince!" After that I don't hear anything he says, just the words resounding in my ears. Harry reaches for his wand and Snape hexes it out into the darkness.

"Kill me like you killed him, you coward-"

"DON'T- CALL ME A COWARD!" Snape yells. He makes a movement with his wand and Harry is slammed backward again.

"Draco!" I yell.

He spins around, still being pulled along by Snape.

"Andi!" he fights against Snape and I run closer to them.

Snape turns as well, "Alexandria. This is for the best," he says as he moves his wand and they begin to apparate.

"Draco! You promised!" I yell as they disappear.

Behind me, I hear Harry yell for Hagrid and I move toward them. I can't fall apart now, I just can't. When I reach him, Harry is standing with Hagrid and Fang watching Hagrid's hut burn.

"... take more'n that ter finish me," Hagrid says as I reach them.

I help them put out the fire engulfing Hagrid's hut, then head back to the castle by myself. As I get closer to the castle, I see Ron and Hermione running toward me. Hermione looks a little anxious as they reach me.

"What was that all about?" Ron demands.


"You said- you said… you said his name!"

"Whose name?" I ask, trying my best to sound as if I have no idea what he is talking about.

"You said Malfoy's name! Don't try to act like you didn't, Andi!" he spits angrily.

"Fine! Whatever, so? Who cares if I said his name?"

"You didn't say it in a 'just saying it' way. What's going on with you?"

"What's going on with me! What's going on with you? Dumbledore just died and you are interrogating me?"

"Well, something's going on between you two- isn't it?" he accuses.

"Ron… It's not what you think…"

"Why don't you tell me what it is then?" he demands angrily.

"I- um… We- uh…"

"Oh, that's just brilliant! Dumbledore's dead... and you've been running around snogging Malfoy?" Ron yells, jumping to the correct conclusion.

"Ron!" I plead, "I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"So, it did happen! Of all the people to end up doing this, I can't believe it's you!" he continues to yell.

Hermione looks like she's about to speak up but I shake my head slightly to stop her from bringing herself into this, and, of course, Ron notices.

He turns to her and points a threatening finger, "You knew, didn't you?" His voice is only a loud whisper at this point, as if the discovery of her knowing is much more devastating than me just keeping it to myself.

"Ron! I'm sorry!" Hermione cries painfully.

"You knew!" he raises his voice to a yell again.

"Knew what?" Harry asks, jogging up.

"She," Ron points accusingly at me, "has been walking out with Malfoy- in secret! And, she," he points to Hermione with the same malice, "knew!"

"What?" Harry asks confused, he stares at me. I nod slowly.

"You were… with Malfoy?" he asks me, sounding both angry and confused at the same time.

"Please don't be angry!"

Harry looks like he's going to say something but instead he just walks over to where a crowd has begun to gather around Dumbledore and pushes his way through.

"Ron-" I say quietly.

"I don't know what to tell you, Andi, this cuts pretty deep."

"But, I never meant for anything to happen! I just kept getting stuck in the same places with him!"

"He just ran off with Snape to go join You-Know-Who in his fight against Harry and the rest of us," Ron still sounds angry, but he is a lot calmer.

"I know," I answer, sounding a little too depressed for my liking.

He sighs and goes to follow Harry, turning back momentarily to wave me and Hermione after him.

Hermione and I share a look. This might be the first time that something like this has not led to a big row. But, I don't mention it out loud for fear of causing it to happen.

Just before Dumbledore's funeral starts, Harry walks up to me where I stand, right outside the great hall, looking out of a window at the preparations.

"I was standing there when it happened… When Malfoy was in front of Dumbledore…" he starts.

I look at him, "Harry-"

"No, it's okay. Malfoy didn't kill Dumbledore- Snape did…" he pauses.

Obviously not the greatest start to what he is saying.

"And… I don't think Malfoy was ever going to kill Dumbledore. He looked scared. And he lowered his wand…"

I look back out the window. Other than that Draco and Snape had been up in the Astronomy Tower, I didn't have many details on what had actually happened because I just never wanted to hear them.

"I wonder why he lowered his wand…" I think out loud.

"I don't know. Come on, let's go inside," he takes my hand and leads me into the hall. When we reach where Ron, Hermione, and Ginny are sitting he lets go of my hand and takes a seat next to Ginny as I take one next to Hermione.

Soon after arriving, everyone is led out by their respective Head of House. A lot of people are at the funeral. Some that I recognize, and some that I don't. Hermione and Ginny both start crying throughout the ceremony, Ron looks like he's staring at the sun for a while, and even Harry probably let a few tears slip. Some tears gather in my eyes, but my face remains unstained.

Near the end, Harry starts talking to Ginny and I try not to listen. Although I do get the idea that they have ended their relationship. After that, Harry walks off around the lake and is quickly followed by Scrimgeour, who limps off moments later. The ceremony ends shortly after and I go with Hermione and Ron to see what the Minister for Magic wanted. Harry tells us that Scrimgeour wanted him to be the Ministry's poster boy. He also decided to go to the Dursley's for one more summer and then start the hunt for Horcruxes.

Harry begins to tell us, in no uncertain terms, that he means to go off and do the Horcrux hunt by himself. But, Ron stops him by saying, "We'll be there Harry."


"At you aunt and uncle's house. And then we'll go with you wherever you're going."


"You said to us once before that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?" Hermione adds. Ron and I nod in agreement.

"We're with you whatever happens," I say.

"But mate, you're going to have to come round my mum and dad's house before anything else, even Godric's Hollow," Ron adds.


"Bill and Fleur's wedding, remember?"

Harry pauses, "Yeah, we shouldn't miss that."

We head off to sit by the lake and try to enjoy the time we have left on the last day before going home.

So, to those of you that are interested:

For some time, I have had a sequel in the works for this story that I will be working on for a little while before posting. I will post an Author's Note with the news of its upload when that happens, on this story so the people following will know.

until we meet again
