I'm soooooooo sorry for this huge delay, I haven't been able to properly sit down and continue with the story because of the lack of time and inspiration. But now I'm finally back on track! So I hope you'll continue enjoying it and give your support!

thank you!

Chapter 4

- House of Makarov

The house of Makarov was once again towering in front of her. Gardens that produced Pompeii's finest wine were spread on either side of the road that would lead them to the huge marble building. Just the sight of it all made her heart skip. No words could describe the happiness she was feeling over the fact that she was about to spend a whole summer here at this place, so beautiful that it could house a God.


That word made her mind create the shape of that black raven haired man she met at the balcony last time she visited this mansion. Levy's cheeks started to blossom like a wild red rose by just the thought of him, the famous Gajeel Redfox. So many nights she had dreamt about him, whispered his name over and over again. She hoped that Venus would grant her the opportunity to meet that man again.

"You're okay my lady?" Jet interrupted her thoughts, she looked up and meet his questioning eyes.
"I'm just soo happy to be here Jet, thank you" she answered with a smile and started to walk towards the building. Head held high and her blue hair dancing around that delicate neck of hers. Jet snorted at her comment and followed her.
"I still think it would be more comfortable back home, Levy."
"I disagree with you, back home it would only be you, me and Droy for the whole summer. Here at uncle's place we will be able to meet people from all over the Mediterranean!"
That's exactly what I'm talking about
Jet sighed, it was getting harder and harder to maintained the mask around her once Droy wasn't with them. His companion had taken the horses to the stable, leaving him alone with Levy, the love of his life. She was walking in front of him with feather light footsteps, almost as if she was walking in the air. Her yellow dress was glowing in the afternoon sun and her eyes resembled those of a kid at that moment, filled with childish anticipation.

But her beautiful face and those soft curves of hers, slightly hidden behind that yellow dress, spoke another story. Their Levy would turn twenty after this summer. Jet cursed silently, bother by the summer heat and the thoughts of the girl in front of him. He had longed for this year ever since the first time they met. Never did his heart beat as hard as it did every time she was around. He loved her with every cell in his body. But Levy was too dense to realize his feelings. So back in the old days, he made a promise to himself. That once Levy turned twenty, he would ask General Mcgarden for his daughter's hand in marriage. Now the time had come and soon, she would be his and his alone.
"What are you smiling about? Finally got a girl on your mind?" Levy asked and gently poked his face with a grin on her lips. Jet smiled and moved closer towards hers, not stopping until his face was dangerously close to her. It took all his will power to not try his lips against hers cherry red ones.
"And what if I have?" he asked with a low voice, making the girl giggle and gently push his face away from hers before giving him a gentle pat on the right cheek.
"Then I hope you present her for us as soon as possible"
He chuckled a bit at her words and turned his head a bit to see Droy coming towards them. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"You'll see, my Lady.. You'll see.."



Gajeel was on fire, his body slowly transforming in to a beast with every hit. His sword was obeying its every command, bringing his opponent closer and closer to the ground. The poor man was terrified, scared for his life, even if the sword in Gajeel's hand was only a replica of his real one. Nothing more than a piece of wood, but Gajeel's reputation and fearsome appearance was enough to make the sword feel real.

"THAT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY!" Lily's dark voice roared over the training ground, freezing the fighters in their battles.
Gajeel's lips curved up to form an evil grin as he slowly drew the tip of the wood sword across the poor man's throat.
"If this was a real fight pal, your head and body would be sent home in two different bags…" He tossed the sword next to the man, who now was too chocked to move. Gajeel stretched his back and walked over to Lily and Elfman as they stood at the other side of the training ground, discussing the new recruits.
"What do you say, Gajeel?" Elfman asked, referring to the man who was still lying on the ground.
Gajeel grinned and crossed his arms over his chest.
"That guy is doomed, won't stand a chance once inside the arena"
Elfman nodded in agreement, But Lily was not convinced.
"Give him some time Gajeel, he might not be a wild animal like you, but he got potential."
"Your lost, old man" Gajeel answered with a shrugged and left for a well-deserved bath.
"No one has such a gloomy morning mood as Gajeel "
"Tell me about it! And its way past noon already."
Elfman scoffed but then his face turned serious.
"Are the rumors true, Lily? That He is coming back?"
Lily sighed and started to collect the documents over the days training.
"It's true, Metalicana is traveling towards Pompeii.."
"I see.. So, how is Gajeel handling it? Knowing that the one responsible for his pitiful life is coming back?"
"Like any idiot of his kind would… Planning his revenge.."




Master Makarov's office was tactically placed at the very top of the building with view over the whole mansion. He saw how his beloved niece and her two followers arriving at his front door. How the gladiator were wrapping up todays training and the servants preparations in the big garden for the evenings celebrations. Things were fairly calm at the moment, but Makarov's guts told him that the peace would not last long. Something were changing, this summer would not be the same…

So it's a short one, I had to stop there or the chapter would've been too messy..
But the next one is just around the corner!

I would love to hear what you think about Jet's big love for Levy. Don't get me wrong I'm a huge GaLe shipper! But I sort of have a soft spot for our speedy ^^