Disclaimer: If you recognize it I don't own it. This is written for love not money.

Thank you to Ms. 'Zen' Sue for her amazing Beta job and Ms. Kyndall Viscia For the banner.

Kurt couldn't believe his ears, they couldn't possibly be doing that song, no he must be hearing wrong. Then Blaine opened his beautiful mouth and yes, yes they were. He needed to get out of there and fast. He turned and began to move to the main doors with every intention on reaching his room and locking the door.

From behind him he heard Blaine yell, "Sebastian you're done. Kurt, please don't go." He stopped but didn't turn around tears prickling at his eyes. He could hear a thud behind him; Blaine had obviously jumped from the stage, the dufus. The pounding of footsteps meant Blaine was running to him though he didn't know why he hadn't moved. And then he felt the hand on his shoulder and a shiver went through him as it always did at Blaine's touch.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine wondered. Of course he isn't you dunderhead. "Can we talk?"

"Not here." Kurt stated as he walked towards the door, head held high letting Blaine's hand fall from his shoulder.

He could feel Blaine behind him as he walked out the door towards a secluded alcove near the ballroom and sat down on the overstuffed settee. Blaine walked over to the settee and sat at the other end, making sure to give Kurt space. Kurt fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket for a minute before he turned to face Blaine.

"Do you want to explain what went through your mind in picking that song to sing, Blaine?" Kurt asked irritated.

"I didn't. Sebastian did. He said it would get us talking and well…." Blaine rushed to explain.

"That little meerkat faced…." Kurt was fuming. He didn't like being manipulated any more now than when he was in high school.

"Now Kurt, he isn't all bad. He has grown up some. Not much, but some." Blaine explained. "And he did get us talking."

"He did, but couldn't they have done a different song. Like, I don't know 'Somewhere Only We Know'. That would have gotten the point across as well without the memories." Kurt grumbled.

"I know. But they pulled the puppy dog eyes on me." Blaine whined. Kurt just giggled at the thought of all the perfectly blazered men pouting.

"It's alright at least you stopped quickly. You know I forgave you years ago, right?" Kurt just had to ask.

"I know it's just been harder to forgive myself. I could never get back into another relationship I always compared them to you and then worried if I would cheat because they weren't you, knowing I wouldn't, but still." Blaine confessed.

Kurt slid over to put his arm around Blaine. He pulled the shorter, now less gelled man to him. "Blaine, you are a good man. You made one mistake and you've been forgiven. Now I don't want to hear about it again." Kurt said with an air of authority and placed a kiss to Blaine's temple.

"Alright, I won't mention it again. Will you do me the honor of a dance?" Blaine asked almost as shy as the teen he had been.

"It would be my honor, kind Sir." Kurt answered coyly, as he stood and extended his hand to Blaine.

Blaine accepted his hand and the two walked back to the ballroom and entered together to the pleasure of the Warblers and the few New Directions who weren't on stage at the time.

They walked past them, ignoring the questioning looks and Kurt was swept into Blaine's arms as the remaining New Directions on stage began singing. Finn gave Kurt a thumbs up as their eyes met. Kurt just shook his head at his brother with a fond smile, then returned his gaze back to Blaine.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the sappy, happy couple together again." Sebastian groaned, interrupting their dance. "Hey gay-face, long time no see."

"Sebastian…" Blaine warned.

"It's okay, Blaine. I've got this." Kurt replied. "Hello Sebastian. I didn't know they let meerkats in. They must have lowered the wildlife restrictions just for you."

"Oh, Kurt. Is that the best you can do?" Sebastian questioned.

"Well it has been two months since we last spoke I'm out of practice, Bastian. Really you should call more. Columbia keeping you too busy?" Kurt responded.

"Wait? What? You two have been talking? A lot?" Blaine was confused.

Kurt spoke for the two of them, "During that Christmas I came home and Sebastian approached me and he apologized." Blaine's eyes widened. "I know, color me surprised. But we've kept in touch since."

"Yeah, it surprised me too. That I could stand talking to the male diva, but it was nice to get to know someone and not want to sleep with them." Kurt gave Sebastian a mock glare. They had had this conversation; they were both looking for the same type. They liked their guys a bit more masculine looking than each other. It made them the perfect wingman to each other. "And he has a great eye for fashion so it was win-win."

"I feel like I've stepped into some parallel universe." Blaine mused.

"No weird sci-fi stuff, sweetie. We just both grew up." Kurt said and Sebastian nodded in agreement, as the New Directions finished their song.

"That's my cue." Sebastian remarked and turned to walk away.

"Do you need me?" Blaine asked.

"Nope. We got this, Killer. You enjoy." Sebastian threw back over his shoulder.

"I wonder what he has up his tailored sleeve now." Kurt pondered, watching as Sebastian walked away from them with a smirk playing on his lips. "That smirk almost never means anything good."

"Don't worry about him and just let me feel good about having you back in my arms again." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear as he pulled him tighter, nipping at Kurt's earlobe before pulling back to look into his eyes.

"Blaine, you can't do that in a room full of people." Kurt whimpered, placing his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Maybe we should find somewhere a little less crowded then. To reconnect, see if we're still compatible." Blaine inferred and bit down on Kurt's ear again eliciting a deeper groan again from the older man.

As the Warblers started singing both men pulled back to look at each other with identical looks of dawning realization. All their fears of 'would he be here', 'would he hate me' were all for naught. They were in love as much today as when they were teenagers.

"Let's get out of here." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine off the dance floor. "And just for the record, I am you know." Nodding his head over his shoulder towards the stage.

"Me too, Kurt. Me , too." Blaine agreed as he pressed a kiss to the back of Kurt's hand and they picked up speed out of the ballroom.

As the left they could still hear Sebastian's voice singing "And all that counts Is here and now. My universe, will never be the same. I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came. "