"The American mid-western town, Raccoon City, has been completely decimated due to the T-Virus that has-"
"Shh!" said Claire.

"You're talking really loud, and they'll hear you and find ME!" she said.
"What are you talking about? I'm narrating the start of the-"
"I don't care what you're narrating...I'm infiltrating this place, and if they find me I'm scr-"
"SHE'S OVER THERE!" yelled a guard.
Claire sighed. "Thanks buddy," she said. She ran down the hallway, and was followed by guards. A few months ago, she'd been riding her motorcycle towards Chris' town, going to claim a late check from him, and life had been so simple then. However, when she'd reached the town, her brother was missing, and instead she'd found endless amounts of zombies.

Now, she was in Paris, and until this point her hardest task had been ordering a cheeseburger at some French 'boutique', which she'd believed meant 'diner'. She'd been wrong.

"Hey! Stop running!" called one of the guards.
Claire looked back while she ran. "Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that!" she said.

"Really? Sweet, that'll make my life so much easier..."
"I'm joking you idiot!" said Claire, running even faster.
The guard huffed. "Get her, guys! She's a trespasser, AND A LIAR!" he yelled. The other guards started running faster, matching with Claire's speed.

She had nowhere to run. In her attempt to run faster, she'd run right past another hallway, but would get caught if she turned around. Now, she was heading straight for a window, and doubted she'd survive jumping out.

Survival seemed even less possible when a helicopter flew up outside the window, aiming its turret-gun at her. She gasped and turned around, not worrying about the guards anymore. "Move!" she said, knocking one down.
The others hadn't expected it, and didn't think of grabbing her. She jumped down the other hall and the guards got shredded by the turret's bullets.
"Well that did it," said Claire as she got back up. She heard more guards coming and rolled her eyes, breaking into yet another run. At the end of the hall, there was a door. "FUCK IT!" she said, running right to it. She slammed her side against it to open it, jumped over a set of stairs, and rolled to recover. "Wow, I'm the best..." she said.
"Not really," said a man's voice.

Claire looked up to see about thirty guards, all aiming machine guns at her. Shit, she thought.

"Get up, and put your hands in the air," said one of the guards.

"In that exact order?" asked Claire.

"...Wait, what? What do you mean?" asked the guard.

Claire grinned. "Well, can I put my hands up then stand? Or do I have to stand then put my hands up?" she asked.
The guard scratched his head. "I guess you can do whichever, doesn't really matter," he said.

Claire started bringing up her gun and the guard quickly brought his first. "WAIT NO! On second thoughts, stand up slowly, THEN put your hands up!" he said.

As ordered, Claire stood and raised her hands.
"Now drop the gun!"
Claire paused for a moment, noticing an explosive barrel behind the guards. I hope this works, she thought. She let her gun go, and the guards slowly started lowering their guns, then...
Claire pointed behind them. "LOOK A FLOATING TOOTHBRUSH!" she yelled.

The guards all turned to look, and she ran for the door behind her. She bumped right into someone's chest and fell back down, and another guard aimed a gun at her head. She'd picked up her own gun and aimed it back at him, but when she took the shot it was empty. "Shit..." she said.

"Shit indeed, lady," said the guard.
"I wasn't actually going to shoot, though," she said.
"Mhm...That must be why you pulled the trigger, right?"

"Got it. You're under arrest," said the guard.
"No! I have to find my brother, how the hell am I supposed to do that in jail!?" asked Claire.
The guard kept his gun on her as another guard came to bind her hands. "I don't know...Maybe send him an e-mail or something?" he suggested. "He could come find you?"

Claire submitted to the cuffs, unable to think of a good way out. "How?" she asked.
"Doesn't your phone have internet access?" asked the guard.
"No...My phone doesn't even have a camera, my brother's cheap with Christmas gifts," said Claire.

The guard laughed. "Wow...That's shit," he said.

Before she could respond, a guard threw a sack over her head, and she was escorted to somewhere unknown.