Chapter 30: The Book (Anniversary chapter!)

'Have you ever wondered what the other side of the mirror is like? Is there another world? Maybe another you? If such a world existed, would you give thought to what things would be like there? In the following one-shot, Gideon Pines and his cousin Pacifica meet the Gleeful Twins with very interesting results….'

"I can't believe we're going to their show tonight!" Pacifica Pines, Gideon Pines' cousin shouts with glee as she hops around the attic bedroom with Tent of Telepathy tickets clutched in her hands. "I finally get to meet the Gleeful twins, but most of all…"

Pacifica pauses her hoping with her mind now drifting off into a dreamy state.

"I get to meet Dipper Gleeful." Pacifica finishes with a dreamy glaze in her eyes. "He is all I ever think about. His hair, his skin, his talent, and those eyes. I can live in those eyes forever."

Gideon, who is reading his '3' journal, is not paying attention to the swooning girl. The picture and description of the gremoblin is currently his main focus.

"And they hate being in closed spaces." Gideon speaks out loud. "That's very interesting."

Snapping out of her dreamy state, Pacifica turns to her cousin and notices that his head is buried in that dusty maroon book he found in the forest on his first day in Gravity Falls. Rolling her eyes, Pacifica leaps onto his bed and breaks Gideon's concentration, sending the mysterious book to the floor.

"Pacifica, what are you doing?" The flustered boy asks the flamboyant blonde that is happily jumping on the end of his bed. "I was in the middle of a very interesting study."

"Aren't you excited about meeting the gleeful twins tonight?" Pacifica asks, practically shoving the show tickets in the boy's face. "I know I am and I just can't wait!"

"That makes one of us." Gideon mumbles to himself as he sits up on the bed. "I did promise that I would go to that show with you, but that is only under certain conditions, one being with you not like this."

Pacifica's jumping comes to a pause as she flops down on the bed in a huff.

"You're no fun Gideon." Pacifica pouts. "Why don't you try loosening up every once in a while and have some fun. This show might be just what you need."

"It's not that, it's just that there is something off about those two." Gideon replies as he gets to his feet and catches with his cousin's gaze. "Like something about them that I can't trust. It's a very strong gut feeling Pacifica."

"You know, ever since you found that dusty old book, you've been acting like you can't trust anyone, including me." Pacifica retorts. "They are the Gleeful twins, the most talented twins in all of Gravity Falls, especially Dipper Gleeful. What about them can't be trusted?"

"You're too easily impressed and you fall for every boy that crosses your path." Gideon says with an eye roll. "So of course none of this is making sense to you."

"Hey don't crush my dreams for an epic summer romance Giddy." Pacifica replies, now getting to her feet. "I'm not giving up hope that my romance will be with-"

Noticing that his cousin's eyes are wandering off in a dream state, Gideon rolls his eyes once more and turns towards their bedroom window.

"Dipper Gleeful." Pacifica finishes. "Oh what I wouldn't do for him."

Snapping back to reality, Pacifica turns to Gideon and notices that he is looking out the bedroom window.

"Welp, I'm going to go get ready for the show." Pacifica informs him, the blonde girl now skipping out of the room. "I can't wait until 7pm!"

Not paying attention to his cousin, Gideon keeps his eyes glued to the window, particularly to the Tent of Telepathy that is visible from where the bedroom is located in the shack.

"There is something up with those two and I plan to get to the bottom of it." Gideon says to himself, watching intently as the tent's workers are setting up for the show that is set for that evening.

Gleeful Mansion

The star symbol on a belt buckle now flashes a shade of jade, which alerts the owner wearing the accessory. Dropping the '2' journal onto the desk, Dipper Gleeful gains an devious smirk.

"It's here." The younger gleeful twin speaks.

"Whatever could you be speaking of dear brother?" Mabel Gleeful asks, her thick southern drawl evident as she now turns to her brother from her vanity mirror, the powder puff to powder her nose gripped tightly in her right hand.

"The book, the one journal we have been searching long and hard for, is here." Dipper replies, his thick southern drawl surfacing in his voice as he replies to his twin sister. "The owner is within the area and will be attending our show tonight."

"Mmmm, I see." Mabel speaks with a light laugh as she places the puff down and rises from her vanity seat, now making her way over to her equally sinister brother. "Would you happen to have a lead on what the owner of this book looks like? That'll make it easier for us to know who we will be ultimately "speaking" to about this matter. I've been dying to know what that journal contains."

Reaching over on her brother's desk, Mabel grabs a small dagger and runs her right index finger along the flat surface of the weapon. A small smile crosses her face upon seeing her reflection in the mirror like object.

"And I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to contain my excitement." Mabel continues.

"That did not come up as of yet dear sister, but you do present an excellent point." Dipper lightly chuckles. "Why don't we take a look shall we?"

Getting to his feet, Dipper turns towards his sister and places his hands out in front of him with Mabel placing down the dagger and placing the palms of her hands against her brother's. Closing their eyes and with their hands together, their minty green amulets begin glowing jade with a jade colored orb now surrounding their combined appendages, their twin telepathic link conjuring up an image of the owner of journal '3'. A boy with white hair wearing a blue pine tree hat, a blue vest, grey shorts, and an orange shirt and who is staring out of the bedroom window towards the Tent of Telepathy is seen along with the '3' journal sitting on the bed next to a blue bag. The image now switches to another room, the bathroom of the shack where a golden blonde haired girl is dressed in a multi-colored jacket, black shorts, purple shirt, and white shoes is standing in front of the mirror adjusting her pony tail.

"I really hope I meet Dipper Gleeful tonight." Pacifica says, her wide brace filled smile appearing. "If I have an epic summer romance with anyone, I sure hope it's with him. He's so dreamy and those eyes are so hypnotizing."

The image of the two becomes fuzzy with both twins opening their eyes and separating their hands.

"I do believe we know who to expect at our show tonight." Dipper mischievously smirks, his twin sister mimicking his smirk. "That journal is as good as ours, but we have an edge that will ensure we get what we want."

"I'll admit, she is cute and willing to do anything for you." Mabel's smile now changing to a frown. "Typical airhead, but the white haired fellow is easy on the eyes I must admit."

"I wouldn't be so quick to count her out just yet Mabel." Dipper speaks. "She will be very useful in this plan. Just follow my lead."

Tent of Telepathy Show 7:00pm

A huge crowd of cars and gravity falls citizens, as well as out of town visitors, are gathered outside of the tent of telepathy, the large crowd entering one by one with the security guards at the entrance checking each person's ticket before they enter the event that is soon to take place. Pacifica and Gideon are next in line to have their tickets checked.

"I am so psyched for the show!" Pacifica voices, her ticket now being taken by the guard to be checked. "I can't wait to see Dipper Gleeful! He is just too gorgeous for words! It's a shame Cashmere couldn't be here for the show tonight; she would have loved this. What did her letter say to you as to why she couldn't come and visit us this summer?"

"She said that she was heading to England for the summer to visit our aunt." Gideon replies. "She said something about not seeing her often so she wanted to see her."

"Well, that's too bad." Pacifica says. "That means I get to have Dipper all to myself! That's just the way I like it."

"I can't wait until this show is over." Gideon mentally says to himself with an eye roll. "I don't know how much longer I can take listening to her go on about him!"

With Pacifica's ticket checked, Gideon's ticket is now checked with both checking out and being allowed to enter the tent. The two take a seat in the second pew with Pacifica practically dancing in her seat with excitement while Gideon has taken a seat and folded his arms across his chest.

"I can't WAIT to be entertained by these two tonight." Gideon voices to himself as he narrows his eyes at the empty stage in front of him.


Dipper and Mabel are in their dressing room putting the final touches on themselves before heading out to their show. Running his hair brush through his hair one last time, Dipper's amulet glows a bright jade which puts a dark smile on the boy's face.

"They're here." Dipper nonchalantly speaks as he turns to Mabel, whom is adjusting her headband that houses her amulet that matches her show outfit which consists of her jade high heels, black leggings, black leotard body suit, and jade top with the star-chan bolo tie. "And so is the book."

Having gotten herself dolled up for the show, Mabel turns to Dipper, an evil smile appearing on her face.

"Fantastic!" Mabel speaks as she begins making her way towards the door with her brother in tow. "It's show time!"

With the tent packed, the Gleeful twins now walk onto the stage with the audience jumping out of their seats and cheering loudly for the two, Pacifica especially. Waving to the crowd, Mabel and Dipper quickly scan the crowd and spots Gideon and Pacifica in the second pew.

"I see our sacrifice for the show." Mabel telepathically speaks to Dipper as she continues waving to the crowd.

"Control yourself dear sister." Dipper replies back to her through their link, he too still waving to the crowd. "Remember, she is very useful if we are to get that book."

"Fine, but be warned." Mabel continues. "My excitement is spilling over."

"I'm aware, don't worry." Dipper replies. "Just try to control yourself tonight."

The crowd now dies down with the twins lowering their hands.

"Welcome and thank you so much for attending our show tonight." Mabel speaks to the crowd, her thick southern accent evident in her voice. "We have a very special performance planned for you tonight so just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourselves."

"Yes, it will be quite a delight if I do say so myself." Dipper follows up behind Mabel as he turns his attention away from the audience and to the back of the stage. "Our first prop please."

On cue, the tent's handyman rolls onto the stage a life sized tank with a front cover on it that displays the tent's star symbol. Her evil smile unmoving, Mabel runs her fingertips along the edges of the tank.

"Thank you Sam." Dipper thanks to the slender man as he turns back to the audience. "For our first performance, we will need a volunteer from our lovely audience."

"How about you?" Mabel quickly speaks up, pointing to Pacifica.

"Me?" Pacifica asks in surprise as she gets to her feet.

"Absolutely." Mabel replies with a giggle, waving the girl to the stage.

"Alright." Pacifica nervously replies.

Hearing the name his sister called, Dipper's eyes widen a bit with him quickly turning to her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Dipper telepathically hisses to Mabel.

"You'll see." Mabel replies with a giggle.

"What did we just talk about?!" Dipper continues. "We need her! Do you not know what this performance is all about?"

"You worry too much." Mabel expresses, slightly turning to her brother with a devilish smirk.

"Don't ruin this for me Mabel!" Dipper barks. "I'm warning you!"

Ignoring her brother's last words, Mabel closes off their psychic link.

Before the blonde can leave the area good, Gideon grips onto her right arm while lightly shaking his head no. Seeing her cousin's uncertainty, Pacifica mouths to him I'll be fine.

Nodding to him, Gideon releases his cousin with her making her way towards the stage. Reaching the stage, Pacifica is led to the tank by Mabel, missing the jade glimmer shining in the girl's eyes.

"For our first demonstration, our lovely assistant Pacifica will be deeply submerged in water." Mabel announces to the crowd. "But there is a twist to this so please keep your eyes peeled for the shocking conclusion."

Turning from the audience, Mabel catches a glimpse of her brother's angry gaze, but shrugs it off.

"Just how deep will I be under the water?" Pacifica nervously whispers to Mabel.

"Oh you'll see." Mabel replies to the nervous blonde as she leads her over to the life sized tank.

The front cover of the tank is opened first and then the glass to the tank being opened second. With a glint of jade shining in her eyes, Mabel shoves the blonde inside the tank and tightly closes it shut! Inwardly laughing to herself, Mabel catches gazes with the highly anxious blonde.

"Sit tight dear." Mabel hisses to her. "This will only take a minute, but of course, a minute is all you have left."

Turning to her brother and nodding, Dipper turns from her and signals for the handyman to approach the tank. On cue, the handyman approaches the tank and attaches the water hose to the back of the contraption. Turning the nozzle to the left, water begins rushing through the tube and into the tank, catching wide eyed Pacifica's attention. Seeing his cousin in a dangerous predicament, Gideon moves to the edge of his seat, the expression of worry and anger suddenly appearing on his face.

"Do anything to hurt her and you two will regret it!" Gideon mentally says to himself. "I will PERSONALLY see to that!"

Looking out to her cousin in the crowd, Pacifica notices the mixed look on his face as the water continues pouring in, the liquid at the blonde's knees and rising. The rising water now reaches the blonde's neck with her lifting her head to keep from drowning.

"Suspenseful huh folks?" Mabel says to the crowd, her wicked gaze turned to them. Throughout the audience, 'Ohs and Ahs" can be heard as they keep their attention on the stage.

Pressing her hands on the glass of the tank, Pacifica tries climbing to the top to avoid the watery grave that is threatening to be the end of her, but fails as the liquid now rises above her head, forcing Pacifica to hold her breath. Frantically looking around to find an escape from the torture chamber, the blonde comes up short and begins beating on the glass, hoping to make a dent deep enough to break the glass and get out with her life!

"Now this is where the twist comes in." Mabel announces. "Pay close attention!"

Closing the cover of the tank, Mabel closes her eyes and places her right hand on the cover of the tank. After a minute of meditation, Mabel opens her eyes and the cover of the tank, revealing to the crowd a completely dry Pacifica and bone dry tank. Despite the act, the tank looks as if no water was placed in it at all!

"And there you have it folks." Dipper begins turning to the crowd. "As if nothing ever happened. What's the secret? That's for us to know, and the rest is a mystery!"

Mabel opens the tank and helps Pacifica out, feeling that the blonde girl is shaking uncontrollably from the act.

"Give her another round of applause folks!" Mabel encourages, the crowd cheering uncontrollably for their shaken up volunteer! "Thank you so much Pacifica, you may be seated now."

With the look of horror on her face, Pacifica makes her way off the stage and back into the crowd, Gideon rushing to her to help her back to the pew.

"Pacifica, are you ok?" Gideon whispers to her, the shaken girl's attention on her hands as they continue to shake uncontrollably. "Paz, say something! Anything!"

"I….I…"Pacifica begins as she turns to Gideon. "I….was so close to Dipper Gleeful! I could practically smell his hair!"

Befuddled by his cousin's choice of words, Gideon gives the girl a clear look of confusion. One minute, the blonde is wearing the look of pure horror on her face and the next, she is pretending nothing has happened at all!

Turning from his cousin, the chubby boy whips his attention back to the stage, his gaze catching with Dipper and Mabel Gleeful's, a jade shimmer flashing in their eyes simultaneously. Slanting his eyes at the pair, a low growl escapes from the boy's throat with his teeth gritting together lightly. Seeing the angry boy glaring in their direction, Mabel sends a wink in his direction and turns her back.

The TOT last show has come to end with the crowd now beginning to clear out.

"Thank you so much for coming out!" Dipper announces to the crowd. "You've all been great and remember, the real miracles are all of you!"

Turning from the crowd, Dipper begins making his way back stage with Mabel having already gone ahead of him. Pacifica and Gideon now exit the tent, a realization now hitting the blonde.

"Oh my gosh!" Pacifica says. "I almost forgot to get Dipper Gleeful's autograph!"

"After what I just witnessed happen on that stage, I am not letting you go anywhere near those two!" Gideon demands. "They are downright devious!"

"Gideon, calm down." Pacifica lightly laughs. "I'm just going to get an autograph, not ask him to marry me. Even though the latter is likely to happen sometime soon…"

"No Pacifica!" Gideon stands firm. "I don't trust them and neither should you! Mabel practically tried to kill you! Didn't you notice that?!"

"Gideon it was all apart of the act." Pacifica smiles. "I came out fine didn't I? I'll be back in a flash and if I don't, you can call a search party to come find me."

Pacifica now rushes back into the tent with Gideon being seconds too slow to reach and restrain the blonde.

"When will you learn Paz, when will you learn." Gideon mutters to himself.


"I can't believe you did that!" Dipper fusses to his sister, whom is sitting at her vanity mirror removing her lipstick. "You just couldn't control yourself could you?!"

"She came out fine didn't she?" Mabel nonchalantly scoffs as she wipes off the last of her lipstick on the left corner of her mouth. "It's not like I killed her."

"But you could have!" Dipper continues fuming. "I told you she is instrumental to my plan to get that book and you could have blown it! You want the power of the journals just as I do and if that girl would have-"

The chocolate haired boy's argument is abruptly interrupted by a knocking at the door. Growling, Dipper makes his way to the door and opens it to reveal Pacifica with a shiny brace filled smile.

"Oh hello there." Dipper politely greets to the brightly smiling girl. "How may I help you?"

"I…I…'m…um." Pacifica begins, losing her composure at the sight of the Gleeful boy. "I'm here to….to….g…YOU'RE SO CUTE!"

Realizing what she just said, the blonde girl slaps her hand over her mouth. Smirking, Dipper lightly laughs.

"I'm assuming you're here for an autograph, correct?" Dipper fills in, Pacifica nodding feverishly. "Sure, come on in."

Mentally cursing at herself for the outlandish outburst, Pacifica walks in passed Dipper with him closing the door behind her. Mabel spots the girl in her mirror and lowers her eyelids, showing a sign of disgust at the sight of her. Turning her attention from her, Mabel returns to cleansing her face with a cleansing wipe.

With her mouth agape, Pacifica is amazed at the sight of the twins' dressing room from the clothes in the closet to Mabel's numerous make up train cases to the maroon leather book sitting on the vanity adjacent to Mabel Gleeful's vanity. Eyeing the book, Pacifica rushes over to the desk and grabs the book, noticing the book has a '2' on the front cover.

"Hey, Gideon has a book like this!" Pacifica announces. "But it has a three on it and is just as dusty."

"Does he now?" Dipper's suave voice replies from behind her, nearly scaring the girl out of her skin. Whipping around to the boy, Pacifica's cheeks turn a bright red at seeing Dipper so close to her. "And it has a three on it you say?"

"Yep." Pacifica squeaks out.

"Pacifica, I would like to propose something to you." Dipper begins as he gently takes the girl's right hand.

"Let it be marriage, Let it be marriage, Let it be MARRIAGE!" Pacifica prays. "The answer is yes Dipper! Yes, I will marry you and become Mrs. Dipper Gleeful!"

"The book is one that is very special." Dipper begins, catching with the girl's gaze. "And if fallen into the wrong hands, can be very catastrophic. Your cousin Gideon, I need you to convince him to give you the book."

"Why?" Pacifica questions.

"Because the rightful owner of the book is me." Dipper replies. "I've been searching for that book forever and now that I know who has it, I'm going to need it returned to me."

Unsure of how to respond to the Gleeful, Pacifica begins swallowing the lump in her throat, but half chokes on it with Dipper moving close to the girl's face, just mere inches as if he were going to lock lips with her.

"Do you think you can do that for me, Pacifica?" Dipper asks in a seductive tone. "I would be really grateful if you did."

"S….su..sure." Pacifica stammers, feeling as if her legs are going to give out from under her. "I'll….do it."

"Great." Dipper smiles as he backs away and hands her his autographed photo. "Meet me back here tomorrow about noon-ish."

Speechless, Pacifica nods.

"Excellent." Dipper replies. "See you then."

Nodding, Pacifica begins making her way towards the door, but in the process, runs into various corners in the room due to be distracted. Finally making her way to the door, Pacifica waves to Dipper and slips out. Dipper's pleasant smiles now changes to a devious smirk.

"Nice play on the poor thing's emotions." Mabel replies, turning around to her brother. "Very clever indeed."

"It was very necessary dear sister as soon we will have all three books." Dipper replies. "And the ultimate power they possess!"

23-8-1-20 25-15-21 12-15-22-5 13-15-19-20 23-9-12-12 5-14-4 25-15-21-18 12-9-6-5…..

Also, thanks to Lil Ol Gravity Falls for letting me mention her OC Cashmere for this chapter! Thanks a lot girly :) In lou of this, I recommend checking out her fics as they are really good. :)

Next chapter: Resolutions! From Gravity Falls, to the Star Dimension to Catherine's Cabin, everyone has a New Years Resolutions they want to make, even the bad guys! Stay tuned and…

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