Drabble I wrote while I was sick. It's short.

Warnings: Language, sexual terms

Tosses and turns in his bed, he can`t sleep, he slowly gasps as sunlight hits his face. Eyes bloom open and he sighs.

He gets up and slips on his leather pants and top and wanders out of his room. He walks to the bathroom and turns on the tap, splashes water on his face and then ties his hair up in a sloppy ponytail.

He quickly runs out of the dorm, slips on his boots and coat, and heads for the military building.

He reaches it and charges through the halls, negative space closing to positive and he reaches the desired room after glares from the rest of the working men.

Door closes behind him, faces turn towards him with fake smiles and practical glares as he pants from exertion.

He can already tell who is calling him into that office, black and untrusting eyes look into his so dearly, like a parent welcoming a child home, like a hawk watching prey, like a destruction site. And so he follows closely behind until they are at the desk and the man takes a seat.

Abstracted wood on the desk turns to a smiling face as he looks up dreadfully, ready for a day of teasing.

"Almost beat me here," The man wants to make small talk.

"I guess."

"How's your day?"


Bright onyx eyes look his dull gold directly and he gulps, the look was intimidating.

"Of course it's fine, it's been such a short day so far," The bastard.

"Shut the fuck up." He demands, self confidence taking a droop down. He felt like he was shrinking even more in front of the man.

"Someone's pissed."

"Shut up," The words were separated.

"Calm down, Fullmetal."

"Fucking shut up. Stop picking on me, you're so evil. I hate you so much and I wish you could just die; we could all do better without you. Get the fuck out of my life. No, my day is not fine, and yes I am pissed. Pissed at you, so you shut your ugly motherfucking cocksucker and leave me the fuck alone!" He screams it at him, taking steps forward to point a finger in the bitch's face.

The man glares at him, dark figure shaded more, "Do you think I fucking like taking you in as a subordinate? No, so get the fuck out of my office!"

"If I'm getting the 'fuck out of your office' then you get the fuck out of my life, idiot! I don't have time to play your fucking kid games!"

"You're a disgrace, the ugliest kid on the planet. That ugly automail that you're stuck with every time you get into a fight, make me clean up your mess. Ugly, ugly, ugly!"

Edward makes a frustrated sigh and kicks the damn desk ahead of him, eyes filling with rage and he can feel angry tears screaming in the back of his head, "You don't deserve the god damn air you breath, you sorry waste of time. You're the worst person I've met, go kill yourself. Fuck, I'll even kill you myself!"

"Damn, fuck you!"

"Gladly you piece of ugly ass!"

Tears are spilling out now, just barely, as the man walks around the desk and slaps him, "You're such a fucking slut! You probably find a new whore to fuck every night and act like it's the most normal thing. Fuck off, Ed."

He wishes he could slap back, stab the idiot, "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! You're terrible, Colonel!" Insults get weaker and crumble under the man's tight grasp on his shoulders. "Why are you alive?"

"Get out!" The man yells it right in his ear.

"Kill yourself!"

"Go drown!"

"Fine!" If that's what that shit wants him to do, he'd do it. He was just a dog of the military, after all.

"Go get a fucking life while you're at it! No one likes you here!"

"Fuck you! Fuck you until you cry death and your brains spill out your eyes!"

He hates that dark man, pale skin would show him just how calm the man could be and the black atop him shows how much of a bastard he is.

The gold truly decides to take his advice and drown. Drown in a pit of despair, agony.



"Don't die on me."
