Haruka was the first to wake up, finding Michiru sleeping safe and sound next to her. She looked at the beautiful woman and smiled. But as she lied there she started wondering. What now? Was it just a thing of the moment? What if Michiru would regret it or the least say they should remain just friends? The blonde bit her lower lip. That was something she couldn't handle. Not now. She wanted more of her, she wanted her back in her daily life, but not just as a friend. Haruka jumped of the bed, got dressed and decided to sky to clear her mind.

And this is why Michiru woke alone in the bed. At first she hoped to find Haruka in the shower. And then, at least down in the main room. But the blonde was nowhere. Michiru sighted feeling her soul toss in pain. She had been probably just another night affaire like so many other women in Haruka's life. She also left the cottage, needing some time to cry out her pain.

When Haruka returned, she found Lita cooking with Mina, Setsuna and Hotaru decorating the room, Darien and Amy reading, while Rei and Bunny fooled around. Michiru was nowhere.

"That smells nice" the blonde said as she entered. "Listen, I…had an emergency. I have to return to …to Tokyo tonight.

"What? You as well? Michiru just left!" Bunny cried out.

"She did?" Haruka said disappointed.

"Yes, she took the early flight back home. Come on Haruka…" Bunny begged.

"It's better for me to go".

"I really thought we would spend this Christmas together…" Hotaru said disappointed.

"I am sorry, I promise I will make it up to you. For New Year's Eve…you will all come to my place! Deal?"

Haruka had bought her ticket and only needed to go through security control. She had another hour to wait and looked at her flight schedule. A little kid crossed her way, dropping a plush toy.

"There you go" Haruka said picking it up. She stared at it…it was a white dove. "So much for the good charm" she whispered as she handed the toy to the kid.

"Thank you, Miss. You look too sad for Christmas Eve. I am waiting for my father. Where are you going?" the girl asked.

Her hair was black and she recalled Haruka of Hotaru as a child.


"You should only go where your loved ones are" the girl smiled and ran off to her mother.

"Right…" Haruka sighted and resumed looking at the schedule.

But as she searched for her flight, the flights changed under her eyes. All boarding flights got suddenly delayed.

"Ladies and Gentleman we are delaying all flights due to a major snow storm coming this way. We apologize for the inconvenience" the voice of a woman announced.

"Oh, great…" Haruka growled and went to sit down.

Michiru sighted. Her first flight in the morning got canceled and this one delayed. She turned to leave the airport and find a room for the night when she bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I got distracted" she said and looked up directly into Haruka's eyes.

"You here? They said you left" Haruka said in a rather cold tone, but her heart made loop of joy. She tried calming it and talking some sense into herself.

"My morning flight got canceled and this delayed. You are leaving as well…why doesn't it surprise me?"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing…I spoke without thinking" she sighted again.

The two stared at each other, cold and emotionless. But then they both recalled the former night and a smile appeared in the corner of their lip.

"Stupid place to spend Christmas Eve, isn't it?" Haruka asked.

"Yes, especially as last night felt to me like the best gift I could ever receive" Michiru whispered so silently that Haruka thought she had heard wrong.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I…look Haruka, I can't play this game anymore. I am desperately in love with you. I left in the first place, years ago because I couldn't stand having you only as a friend by my side. And now…when I finally get hope that you might feel something for me, I wake up alone in the room. I can't do this…"

"Feel something for you?" Haruka laughed.

"As I imagined" Michiru turned on her heels and walked away as fast as she could.

"Michiru!" Haruka called loud after her.

But she was almost running, which meant she was fast.

Haruka ran after her and caught up with her outside the airport.

"For crying out loud, wait!" she said grabbing the woman by her wrist.

"Just let it be!" Michiru objected, pulling her hand away.

Haruka grabbed the woman, pushing her to the wall, blocking her from running away again.

"You will now listen to me and stop running away from me! Are you crazy? How could you think I could feel something for you?" she stared into Michiru's wet eyes. "Something? I feel…not something, but everything for you. I am not only desperately in love with you, I am madly in love with you. And that for…a lifetime. I am sure I loved you in my former life and I am sure I will love you in the one to come! I left this morning because I was afraid you would retreat. I didn't want to leave the resort, but only make a big scene so I could soften you!"

Michiru smirked.

"And I wasn't there to beg you to stay…"

"No, you weren't. You had ran away…as I…did" she whispered. "Michiru…move in with me Or I will move in with you, wherever in the world. And I want to share the same bedroom with you, the same life, I want you as my lover. For good".

"There is nothing I could wish more right now…"

"Yes, there is…something else that I wish for right now…"Haruka smiled.

"And that is?"

"For you to kiss me" she took the woman by her waist, lowering her head, devouring Michiru's lips.

No wind and no storm could make the heat of their body drop lower. And when Bunny heard a knock coming from the door, right in the middle of the Christmas dinner, she opened surprised.

"Do you have any seats left for two lovebirds" Haruka grinned.

Bunny wasn't the only one jumping to embrace them.

Well, this is it! Thank you for reading and have a happy holiday and why not a little bit of a miracle in your life.