Dark Hood

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice nor its characters but the story is entirely mine.

"To make everyone hate you is stupid," she muttered under her breath. I just glared at her but her face was covered by a dark hood. What did she know about me to say that?

I faced the rain as if it was a substitute for her face, "Trying to make everyone like you is also stupid," I retorted quietly. She heard me. I know she did but she never answered. Instead she boarded the bus that was slowly heaving forward. Its gloomy colours continued to fade with the rain as it carried away the girl.

Although I made myself believe I didn't care what she commented, it bothered me. How could she say that without knowing me? It seemed stupid to be annoyed at what a stranger would say, but it was tormenting me. I shared this piece of information with Ruka who just frowned at me.

"Are you alright Natsume? Working too hard or something? First of all, you would normally never talk to a stranger – you hardly even talk to your clients – and secondly, you aren't making everyone hate you," he tried to explain to me but I just rolled my eyes and leaned back on my office chair observing the water drops that dribbled down my window.

I was like that until he gave up about the girl I told him about. The girl was getting on my nerves. I've only met her once and yet she has left such a huge impression on me. Who was she? A fortuneteller or something?

No matter what she was, it gave her no right to randomly give me such irritating advice.

"You know what Natsume? I think you just need to chill out. Get yourself a girlfriend of something…" he snapped his fingers. "I can set you up! Tonight, at the sushi place from last week. Six o'clock sharp. Don't be late. I'll see you there!"

Without needing to guess, I knew he set it up already – he was just waiting for a chance to bring it up. And the chance came today when I bumped into a girl while going to work. At a bus stop too… quite stupid if you ask me.

She was also a really plain girl. She was wearing a long black jacket with her brunette hair hidden underneath the dark hood. It reminded me of a serial killer. I never saw her face but her voice was enough. Her voice sounded very… damp. As if the rain had taken it from her. The depressing rain never did stop even as I drove to the sushi place Ruka assigned me to go. Such a gloomy day for a blind date…

"Ruka, you've got to be kidding me," I hissed at him.

He smiled innocently back at me. He must've gotten paid to do this by my family or something. The girl he set me up with is the one who was at the marriage interview recommended for me – no, recommended for my family.

Luna Koizumi is much like a duchess. Not that she's mean, ugly or untalented (she's actually the complete opposite); it's just that a planned marriage isn't what I have in mind. She's nice and pretty, well suitable for the Hyuuga family name. We're both not crazy for each other but we both don't hate each other either – which suggested to my family that I liked her… which I don't. In any case, Ruka wouldn't have set me up with her without a reason.

"Lighten up Natsume, it's just a date," he whispered back. Luna sat there quietly hoping I would start a conversation which later, was started by Ruka.

"So… should we order? What types of sushi do you like Koizumi-san? I know Natsume likes –"

"There's no need to tell her about me," I growled and called for the waiter just to get me some sake. He smiled and took everyone's orders despite my bad attitude – that's a good waiter for you. His name was… Koko, I think. I wasn't really making an effort to read his name tag.

"So where's your date Ruka?" I asked bored with the girl sitting next to me who was completely embarrassed by this date. She sat stiff as a stone.

"She's isn't my date. She officially became my girlfriend a while ago – after a lot of courting," he laughed. "You'll love her. She's really nice." Ruka picked up a piece of salmon and dropped it in his mouth.

I sighed, "So it isn't Imai?"

"I never said…" He sighed, "Koizumi-san, do you know Imai-san?" Ruka's eyes darted to Koizumi who was fiddling with her chopsticks.

"Um… I guess you could say that… We went to the same high school but never did talk to each other. I never met her again so I don't think she likes me very much. I've heard wonderful things about her though. You must be glad to have her, Nogi-san," she smiled gently. She was a beautiful girl and kind at heart but still… every time I looked at her the words 'arranged marriage' seem to pop up. I couldn't concentrate on her for long.

On the other hand, Ruka was listening intently, "You went to Alice Academy as well? Wow, I can't believe I've never notice you!" I wanted to add 'me neither' but I'm not in for it, "Imai-san is really lovely…"

"But not your girlfriend," I commented. I know Imai won't give in to a little courting – I've met her – and Ruka's style of courting just… isn't right. It'd be when the world ends when they get together.

"I know and I'm planning to give up; that's why I have a new girlfriend. I'll give her a call. She always runs a little late – it's really cute of her." He picked up his phone and dialed. "Hello? Anna-chan, where…"

I drifted away from him and Koizumi. It's such a boring night. Although there's nothing to do in my office anymore, I'd rather be there than sitting here with the most ordinary girl I've met and listen to Ruka rant on about Imai and his new girlfriend. I couldn't care less.

"Um…. Natsume-kun?" Koizumi looked up at me, "I'm sorry for boring you."


"So you are bored…" she frowned. "I know this isn't what you want to hear at the moment but –"

Ruka fled the table and signaled that he was going to be outside. I presumed he would talking to his girlfriend or waiting for her – whatever.

"I really think we should give it a shot!" she confessed.

Everyone in the sushi place seemed to have flashed me disapproved looks. I think Koko (the waiter) was just grinning. I gulped, hoped that no one here knew me and answered, "Whatever."

Koizumi's face brightened up. "Really? So we're officially a couple?" She grinned up at me and I just ignored it. Maybe this wouldn't be a bad decision after all. She looked as though she didn't want an arranged marriage, so if it was on our own free will maybe I could grow to like her.

"Hey guys, finished your talk?" Ruka flashed an even brighter smile at me. He didn't even bother to give us a chance to answer because he exclaimed in an escatic way, "My girlfriend's here!" He moved to the side to reveal a tall figure. She wore a long black jacket that was dripping wet and a few strands of her brunette hair were showing.

"Oh no…" I groaned.

She pulled back her dark hood and the voice that was bothering me all day spoke, "Nice to meet you two, I'm Mikan Sakura: Ruka's new girlfriend."

End of Chapter 1

Hey, I was planning to make this a one-shot but then decided not to. (Stupid me) Oh! There's a poll for Clashing Melodies if anyone here reads it. Last repetitive day we will ever see is today… Great. I'm depressed. Reviews are gladly accepted!