First of all... if you take offense to being called a fangirl, I am teh sowwy. But I consider myself a fangirl, and the way I use it, it's not a bad thing. It just means you're totally, unconditionally, irrevocably in love with a fictional character. And that's not so bad. :D

Second, this is a little companion to my other story "Roses Are Red." (I'm creative, I know...) However, little twist. These poems are from us to the TF characters. So when you review, I ask you to add to my cooking pot: tell me a few of your favorite things about the next character. I'll incorporate most or all of them into the poem if I can. I want this to REALLY be a tribute to them.

Blurr is first, since he was first in the other one. I'm thinking I'll go in the same order I did on the other one, just to keep things from being confusing. And to ensure that I don't misplace my sanity.

So these are all the things I personally love about Blurr, and I hope you like them too.

NEXT CHARACTER IS GOING TO BE TFP STARSCREAM. (I know I'm getting SO many messages about his heels... and legs... and ass...)

So, review and let me know what you like best about him. And for now, enjoy zee Blurr! :)

TO: Blurr (TFA)

FROM: (the Fangirls)

Hey there, Blurr, I just wanted to say

That you light my life and make my day!

It doesn't matter if I'm sad, or mad, or depressed

You always cheer me up, because you're the best

You're faster than fast, and your alt mode is hot

If I had to pick my true love, you'd be my bot

When I first saw you, you just caught my eye

Whether you're making me laugh, scoff, or cry

I'll admit that listening to you talk isn't easy

It's not easy-peasy or lemon or squeezy

Come to think of it, all that makes my heart sing

You must be so skilled to do all of those things

I really love your smile, and when push comes to shove

I feel safe - you'd do anything for the ones that you love

To describe you, I'd use some words just like these:

Fast, brave, and strong, to bring the 'Cons to their knees

Just one more thing that you can trust to be true-

I'll love you whether violets are red, white, or blue.

Love, the Fangirls

MWAHAHA fear my cheesiness.

So! Don't forget to review, and I hope you liked Blurr.

Thankies for reading! ^^