MY WRITERS BLOCK IS GONE! yay! i have just been writing like a mad woman all night, i wrote this chapter the same night as #5 but i thought i would update it later :D R&R! oh and all copywrite goes to NBC's Chicago Fire except the plot, thats all me.

"What happened." Gabby could tell that he was angry. He was yet again wearing his gray sweats but was now instead wearing a blank red t-shirt. She sifted her position on his couch, trying to not make eye contact with him.

"Nothing, I thought I would take you up on you offer, your couch always looked more comfortable than my bed." She said giving him a weary smile. Matt knelt down to the same eye hight as her while she stayed lying on the couch.


"Fine. Something did happen. Ethan sent flowers to my house." Matt let out a sigh of relief, and leaned down to rest his forehead on her own.

"Thank god. I thought it would be something bad. Like really bad." He said getting up and pouring himself a glass of water.

"how is this not bad? He knows where I live!" Gabby exclaimed squirming around on the couch to face the kitchen.

"Well we already fixed that problem. Just stay here." Matt said. He realized that he basically just asked for Gabby to live with him until this whole mess is sorted out.

"Oh no Matt. I cant impose on you for that long."

"No, its fine, I just invited you to stay, you have no excuse to say no now. So now that it is settled," Gabby moved to protest, "shh... let me continue, what do you want to do." Gabby shut her mouth, and nervously said,

"Watch a movie?"

"Sure, I have Netflix." Gabby them arranged herself in an upright position, allowing Matt to come sit next to her. They surfed through the movies, not a very wide selection, and settled on the bounty hunter, a movie Gabby had seen when it first came out and Matt had never seen. While Gabby ran to Matts bed room to steal his blankets for the movie Matt poured them some red wine and popped some popcorn. Matt handed her a glass while she draped the blanket over the two of them, and propped her feet up on the coffee table. He draped his arm over the back of the couch, catching a strand of her wavy dark brown hair. She nestled into his side, and they stayed like that the whole movie, Matt twirling the strand of hair and Gabby's head resting on his shoulder.

Matt blinked open his eyes to find himself looking up at the ceiling of his living room. He had his arms wrapped around someone, and suddenly memories of last night came flooding back. He looked down at his chest to find Gabriella Dawson draped over his body. He blinked hard, trying to make sure it wasn't some sort of dream. Somehow they had managed to tangle themselves up in the blanket and go from a innocent upright position to be lying together on the couch. Gabby was on the inside of the couch, one arm wrapped around the back of Matts neck and the other around his torso. He had one arm around her upper back and the other across his own chest and wrapped around her waist. There legs where just entangled in each other. Without letting go of his sleeping paramedic Matt glanced down at the clock on his wrist, 9:45, before he started panicking he realized today was his day off. He looked down at Gabby's calm sleeping face, it was rare he got moments when he could appreciate every part of her. Her soft dark skin was clear of any imperfection. Her eye makeup was slightly smudged, but he knew even without it she would look amazing, better. He was about to think up a plan of action to get out of this tangled up mess when his door bell rang.

Buuuuuzz! Buuuuuzz! Buuuuuzz! Gabby's eyes fluttered open to find herself pressed up against Matthew Casey.

"Good morning! I better get that!" He said, an edge of panic in his voice. He grabbed Gabby's hip and rotated around so he was hovering over her, centimeters from her face. She could feel him trying to get one of his legs out from under her, but she was too frozen in shock from there close proximity to try to help. Sadly soon he was up and off of her, and she snapped out of it pulling herself up to the head rest of the couch so she could look over to see who was at the front door.


Her heart dropped to the floor. She knew this was going to get beyond awkward.

Matt ran up to the door, and when he saw who it was he glanced over to Gabby

"How bad do I look?" He asked Gabby before reaching for the doorknob. She rolled her eyes and sunk lower down the couch. He turned the knob and swung open the door.

"Good morning Matt." Hallie said with a half smile. She glanced down at his shirt. "Is that, drool?" She asked in an accusatory tone.

"Is there someone else in this house?" She asked, with each word she got louder. Now Matt was mad. Hallie had no right to arrive on his doorstep and judge him, he had already broken things off and was moving forward.

"Hallie you must have come for a reason, what would you like?" Matt asked, trying to keep the anger out of his tone. Gabby was still cowering on the couch, she could here every word. Suddenly Matt felt a warm hand on his back, and Gabby's face appeared next to him. Her clothes where just as wrinkled as his own, and her hair was frizzy and quite out of order.

"Hey Hallie! What are you doing here?" She asked in her sweet do-no-bad tone. Hallie's eyes where like daggers, they where full of rage and where darting from Gabby to Matt.

"Wow Gabby I always knew that you where after Matt but I never thought you would go as low as this. Really Matt? I thought there was still hope for us! You know what fine! You keep screwing this whore!" Hallie was screaming at them at this point, Matt had his arm around Gabby's waist when Hallie slapped her in the face, slammed the door and ran off. Gabby stood there in shook, holding a hand to her stinging face. She blinked a few times and looked up at Matt. Then Matt grabbed her hand and pulled her in for some much needed breakfast and a chat.