
Cat didn't know why this had to happen to her, why she had to carry this burden. Maybe it was fate, fate that when she was 9 years old her brother smashed a window with a golf club he shouldn't have had possession of. Fate that some glass shards went into her little brown eyes and scarred them forever. All she knew was that she hadn't been able to see since, and it wasn't fair.

She had learned to live without sight, without the ability to see her favorite color or enjoy shopping. She learned to accept her unfortunate situation over the years. But still, it was tough. At least she still always had the pretty things in her head, for she had been able to see long ago. She used to see, and she knew she was lucky for that. She just wished she had seen more at the time.

If Robbie Shapiro was psychic, he would've known how Cat felt, and why she was never truly happy. The dyed hair was her way of standing out for a reason besides being blind. Completely and utterly blind. That's what she was, and all she thought she was and could be. But Robbie saw something else. He saw a fire in those dull eyes of hers. A fire like a passion, a passion to belong. A yearning to be better. Better than how people saw her.

Robbie knew because he used to have that passion. That fire used to burn in him. He once wanted to belong so much. It went away when he met Cat Valentine, though. Hell, she didn't even know what he looked like. In fact, she didn't know what any of her friends looked like, except for Jade, whom she had known since Pre-K. And for Robbie, that was good. Girls never liked him because of his looks anyway. But Cat didn't judge him for that; she couldn't.

Cat never changed. She was known for the same old personality and face she wore. Sure, she acted happy… really happy for that matter. She put on a smile when she felt the presence of her friends. She never wanted them to find out about her inner sadness. Because the truth was, she felt so alone in her dark little world. It was so lonely in her head. She wished she could climb out of it and be free. But she couldn't. She was stuck being this way. Just plain stuck.

A/N: So um, please review and let me know what you think. This was the prologue, just kind of giving you some background before the actual story starts. And the story will be Cabbie. :)