Author's Note: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling does.



Dumbledore came into the classroom. The desks were no longer in straight rows like soldiers but in clusters for easy chatting. Harry was sitting at a student's desk talking to Ron, Hermione and Neville.

"Is anyone teaching this class?" asked Dumbledore.

Hermione said, "You can teach it if you like."

Harry looked like Quirrell, again. Good thing too, his shoes fit and his trousers weren't floods. Seeing clearly was also nice. "I'm staging a sit-in."

"Why?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because I want to attend school with my mates," said Harry. "I was willing to finish out the year, but you pushed the issue."

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Longbottom, do you want him back in your dorm?" asked Dumbledore.

"Tonight," said Ron.

Harry smiled. "My godfather can buy me school uniforms this weekend."

"Tonight is good," said Neville.

"I haven't agreed," said Dumbledore.

"I'm twelve years old," said Harry. "I shouldn't be teaching class. My godfather was cleared of all charges. I can stay with Sirius and Remus on my holidays. Either I'm an adult and can take my apparation test tomorrow or I'm a child and need to wait five years. Sir, you can't have it both ways."

"You can take your test tomorrow," said Dumbledore.

"Then I'll pack my trunk and go home," said Harry. "I'm still resigning either way."

Neville spoke, "Let Harry go to school."

"Done," said Dumbledore. "Remus Lupin can take over your classes. I'll have Hagrid help Professor Kettleburn teach Care of Magical Creatures until I can get a new professor. Happy?"

"What's done, Sir?" asked Neville.

"Harry can go to school," said Dumbledore.

"Thank you, Sir," said Hermione.


After using a feather-light charm to move his trunk to the Gryffindor second year boys' dorm, Harry changed into a tee shirt and blue jeans. The three-piece suits could gather dust for a few years.

"Better?" Harry asked his dorm mates.

"You look like a university student," said Dean Thomas.

"I have a twenty-eight year old body," said Harry. "My original body was killed with Voldemort. I think I'm a young looking twenty-eight."

"I don't get it," said Seamus. "You teach class on Monday and attend class Tuesday."

"I won't be attending class until Wednesday. Sirius and I have to get uniforms tomorrow. Dumbledore says I can't attend class in my street clothes," Harry said. "We also have to buy everything else I need for class. After the Dursleys buried my old body, they collected all my belongings."

"Seeing how much they loved magic, they probably burned and/or disposed of everything by now," said Ron.

McGonagall knocked on the door. "Are you boys decent?"

"We're twelve year old boys," said Seamus. "When are we ever decent?"

"May I come in?" asked McGonagall.

Neville grabbed Trevor and him back in his terrarium. "Now."

Professor McGonagall entered the room then sat on Harry's bed. "Harry, once you get your uniforms, you may want to put the overflow in Professor Lupin's rooms."

"Thank for that suggestion after I carried everything up those stairs," said Harry.

"I should have listened to you before," said McGonagall. "You really are Harry."

"It took me pulling a hair out of my head and doing magic on it to get Dumbledore to listen," said Harry.

"Malfoy pulled it out of your head," said Neville. "He's a big Know-it-all."

Harry stood by his bed because he wasn't going to sit by McGonagall. "Quirrell attended school not all that long ago and then taught here. Can you remember I'm not him?"

Minerva McGonagall smiled. "Professors Snape and Flitwick manage. I expect you to learn everything that we covered. You need help; ask. Snape will be less forgiving."

"Snape hates me only a little less than he hates Remus," said Harry.

"What you did took courage," said McGonagall. "Not many people can stand up to Dumbledore."

"I told Sirius that I was messing my life up and I needed advice - only I didn't use those words. He told me one thing: I need to be me. I plan to use the next five years to find out who I am."

McGonagall got up. "Good luck. Good-bye, boys." She left the room.

Harry returned to reading The Fellowship of the Ring, Neville took his toad out of his terrarium, Dean started drawing his latest comic, and Seamus and Ron exchanged trading cards. The toad landed on Ron's Morgan le Fay. Harry didn't miss the quiet of having his own room. Ron was screaming, Neville was chasing Trevor and Dean was protecting his latest masterpiece. Well, he didn't miss it that much.


After buying his uniforms, books, a cauldron and other school supplies, Harry visited Mrs. Quirrell. Hugging her, he said, "I'm going by Harry Potter now, so I don't know if I can still call you Mum."

She hugged him back. "Always."

Harry let go of her. "You remember Sirius."

"On two legs today," she commented.

"I'm Harry's guardian now." Sirius smiled. He still didn't rate high on the sanity because he whinged that he killed James and Lily due to letting Peter be Secret-Keeper. He claimed he didn't deserve to sit on the sofa or eat at the table.

"Will you be staying with Sirius this summer?" asked Mrs. Quirrell.

"I can stay with you until Sirius and Remus fix up their house," said Harry.

"You had him for Christmas," said Sirius.

"Mum, next year, I'm taking Care of Magical Creatures and Divination," said Harry. "Seeing that Quirinus took Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, I will be covering new ground. I'm looking forward to all my classes, even Potions."

"Mr. Black, you're Harry's guardian. I wouldn't think of imposing," said Mrs. Quirrell.

"He can stay with you," said Sirius. "My mum died while I was in prison. I have an estate to handle and I see Harry all year."

"I feel so wanted." Harry gave Sirius his best pout.

"I want you to stay with us," said Sirius. "It just that there is all this dust and you have your health problems. Remus and I will be cleaning the place, having contractors in. Mrs. Quirrell has a nice house and can use the company."

"Harry, you always have a home with me," said Mrs. Quirrell. "Let's not stand in the foyer. You boys could use some tea."

"Mum, you can call me Quirinus. I never had a mother before I met you. I don't remember being your son, but I feel it in here." Harry pointed to his heart. "Sirius was appointed Harry's godfather, so he is responsible for guiding Harry's soul, but, Mum, you gave birth to my body. You always will be part of my life."

Mrs. Quirrell led them to the kitchen. "Quirinus, we should talk about your father."

Sirius sat at the table. After taking his own chair, Harry looked at Sirius in the eye. His fathomless blue eyes like a cloudless sky gave out nothing. Hopefully, Sirius would have one of his saner moments. Mrs. Quirrell didn't take anything thing less than proper table manners at her table.

"He's a Death Eater." Harry didn't want to assume, but the clues were there.

Mrs. Quirrell started the kettle. "Yes, he's in prison, a foreign prison, not Azkaban."


After a morning of classes, Harry sat in Potions beside Parvati Patil. While the other students were getting seated, Severus said, "Mr. Quirrell, I received the owl from Dumbledore that you are to attend my class. However, since you received Outstanding on your Potions' N.E.W.T., I will not be testing you."

Harry stared at the greasy-haired professor.

"Dumbledore wants you to attend my class, so be it. Please, limit how much you assist my students. Longbottom gets enough assistance from Miss Granger," said Severus. "That said, it's your cauldron and your ingredients. Let's get started with today's lesson."

Harry opened his book and got started. The text seemed familiar, and as he prepared his ingredients, it was like his eyes, his hands and his fingers knew they had made this potion before. While he watched his potion simmer, he kept himself from assisting Neville. He didn't want to cause trouble his first day.

After Harry's first full day of attending class, Dumbledore meet Harry at the Gyffindor common room. "How are you getting on?" asked the old man.

"Good," said Harry. "I'm remembering to call my professors by their last names. Remus says he's my godfather-in-law, so I can call him Remus outside class. Quirrell must have slept through history like everyone else. Binns didn't give me that deja vu feeling."

"Good, good, good." Dumbledore's eyes had that twinkle. "Would you like to teach after you get your N.E.W.T's?"

Harry laughed. "Kettleburn will have kittens if you don't find a permanent instructor by then. My N.E.W.T's are five years away. Ask me then. You may not have any openings."

"Positions open all the time," said Dumbledore.

"Sir, talk to me then." Harry walked over to Ron and sat down. "Would you like to play draughts?"

"Sure, everyone asks me to play chess all the time," said Ron. "It is so last year."

Harry smiled. At the end of last year, Ron nearly died beating McGonagall's giant chess set. Ron told him how Dumbledore awarded Gryffindor fifty points. Harry wouldn't ask to play chess against Ron. However, if Ron offered, that was another story.

"We can play Backgammon next?" said Harry.

The End

Author's Note: The story isn't over. Harry is just a second year and Sirius is still adjusting to life as a free man. I'm working on a sequel. RL is getting me down right now. Encouragement is welcome at this moment. Thank you.