Running Interference

Incident #2: The Hose

"There's never anything cheerful in the paper anymore." Logan grumbled to himself as he read through the headlines of the newspaper. It seemed almost inconceivable that there wouldn't be at least a small piece of good news somewhere. Logan sighed closing the paper and folding it back up. He then set the paper aside and leaned back in his chair, lounging out. He laid his head on the back of his chair and closed his eyes. He took a deep, calming breath as a cool breeze wafted into the room.

All was peaceful as the older mutant found himself close to sleep. It was however; as he found himself closer to sleep that laughter made its way into his room. Now normally someone might not find such a sound all that suspicious, but to Logan, whose ears were more than acute, the source of the sound was quite suspicious.

Logan opened his eyes and lifted his head, looking toward the open balcony. Slowly, he moved from his seat, standing and walking over to the balcony. He stopped outside, his eyes automatically scanning the back yard. It took only a moment for him to find the source of said laughter and it appeared to him he was correct in finding the sounds suspicious.

There before him, down by the pool, sat Rogue, in that new skimpy green bikini that he had no doubt Gambit had a hand in her purchasing, as well as said Cajun. His fists clenched slightly as he watched the older man try to woo his daughter.

Logan watched as Gambit leaned over and whispered something to her, before she broke out in a deep blush. He chuckled at her, as he leaned in and captured her lips with his. Logan grunted in annoyance as she leaned into him, deepening the kiss. They pulled away a few seconds later only for Gambit to grab Rogue by the waist and pull her into his lap. She laughed as he leaned in and kissed at her neck and shoulder tickling her with his stubble.

Logan glared down at the young couple irritated, his fatherly instinct itching its way out.

Without a second thought, he turned on his heels and stormed out of his room, ignoring anyone he came across on his way to the first floor. He walked quickly and intently toward the garage, stopping only when he reached his personal tool bench.

It took Logan only a moment to locate what he was there for, the long green garden hose he used to wash the cars. He gathered up the coiled tool in his arms and then walked back into the house heading for the back doors.

Logan stepped out onto the patio to find Kitty, Piotr, Kurt, Amanda, and Storm lounging out. They all looked over at him as he appeared. He answered their greeting half-heartedly as he walked over to the faucet attached to the side of the house. They watched him curiously.

"Logan darling, what are you doing?" Storm asked voicing everyone's confusion.

"Nothing." he replied gruffly as he finished hooking up the hose to the faucet. Another round of laughs resounded from the pool area drawing the small group's attention to the young couple.

Kitty smiled. "I, like, love seeing those two together." she said.

"I know right, aren't they just adorable?" Amanda replied. They laughed.

"There, like, so perfect for each other." Kitty added admiringly. Storm chuckled to herself when she saw Logan scowl.

"Don't you think their cute Logan?" Storm questioned as Logan turned the faucet knob on, allowing water to flow from the hose. He turned to face the pool hose in hand.

"Their adorable." Logan replied sarcastically. Without missing a beat, Logan pushed his finger over the end of the hose sending a cold stream of water directly at the young couple.

A blood curdling scream erupted from Rogue as the young lovers fell away from each other startled. They looked to the older man as he cut the water, dropped the hose, and headed back into the house.

"What the hell!" Rogue exclaimed as she starred angrily at her father's retreating form. "DAD!"

The small group watched him completely stunned as he walk away a smirk plastered on his face.

Storm sighed.