Author: Liddo-Obsession
Disclaimer and warnings can be found in Chapter 1
Author's Note: Un-beta'd. I am so sorry. That took way too long and I'm seriously sorry I had a big writer's block and I think I still do, but I'll do my best to continue this story. So yeah enjoy the chapter. Tried to make the least amount of spelling mistakes but grammar is just GAH.
Formal Thanks to the following reviewers: skyglazingMaro, wonder women, Guest , dark blue princess, AnonymousAuthor13, site user, sugardash, common reviewer, wishfulliving89, Guest, AkitaIce.
Answer to riddle: First Lady. Congrats to dark blue princess.
Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams
The news of Naruto's brilliant idea had spread fast. Every crew member had been called back to the ship by Lee. The pirate had shouted in every tavern and corner of the island to inform his comrades. Once he was done two sets of thunderous stomping followed him. The first set coming from the members rushing to get aboard. The second set of the men and women that had been played the night before.
"Don't let them tie you down men." Kiba yelled. "Remember we still have many more adventures to embark in." He continued at the top of his lungs trying to motivate them to run faster from the hoard of women behind them. Some of the men running away from their one night stands with their pants to their knees. While others got rid of their lovers by insults or fake promises of returning. In the end all running to not to get pummeled to a pulp by their one night lovers.
Naruto smiled at the scene. He felt safe standing over the situation than be part of it like Neji. The pale eyed man was standing in the middle of the chaos. He had to prevent any stowaways from getting aboard. Resorting to using a wooden stick to push back the clingy women back. . Naruto remembered Neji's opposition to landing on the island the women were stir crazy. He sent a prideful 'I'm begging you, Captain. Get us out of here.' look towards Sasuke who nodded he didn't want his ship sunk by banshees.
"Lift the boards." The Uchiha ordered his voice booming through the chaos. The majority of the men had made their way onto the ship. Those pirates standing on the dock being left behind simply watched with wide eyes and jaw dropped as their only hope of salvation left. The really desperate ones resorting to throwing themselves towards the ship. Some successfully, while the unfortunate fell into the deep blue sea. The loyal friends on the ship lassoing their comrades onto the ship before the anchor was lifted.
The women and men that had been played the night before screamed as the ship set sail. The crew waved goodbye at their respective partners with huge grins on their faces. "Goodbye, thanks for the great night!" They yelled in uniform.
The women red in the face grabbed the first thing in their hands to throw at their partners, who were running away from them. The items hitting their targets on the face. Once the pirates recuperated they held up the item of assault. Mocking the women by comparing the goods they had obtained through the attack. The ship got further away from the island to the point it was completely out of sight and the crew breathed a sigh of relief.
They did not bother to mention anything about returning for those left behind. For it was obvious as to why the captain had evacuated the island as quick as he did. He did not want to stay on the island as he opened the chest, because other pirates on the island would learn of their advancement. That could lead to pirates attacking the ship in order to gain the map.
"OKAY!" Lee cheered. "Let's open this chest." He announced loudly gaining everyone's attention. The bowl haired pirate's excitement infecting the rest of the men on the ship. The feeling was emitting from everyone around the raven. It was even making the small blond next to the captain feel jittery as everyone tried to position themselves to see the spectacle.
Sasuke handed the chest to Shikamaru who placed his ear on the item. Following by placing knocks throughout the chest. The lazy male continued to receive the confused stares, as he continued his actions. Releasing a sigh of frustration, he concluded that no one was going to catch on to what he was doing. Therefore, he was going to have to explain making things much more troublesome than they already were at the moment. "He can't plunge his sword too deep or else he might break the contents." Shikamaru told the crew. "I'm measuring how hollow it is by the sound."
"Ooooh" The crew member said in unison sounding amazed by the simple explanation. Then they continued to stare without the confusion. Once Shikamaru was done he whispered instructions into the raven's ear. Sasuke nodding before stepping forward sword drawn. A stoic expression decorating his handsome face.
Naruto subconsciously licked his lips as he continued to watch the Captain. Eyes narrowing on the pale man's lips. That moments ago had been attached to his own. Sasuke caught his gaze sending a smirk towards Naruto. Making the blond look away out of embarrassment of his own thoughts. He knew that Sasuke probably knew what he was thinking about. If the blush spreading across his cheeks was not enough of a clue.
"Let's make history.'" The captain said. "If this works we'll be on our way to finding the treasure." Everyone cheered. Sasuke stepped closer to the chest that had been placed on the middle of the deck. Everyone held their breath as the legendary sword descended onto the chest. The chest gave a lot of resistance cracking but not opening. Sasuke added more pressure and it was enough. A large explosion of bright light occurring when the loud crack was heard. The dust covering the ship completely impairing anyone's ability to see. "Captain!" Naruto yelled fanning away the dust with his spare hand as the other held the top of his shirt to cover his mouth and nose from the dust to not breathe it in.
Everyone tried to open their eyes but were not able to see until the dust. They waited anxiously for the dust to clear still unsure if the sword or chest was broken. As eyes came into focus there was a loud and boisterous cheer as the chest lay cracked open. "Where is the captain?" Naruto asked making heads turn to look for the raven. The raven was found being held up by Itachi in his arms. The explosion evidently having sent him flying backwards into the older raven's arms. He coughed out a puff of smoke and everyone began to laugh.
The laughter continued until the raven sent a deathly glare around to shut everyone up except for the blond that was clutching his stomach in pain from laughing so hard. Naruto was trying really hard to stop laughing but Sasuke looked absolutely ridiculous. His bangs were standing in all directions, making his hair look much more ridiculous than usual. Along with the way that the black marks that contrasted with his pale skin covered his eyes and nose making the captain look like a panda. The blond felt Kiba jab him in the ribs but it didn't deter his laughter. He just kept laughing harder and harder the entire crew looking at him. Trying to warn him with their eyes to shut up. The next thing Naruto knew was that his chin was lifted and he was looking directly into black eyes.
The laughter stopped Naruto was sure that the larger male was going to punish him for laughing at him if the angered face was any indication. The blond let his mind wander for a while as to the possibilities of torture he could be put into by the raven. Then all thought of punishment left the blond's mind when the raven smiled at him. "Good job, Menma." The captain praised. "Your idea worked." Naruto smiled back blushing that the raven was smiling at him it seemed that he only seemed to do that for him and it made him happy.
"Of course it worked. Have a little more faith in me." Naruto said the praise inflaming his ego. He was being acknowledged and it was almost enough to make his grin split his face in half. He knew it was wrong to feel that way about the people you were raised to hate but that hate was quickly disappearing and being replaced with a since of belonging. Sasuke's hand lingered on the tan cheeks
"Hn." The raven said letting go of Naruto's chin turning around to see the wreckage of the chest and to examine the treasure map.
"Shikamaru, what does the map say?" Sasuke asked the brunette investigating the opened chest. "Troublesome." Shikamaru muttered before turning around to walk towards the captain. "It's not a map. I don't even know what this contraption is." He said showing the raven the hand sized golden object in his hand. Sasuke sighed in frustration. "Figure out what it is Shikamaru." He ordered before turning back towards the rest of the crew members.
"The rest of you stop ogling and go to work or else." The raven smirked he didn't even have to finish the rest of his threat to get everyone back to work. His lips curved upward when he saw his blond bending down to inspect the scorch marks that had been left behind. A scowl on his tan face since he would be the one to clean it up. Along with the layer of dirt that covered the rest of the ship. Sensing someone staring at him. The raven turned around to see his older brother looking at the blond and then back at him.
"Itachi." He said peeved that he was receiving the all-knowing look from him. "I need you to set course to the island of Suna. We seem in need of some new recruits." Sasuke said looking at the half empty ship with many of the other members filling in for those missing, he pinched the bridge of his nose they weren't doing a very good job. He knew if he wanted to keep his ship in good shape he would need it to be maintained by more people.
Through the corner of his eye he noticed Itachi observe the crew as well, he turned towards him and agreed with an, "Aye, Captain?" before they parted to go on their own separate ways.
"This is the day that I eradicate you from this world." The blond declared lowly so only his victim could hear. He brought with him the weapons of choice a mop, a cloth, and bucket filled with soapy water. It had been days and the burn mark was still situated in the middle of the deck becoming the eyesore of the ship. It was especially aggravating the blond because the entire ship was clean and beautiful, except for that spot. Making a show of himself everyone surrounded the young man watching the next battle. "You can do it!" They encouraged.
Naruto took in a deep breath plunging his hand into the water. He gave a smile towards the spot that sent shivers down everyone observing, he looked crazy. Bringing down the cloth the boy began to scrub in every possible combination and with every ounce of his strength.
When that didn't work he tried the mop. After he washed off the soap there stood the imposing mark. He was about to rip the wooden planks where the scorch resided but before he could there was a loud shout from above him in the crow's nest.
"Land ahoy." Kakashi yelled to be audible to those below. "Someone go get the captain." Not wanting to stare at the infuriating stain Naruto volunteered and made his way to the captain's quarters. Usually it would have been Lee's job to go around and inform the captain, but he had lost his voice.
As he ran to the captain's quarters Naruto wondered like he had been for the last couple of days as to what the raven was looking for on the islands. Standing in front of the door the blond knocked once. "I'm coming in." He informed after he heard no rustling from the other side of the door that indicated that Sasuke was going to open.
He looked around the clean office remembering how Kiba and he spent time bonding with each other there. He walked towards the desk and noticed some maps but nothing of major importance. Moving on the boy walked towards the back of the room where a door to the raven's room was located.
Opening the door Naruto was blinded by the shinning and glittering items in the room. The blond scanned the room finding the raven on the bed underneath the silk sheets. The window beside the bed showing the waves of the ocean. Looking at the captain with the sun shining on him with his chest exposed and the covers covering his lower half. Naruto looked down at the floor decorated with expensive rugs where the ravens clothing were thrown carelessly upon.
Coming to the realization that the raven was completely naked underneath the thin covers made something travel down to his lower regions. Naruto didn't know what his problem was but he assume it was because he hadn't touched himself in the longest. He even considered that it might have something to do with because the captain reminded him of Sai. He doubted and would never admit that it was directly because of Sasuke he was aroused.
Swallowing his perverted thoughts Naruto remembered why he had been sent. "Sasuke, wake up." Naruto said approaching the raven. When the man didn't even stir he moved closer to him. "Sasuke." He said a little more harshly shaking his shoulder.
Just as he was going to call his name again his wrist were caught and he was thrown onto the bed. "Sasuke-teme, what do you think you're doing?"
Turning his head to look over his shoulder he was greeted by the man's pale face eyelids closed. Naruto couldn't believe this was happening to him. Sasuke wrapped his arms around him and cuddled with him holding onto him like a child would with his teddy bear. Naruto laid there for a while back pressed against the raven chest feeling as comfortable as he had ever felt in his life. He wouldn't mind sleeping with someone like this having their heat and comfort engulf him into a sense of security and maybe even love.
"Menma." A voice called from the door Naruto turned to the door to see Shikamaru standing there with lack of interest.
"What are you doing just standing there? Help me." Naruto cried out squirming next to Sasuke. Shikamaru sighed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Before the blond could question the brunette. He gasped in surprise as Sasuke started to place kisses on his neck mumbling something. Kiba stifled a laugh. "Sasuke gets really touchy when he's asleep if you don't stop struggling he'll probably rape you."
"Help me." Naruto pleaded as Shikamaru turned his back on him stating that it was too troublesome to deal with. Naruto turned around once again to see the still sleeping raven the only problem was when he turned around Sasuke's lips connected with his own.
"Wake up, you seriously are not going to molest me while you're sleep!" Naruto squeaked as he tried to push himself off the bed but the raven simply rolled on top of him too heavy to push away. Naruto's face down with his shirt ridding up began to struggle once more cursing loudly to try and wake the captain. He heard the raven grunt into his ear and pushed down on him pressing his erection onto Naruto' butt. Naruto's moan unintentionally leaving his mouth.
The blond's jaw went slack while the raven continued his assault. "Wait Sasuke wa... Ah!" The raven didn't give Naruto a chance to finish as he thrust foreword. Naruto clutching the fabric underneath his fingers trying to will away his own growing arousal. He was too sensitive for his own good and the lack of touching he had recently wasn't helping him. He doubted he was going to be able to resist for much longer.
Naruto whimpered as he felt the heat in between his legs from the captain's erection. He concluded that Sasuke apparently had very vivid wet dreams as the man began to dry hump him. The feeling made Naruto's pants become tight and the blond withered into the pleasure. He threw his head back in pure bliss as the treatment continued, moaning wantonly. The reasons to resist quickly diminished and soon he was pushing back the male behind him.
"You know if you want I'll leave you be." Kiba said looking at Naruto, he would have spoken up sooner, but the blond seemed to be enjoying himself. He had gone got out to the deck and immediately everyone had sent him back to get the raven. He would have let the blond, since he knew the two had a thing for each other after the incident in the Captain's office. He guessed this was a perfect opportunity to let them have their fun, but the crew needed their captain at the moment. He looked at the blond once more before he sighed, he was going have to end this.
"Captain, we have tomato soup." the brunet announced at the information Sasuke's eyes snapped open to see someone's back pressed onto him. He noticed that he was the one holding the smaller male captive so he released him. He saw that Menma stared at him for some explanation so he gave him one.
"Hn." He grunted believing that his point had been made. Grabbing a set of undergarments and pants that were placed behind him. Before he got up to the trying to act completely normal with his erection, he placed both of his hands in his pockets before walking away from the scene thinking about something completely irrelevant.
He kept walking getting his blood to flow evenly by the time he made it to the deck it had receded. He retrieved the soup from Suigetsu's hand. Acknowledging each of his men with a nod of the head.
"What's the hold up?" Sasuke asked his older brother as he saw the form of the island. Itachi handed him a telescope taking it and aiming the contraption towards the island he gritted his teeth it was surrounded by ships of the Kingdom of Root. A particular ship he recognized immediately it was the prince's.
Author's Note 2: See you soon. I'll try to squeeze another chapter before testing starts.
Thanks for all the reviews, favorites, and follows.