Disclaimer: If you recognize it I don't own it. This is written for love not money.

Thank you to Ms. 'Zen' Sue for her amazing Beta job.


Title: Reunion

Written for: Gloria Mar Sommers/ LPlover93

Written By: Dawn Fleming / Rayne MoonFyre

Rating: M

Summary/Prompt used: Why did he come to the Reunion? Would he be there? Would he regret his decision or be glad he came?

If you would like to see all the stories that are a part of this exchange visit the Facebook group: Fanficaholics Anon: Where Obsession Never Sleeps or add the C2 to get all the stories direct to your inbox.


Kurt was staring at his reflection in the full length mirror in his hotel room upstairs at the Holiday Inn in Lima, putting the finishing touches on his outfit for the night. Kurt didn't know why he let Mercedes talk him into coming to the Glee Club reunion. He hadn't really kept up with anyone in the class except her, Finn, naturally, Rachel, and Tina. And to top it off this was going to be a joint reunion with the Dalton Warblers.

Sure he would like to see some of the Warblers, but he really didn't know if he could handle seeing Blaine after what had happened. Granted it was three years ago, but it was still hard to think about. And he hadn't had a serious relationship since. There were a couple of guys here and there but none could live up to the memories of his 'first love'. But, he guessed it would be good to see some of the guys, Wes, David, Thad, and even Sebastian. They had made amends after the break-up over Christmas holidays. It was strange, but nice to find that Sebastian actually didn't hate him and was just jealous that he had found someone so early that had cared for him so much. Yeah, so much for that. Kurt mused.

Kurt shook his head to clear the morose thoughts then patted down his pockets to make sure he had everything he needed; keycard, id, and a little cash just in case. Yep everything accounted for. Now, the courage to walk out the door and take the elevator down stairs to the small ballroom they were using for the reunion.

Steeling himself he walked to the door ready to open it when someone knocked, causing him to give a startled cry.

"Who is it?" Kurt asked, once his breathing slowed down.

"It's just me, Boo." The voice of his best girl Mercedes came back through the door.

Kurt pulled the door open to see Mercedes standing on the other side looking fabulous as always in a Westwood original. LA was doing wonders for her.

"I thought you might need a little boost coming downstairs." Mercedes said, looking at him honestly.

"Thank you, Girl. I was just giving myself the final pep talk at the door and you scared the bejeezus out of me. But I'm so glad you're here. Now I can walk in with a beautiful girl on my arm." Kurt smiled as he spoke.

"Oh, Kurt you charmer, let's go so we're only fashionably late." Mercedes swatted his arm as she ushered his out the door closing it behind them, hopefully leaving all the apprehension behind as well.