Take Me Away

Chapter 1:

Annabeth's POV:

It was a chilly day, as I stood at the bus stop in New York with my best friend Thailia. Shivering I looked myself over, grey pullover hoody, black jeggings, and black Uggs. My honey colored hair was down to protect my neck from most of the cold. Finally the bus pulled up and me and the bslck haired, blue eyed, Thailia rushed into its warm clutches.

"Really Thal's? All black?" I muttered as I plopped next to my best friend.

"Yes Annie," she replied using my much hated nickname "all black."

"It's not like you did any better." she said pointing to my dark outfit.

"Hey! At least I have a little grey and not JUST black!" I exclaimed, defending my outfit. Thailia chuckled at my protest and muttered

"Annie, you and your pride."

Glaring at her I pulled out my iPod and shuffled my 'The Black Parade' album by 'My Chemical Romance'.

Mama we all go to hell.

Mama we all go to hell.

I'm writing this letter,

Wishing you well.

Mama we all go to hell.

These lyrics flowed through me causing me to shiver. I ended up falling asleep, but woke up to Teenagers just as the warm bus was dispensing passangers into the freezing tempatures outside.

"Tomarrow, I'm buying a warmer coat" I muttered to no one as a gust of freezing wind slapped me in the face.

Percy's POV:

"Bye mom" I said, black hair falling into my sea green eyes, as I hugged my mom.

"Bye Percy, I love you" she said returning my embrace. As soon as I walked out of the apartment building in Yokosuka, Japan, I was met with a slap of cold wind right in my face as I walked to my on base high school.

"Why did dad need to join the navy again?" mumbled to myself, unhappy about the bilit my dad chose because it would be 'neat' and 'a cool expireience'

Not that I don't love Japan, but right now I'm damning its weather to hell.

As soon as I got into the warm clutches of the school I got to my locker and stuffed my backpack and coat in, and jogged to my best buds Grover Underwood, who has red hair with a wispy goatie plus a limp, and Charles Beckendorf (he goes by Beckendorf) who has cocoa skin and brown eyes and a muscular body. I checked my watch and whistled, 20 minitues 'till first period. Damn I got here early…..

"'Sup Percy" Beckendorf said with a grin.

"Hey man"

"Hi Percy" Grover greeted as I gave him a man hug.

Annabeths POV:

After a long day of boring teachers blabbing and talking, with that bored drone all the time, I finally made it home. I had finished a pot of green tea, just as Thailia came home. You see Thal's is my roommate/adopted sister (but I just think of her as the best friend that never leaves you house), one day my parents came home with her coughing and cold. The poor thing doesn't remember a thing about her past life except her name, and we have no way of restoring it because we didn't know where she was from, who she knew, so we couldn't take her to familiar things… So we just adopted her and we became best friends!

"Hey, can I have some of that" she asked me, pointing to the warm cup in my hand.

"Sure, pots right there" I replied

"Thanks… Annie" she said with a smirk, pouring her cup and adding honey.

I glared at her with my stormy grey eyes.

"You know I hate I when you call me that" I growled.

"Yep! That's why I use it" she said cheerfully knowing that she and successfully annoyed me for the 5th time today.

"Hey, girls" my mom Athena greeted as she walked into the kitchen. " Is that tea, yum" she said pouring herself a cup.

"Yep, green tea"

Smiling she half jogged up to her office with her 10th cup of tea, probobly happy that she didn't have to make a new pot.

"mmmmmm" my twin brother and I moaned as I put some more dinner on our plates.

"Glad you like it" my mom said with a smirk.

"Dad, you've been awful quiet tonight" I said through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"Oh uh everyone, um I have an announcement to make" my dad said nervously standing up. "I got a job promotion today,… and it's in a navy base in …..Japan."