
It was a dark and stormy night. No, literally. It was. Lightning flashed, and the clouds caved in, letting rain pour in from the skys above.

"Damn it!" a brown haired girl rustled around, trying to find her umbrella. "Where's my umbrella when I need it?"

"Tenten? Is that you?" someone called out in the distance. Tenten ignored the masculine voice and kept on searching. "Did you forget your umbrella again?" the 'voice' sighed out, getting closer.

"SHUT UP! It's not like I forget it all the time," Tenten snapped. Her brown hair pulled up into two Chinese-style buns were already soaked, and her clothes were plastered to her skinny body. "Don't you have some weird Hyuuga style jutsu that can magically repel the rain or something? If only Sasuke could use his fire jutsus right now."

The man's forehead creased in displeasure. "Sasuke? Should you be talking about a traitor?"

"Hm, jealous, Neji?" Tenten teased, poking Neji on the forehead.

Neji sighed again, saying tiredly, "Shouldn't I be? I'm your lover, aren't I?" He looked through his bag while carrying his black umbrella with the other hand. "Sorry, I didn't bring an extra. I should've known you would've forgotten it."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Tenten huffed. "Fine, I'll just share then. She stepped under Neji's umbrella, and shivered, shaking droplets of rain from her wet hair.

Neji gently wrapped an arm around her, both succeeding in making him wet, and warming her up.

Unbeknownst to Tenten, a tiny rosy blush tinted Neji's face. He was glad no one could see it in the dark and gloomy night air. "C'mon. Let's get home. You're going to get a cold." Spoken too soon.

Tenten sneezed, nose red with the beginnings of a cold. "Aww...Neji's worried for me. That's so sweet."

"You don't know what you're saying," Neji's blush increased as they walked back home.

"Aren't you going to stay tonight?" Tenten asked stuffily. "Your not going to go to work again, are you?"

Neji pondered this decision. It was true, most nights he would return late because of work and other complications, but tonight was special. Besides, Tenten was sick, and he was almost home anyways. His work as an advisor to the Hokage was taken very seriously.

"Yeah, sure. I'll stay. I'm sure Lady Hokage won't mind if I miss out today. After all, there aren't any important meetings or anything," Neji acquiesced, nodding his head gruffly.

"Yay!" Tenten cheered, drawing closer to Neji. They were the only ones left on the streets, because no one in their right mind except Tenten and Neji would go out in a huge storm.

Together, they walked home in the pouring rain.