It is the final chapter! Fwah! I guess that was supposed to be a sound effect lol please review! I wanna know what you think!
I woke up back in my room and so glad to be. I never felt so happy to be home in my life. Rising from my bed I stretched and headed into the shower, changing into my favorite flannel and a pair of dark jeans.
Checking my appearance for the last time, I grab my phone and bounced downstairs to make me a cup of coffee and to see what my family was doing.
"Hey, Jade!" My brother greeted me. I gave him a warm smile. He looks a little confused because I never really smile at him, but shakes it off and smiled back.
I greet my father and head to the kitchen to make me a cup of coffee. Checking my messages, I saw that Cat had sent me two texts and Tori had sent me three.
Going through them, I noticed that they all said something about a Christmas party at Tori's house later on today. If this was a day ago, I would have completely ignored the texts and went over to Beck's.
But this was not a day ago, this was now. And right now I knew Angel-Vega was watching me, waiting to see if I made the right move. I could say I was changed to her until my face was blue. I could even blood swear it. But that didn't mean I wouldn't go and do a complete 180, going back to my old ways. Actions speak louder than words and I knew I had to treat my friends and family right or I might not get to see my future. I gulped. I never ever want to think about that again.
I sipped at my coffee and went to go sit next to my brother on the floor. I smiled at him again and he returned it, before throwing his arms around me. I tensed, not sure if I should return the gesture or not. I hesitated, but eventually returned the hug. "Merry Christmas, Jade!" He beamed.
I ruffled his hair and chuckled. "Merry Christmas, kid."
"Dad and I got you something!" He exclaimed, clamoring over all the other gifts to a red box with a black bow. He thrusted it into my hands. "Well, open it!"
I glanced from his his expecting face to my father, who had ever so slightly looked up from his working papers. "I uh..." I didn't know what to say so I just opened the box.
What I pulled out the box was very confusing. "Ah, Thank you?" I tried to be polite but what the heck was this thing? It looked like a new leather jacket but looked weird.
"I made it!" My brother piped up. "Well I picked out the colors and stuff. Dad sewed it!"
I did something I hadn't done in a long time in front of my family. I laughed. I fell out laughing. My dad can't sew for for shit. As ugly as it looked, I was happy to have it. I decided I was going to Tori's.
"Thanks guys. I really like it." I hug them both and then stretched. "I'm heading over to Tori's if that's okay with you guys?"
My brother waved and my dad smiled at me. "Merry Christmas, Jade."
I smiled back as I got my keys of the counter shrugging my new jacket on. "Merry Christmas, Dad."
Tori's house wasn't that far from mine, but it did seem like forever before I got there. After I parked my car and locked it, I knocked on the door and it swung open before I could knock a second time. "Jade!" Cat squeaked and pulled me into a very tight hug.
"Okay Cat, you can let go now." I say as I try to pull the redhead off of me. I give a nod to Beck and a fist bump to Andre. "Where's Tori?" I ask everyone.
"Oh, she's out back getting some Christmas stuff from the shed. What's wrong with your jacket? Did a someone run over it?" Beck asked me confused.
"What?" I bark but then I remember what jacket I have on. "Oh, no. My brother and father made this."
"Shut up, Oliver."
"What? I think it looks nice." He defends.
"Sure you do." I roll my eyes.
We all hear the backyard doors slide open and Tori struggles in with a big red bag. "Um, can you guys help me with this?" She huffes and falls on her bum with the bag gets stuck in the door. The boys go get the bag for her and she walks over to me.
"Nice jacket." she teased.
"Nice moves." I teased right back.
"What's in the bag?" I ask, jabbing a finger at the sack that was now safely in the house thanks to the boys.
"Gifts for my wonderful friends." She gushed, beaming and clapping her hands together. Her eyebrows came together. "Is that all you got for Christmas?" She asks.
I shrugged. "As far as I know of. Unless there's a box in there labeled Jade West." I add a bit too excitedly.
Tori laughs and I relax. "Well, I'll see what I can do." She goes over to the bag and dumps all its contents on the floor. "Merry Christmas everyone!"
Everyone, (mostly Cat and Robbie) dive for the assorted presents that littered the floor. "I got two!" She squealed.
"I did too!" Robbie added, they shared a look of pure happiness and I almost laughed at their obliviousness to each other. Beck and Andre picked up theirs without all the excess fuss and gave warns smiles to Tori.
"Yay! I love giving!" She sing-songed and then did a little dance before turning back to me. "Don't worry, I got you too. But this one was a lot more special than theirs." She whispered. "I'll be right back."
I watch her bound up the stairs two at a time and come back down not a moment later with a small white box. She has the most stupidly bright grin on her face I've ever seen her make. She hands it to me and says, "Merry Christmas, Jade."
I open it, and gasp audibly. It was a tree ornament of the guitar I got when I first started Hollywood Arts. "Christmas of '09." I whispered. I looked up at her with wonder. "How did you even?"
Her grin grew into a knowing one. "Ah, a little birdy told me." She smirked. She's not implying at what I think she's implying at is she? I hope she isn't. Its not possible.
"How can I even repay you? I didn't get you anything for you." Which was true, I was a lousy Secret Santa. I didn't even get out of my funk soon enough to get her something.
Tori laughed. "Its okay, Jade. You gave me something already."
"What do you mean?" What did she mean? I haven't seen her since school let out on Friday. Unless- "You. You're my guardian angel? But how?"
"I had to lie in order to make you come with me." She giggled. "And look!" She lifted up the back of her shirt to show me beautifully tattooed wings. They looked almost real, as if the ink was coming alive.
"I finally earned them! And its all because of you!" She pulls me in a hug and I have no choice but to hug her back. God. Who would have guessed. She released me and I gave her a confused look. "What?"
"How'd you know about '04 if you're not dead?" I ask, the math not adding in my head.
She patted my shoulder. "Easy. I'm a vampire angel."
I give her this really long look. "You and I both know that isn't true."
"Its it now?" She whispers in my ear before biting my ear lobe. No way. That hurt way more that it was supposed to. She smiles at my shocked expression and and walks off into the kitchen.
"Ah! Tori you kidding right?!"
She doesn't answer me.
Still no answer.
Oh god.
Chirstmas is the day that holds all time togther.- Unkown
A/N: lol that was the best ending this story could have possible had! Hope you guys liked it. I worked really hard on it. Merry Christmas to you all! Hope you guys have a good one! I gotta go set up my new laptop! Heheh. Peace and love! :D